Stay-at-home-moms 2/9-2/15



  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Afternoon!!

    Well I had a dinner planned out with my calories and everything, but man I am having a hard time. First of all I have a cold or sinus going on so I am exhausted and can't breathe. I did my workout anyways!!!:bigsmile: Anyways back to dinner, it's been raining all day and it's dark and dreary. So that makes me want to make something warm and potato soup. Not sure how many calories are my recipe so now I don't know what to do. I tried , but I don't know how much I put in of stuff, just kind of throw it together. So do I make my soup or make what I had organially planned?? Thinking soup, but not sure.

    Hope everyone is having a great a day.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    is there a certain way for me to join this group? or do i just find the thread and read/comment? I am also a sahm--37 y.o., 3kids (girl-8, girl 4.5, boy 2). I'm just getting back into diet/exercise--making the commitment to be thinner, stronger, more flexible, lighter, etc. And it seems sahm's face some similar challenges. anyway, can i join?

    Well, first you must guess the secret pass word...THEN there's a riddle to figure out and we finish it with an obstacle course. :wink: hehehe I couldn't resist. Welcome to the group! These women are great!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Afternoon!!

    Well I had a dinner planned out with my calories and everything, but man I am having a hard time. First of all I have a cold or sinus going on so I am exhausted and can't breathe. I did my workout anyways!!!:bigsmile: Anyways back to dinner, it's been raining all day and it's dark and dreary. So that makes me want to make something warm and potato soup. Not sure how many calories are my recipe so now I don't know what to do. I tried , but I don't know how much I put in of stuff, just kind of throw it together. So do I make my soup or make what I had organially planned?? Thinking soup, but not sure.

    Hope everyone is having a great a day.

    There's another calorie count thing. I'm a throw it all together girl myself. What I do is make the meal & while it is cooking, I go there & put in what I did (or estimate pretty close) then I can see how much I can have of what I made. if I don't like the outcome, I just have a smaller portion and fill myself up with veggies, fruit, etc...

    Potato soup sounds good!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ohh my goodness ladies..Its 1:15 am in the morning...I am in soooooooo much pain....:cry::cry: :cry: :cry:

    Oh, Dana! I'm so sorry! What a horrible situation. When do you get the results from the biopsy? The reason that you aren't supposed to soak in a tub is b/c the water can get to the biopsied area & can cause infection. I kow it is comfortable in there, but try not to soak too long! *hugs* I hope you are feeling better today!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well, I think this is the right thread for me to keep up with, assuming I stick with this site and I think I will. I just found myfitnesspal and I like it so far.
    To introduce myself a lil bit, I'm a 26 yr old married SAHM of 3 yr old daughter and nearly 5 yr old son. I don't remember EVER being thin but from around summer of 2007 - last summer I hit a high of about 195 lbs. I've been working my way slowly down since about last June. At first, the weight loss was a side effect of a med I"m on but then about August, I started trying and I'm down to 160 and I'm stuck.

    So, where do I go from here??? I've been at or just a hair above 160 for about 3 wks now. Any pointers???

    You *might* be at a plateau. How long have you been stuck at 160? Days? Weeks? Months?
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Hi Moms sorry I havent been on too much lately Calis been sick and just got my new pc and trying to figure out how to use the vista! Fun!! ARGH !!

    I am going to have to go back and read all the posts.

    Welcome and Hello to all the new Mommies!

    OMG I am sore today I bought TBL2 workout video and today my thighs calfs and buns are KILLING oh my hopefully this is what I needed to kick things up and start losing and toning!

    Recently my Mommy has been diagonsed with Hypoglycemia is there anyone that knows or has it ? We are having a hard time understanding all the information. She for some reason is losing weight she doesnt need to cause she is too skinny I think anyways.

    Well ladies have a wonderful evening!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Now I can see how it is that i weigh 7 lbs more this year than last year. and why i can't really shed the pounds. now that i have to record my food, i can see how many calories i've been taking in. wow! way more than i was supposed to! yesterday was my first day of eating conscientiously and that was even 500 cal over limit (incl extra cal added for exercise). today i'm much more in line. but i'm crabby b/c i want more junk food. y'know, i thought i was above that. that food didn't control my life that much. boy, what a wake up call mfp has been!
    one of my weaknesses is sugar/fat carbs (cookies, graham cracker crusts, cereal, cookies). i would often bake cookies for my kids, doing it to show my love for them, create those sensory memories. but the # of cookies i would eat is obscene. i never really admitted that to myself. i figured the cookies etc would just add a little, but with this website i see how much i was sabotaging my weight loss "efforts". i finally really get it.
    so thanks all for listening--for letting me organize my thoughts and learn.
    and yes, i know there are other things to do with my kids to show love. now i just have to do them!:laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    and thanks for letting me join in--secret password and all!:smile:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    and thanks for letting me join in--secret password and all!:smile:

    Oh oh oh we have another one with a sense of humor...kind like that one Marla chick that stops in here every once in a while and says "hi-bye" :heart: :heart:

    Oh we love the newbies the oldies the in betweens.

    I'm having a minor issue.....I'm not eating all my calories!!! I know you are all thinking "big problem" but for me, a breast feeding mom, it's a major issue. I try really hard to eat AT LEAST 1800 a day regardless of my exercise cals but lately I cant seem to even get to 1200. This is not good, especially since I'm "earning" an additional 500-700 exercise cals each day. I should be eating at least 2000 on a "normal" day and I'm having a hard time getting to 1200. Granted this is a NEW problem, cuz usually I'm hitting that 2000 mark, but the last couple weeks I just cant get there. I'm NOT starving. If I'm hungry I eat, lately I've been "spoiling" myself with regular stuff rather than sugar free or low fat just so I can get more cals. Take today for example, I ate b-fast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. I've already put in dinner and I think I'm just BARELY over 1000 cals. I try to add a morning snack but I work out between b-fast and lunch so eating just doesn't fit in that time frame. Any suggestions? how do you eat when your not hungry????
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Trail mix. Nuts, raisins, m&ms:bigsmile: , cereal. It adds up quick & most of it is still healthy. Cheese & crackers (sharp cheddar & rosemary/olive oil triscuits to be exact. Mmmm....). Have a glass of milk. I've always heard that dark beer is good for breastmilk, but I've never tried it b/c beer makes me :sick: Maybe eat at more times throughout the day. Don't eat a real "meal" until dinner. I do that sometimes when I have a lot of calories to eat up.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    and thanks for letting me join in--secret password and all!:smile:

    Oh oh oh we have another one with a sense of humor...kind like that one Marla chick that stops in here every once in a while and says "hi-bye" :heart: :heart:

    Oh we love the newbies the oldies the in betweens.

    I'm having a minor issue.....I'm not eating all my calories!!! I know you are all thinking "big problem" but for me, a breast feeding mom, it's a major issue. I try really hard to eat AT LEAST 1800 a day regardless of my exercise cals but lately I cant seem to even get to 1200. This is not good, especially since I'm "earning" an additional 500-700 exercise cals each day. I should be eating at least 2000 on a "normal" day and I'm having a hard time getting to 1200. Granted this is a NEW problem, cuz usually I'm hitting that 2000 mark, but the last couple weeks I just cant get there. I'm NOT starving. If I'm hungry I eat, lately I've been "spoiling" myself with regular stuff rather than sugar free or low fat just so I can get more cals. Take today for example, I ate b-fast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. I've already put in dinner and I think I'm just BARELY over 1000 cals. I try to add a morning snack but I work out between b-fast and lunch so eating just doesn't fit in that time frame. Any suggestions? how do you eat when your not hungry????

    You calling me an oldie, punk? :wink:
  • farmgirlh
    Hello Mommies~ Well my son decided to share his virus and so now I am sick too..BOO!! I took this morning off I just didn't have the energy to go out and get my workout in but I am going to try to do a light workout tomorrow morning. Wish me luck. One good thing about being sick is I have little appetite all at.

    I hope everyone else is having a good week.

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    and thanks for letting me join in--secret password and all!:smile:

    Oh oh oh we have another one with a sense of humor...kind like that one Marla chick that stops in here every once in a while and says "hi-bye" :heart: :heart:

    Oh we love the newbies the oldies the in betweens.

    I'm having a minor issue.....I'm not eating all my calories!!! I know you are all thinking "big problem" but for me, a breast feeding mom, it's a major issue. I try really hard to eat AT LEAST 1800 a day regardless of my exercise cals but lately I cant seem to even get to 1200. This is not good, especially since I'm "earning" an additional 500-700 exercise cals each day. I should be eating at least 2000 on a "normal" day and I'm having a hard time getting to 1200. Granted this is a NEW problem, cuz usually I'm hitting that 2000 mark, but the last couple weeks I just cant get there. I'm NOT starving. If I'm hungry I eat, lately I've been "spoiling" myself with regular stuff rather than sugar free or low fat just so I can get more cals. Take today for example, I ate b-fast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. I've already put in dinner and I think I'm just BARELY over 1000 cals. I try to add a morning snack but I work out between b-fast and lunch so eating just doesn't fit in that time frame. Any suggestions? how do you eat when your not hungry????

    You calling me an oldie, punk? :wink:

    Oldie to the thread/website....not oldie as in age! HAHAHA We all know you are a kid at heart!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hello Mommies~ Well my son decided to share his virus and so now I am sick too..BOO!! I took this morning off I just didn't have the energy to go out and get my workout in but I am going to try to do a light workout tomorrow morning. Wish me luck. One good thing about being sick is I have little appetite all at.

    I hope everyone else is having a good week.


    My family is walking around with green snot monsters right now so I'm lysoling everything in my vacinity. Do you think it would be overboard to wear a surgical mask & gloves all day long? I don't wanna be sick! :sad: I hope you are feeling better quickly!
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hey Mommies...
    I think I have lost my will power...I'm eating very bad things that are not supposed even be in my Like lil debbie snack cakes n not the 100 calorie ones..Those things are so evil when ur in the store n u feel like giving up..They were calling me "take me home I can make you feel better"....:laugh: I know I'm a nutt, but you all have to understand I have to find humor somewhere...
    Today I feel a little better, I just wish the nasty stuff would stop..Who ever said "ohh it dont hurt n wont bleed to long" (sorry TMI), is a flippin nutt... I do feel better today then I have been feeling..I wont get the results of my biopsy back for a week or two from Monday the 9th..I'm not wanting the results..I know its bad news cuz the doctor said "she could see a leasion all the way up into my uterus without even putting any dye on them to make them show up"..I dont want bad news no one ever does.. I'm so scared of what will happen next not having insurance and all with 3 kids n bein a single mother..Yeah I have a bf who is so AWESOME but he cant pay for everything I need..So I guess I'm not a single mom...Heck I dont know..I just need a vacation, I need to stop take a deep breathe and pray and keep praying...I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous break down, that sounds soooo bad..I'm just bout to break down..I cant take anymore bad news...I'm crying as I type this out..I feel like I have no one to listen no one who cares..I"M SO SICK of hearing "Cervical cancer is no big deal"..Well it is to me..I dont want to have to go through nething major..My kids need my full attention...They need thier mom to take care of them..Not for my son Josh,who is 9 asking me if I'm gonna die..Kids hear more then we think..I know I'm not going anywhere but to see his lil brown eyes with tears in them worrying about everything..It just breaks my heart:brokenheart: ..I'm sorry for bringing any of you down...I will cheer up soon I hope..Hope everyone has a great day n are doing well..Hope everyone gets over those green snot monsters..I hate them..I too bleach everything in the house...Door knobs,phone, light switches, the kitchen just everything in my house..Some ppl say I'm nutts but everyone in my house has been sick but me..Probably cuz I use bleach soooo much n sanitize my hands all the time..I'm bad about Hope you all have a great day..:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    and thanks for letting me join in--secret password and all!:smile:

    Oh oh oh we have another one with a sense of humor...kind like that one Marla chick that stops in here every once in a while and says "hi-bye" :heart: :heart:

    Oh we love the newbies the oldies the in betweens.

    I'm having a minor issue.....I'm not eating all my calories!!! I know you are all thinking "big problem" but for me, a breast feeding mom, it's a major issue. I try really hard to eat AT LEAST 1800 a day regardless of my exercise cals but lately I cant seem to even get to 1200. This is not good, especially since I'm "earning" an additional 500-700 exercise cals each day. I should be eating at least 2000 on a "normal" day and I'm having a hard time getting to 1200. Granted this is a NEW problem, cuz usually I'm hitting that 2000 mark, but the last couple weeks I just cant get there. I'm NOT starving. If I'm hungry I eat, lately I've been "spoiling" myself with regular stuff rather than sugar free or low fat just so I can get more cals. Take today for example, I ate b-fast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. I've already put in dinner and I think I'm just BARELY over 1000 cals. I try to add a morning snack but I work out between b-fast and lunch so eating just doesn't fit in that time frame. Any suggestions? how do you eat when your not hungry????

    You calling me an oldie, punk? :wink:

    Oldie to the thread/website....not oldie as in age! HAHAHA We all know you are a kid at heart!

    Oh, so now I'm immature? :laugh:

    Well, nyah-- sticks and stones-- :happy:
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    Hi Moms sorry I havent been on too much lately Calis been sick and just got my new pc and trying to figure out how to use the vista! Fun!! ARGH !!

    I am going to have to go back and read all the posts.

    Welcome and Hello to all the new Mommies!

    OMG I am sore today I bought TBL2 workout video and today my thighs calfs and buns are KILLING oh my hopefully this is what I needed to kick things up and start losing and toning!

    Recently my Mommy has been diagonsed with Hypoglycemia is there anyone that knows or has it ? We are having a hard time understanding all the information. She for some reason is losing weight she doesnt need to cause she is too skinny I think anyways.

    Well ladies have a wonderful evening!!Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. She doesn't have enough sugar to fuel her body hence the weight loss. She will have to be carefull and have sugar packets and stuff on hand for when it gets really low. Whatch for lethargy, dizzy spells, fainting, loss of motor contol, and such. Those are all signs her sugars are too low.. Sugar pakets or pills can be found in the diebetic section of most or all drug stores. Her diet will have to consist higher carbs and sugars to keep up to normal. Will she be doin blood sugar tests? It would be a good idea until she figures out her sugar levels and if possible se a nutritionist. That way she will be able to eat the right foods and keep her sugars up.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'm so sorry I forgot to reply to this! *smacks forehead* I hope your mom does find a nutritionist to help her adjust. A good diet will help out a LOT. When I worked in the hospital & peoples' blood sugar would get low, the standard thing we did was pack of crackers, juice box. Might be good to keep those in the car with her. I hope she finds the help she needs!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    HI moms! i lost 1 1/2 lbs this week and am sooooo close to 25 lbs lost:smile: hopefully i'll be able to keep it off for the next couple of weeks. my hubby is away for 12 days for a store opening in nh. 12 days alone with the kids:grumble: at least it's good timing, with next week being feb vacation, i'm taking the kids to mass. visit family. (although a 3 hour car ride with 5 and 2 year old can be a little less than fun) the food at my parents' house is not ideal for sticking to my calories, but i'm bringing my scale, food scale, and hrm with me (not to mention some weight control oatmeal). hopefully we'll have some good weather so i can get in some walking. have a good day everyone! :happy:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I'm so sorry you are going thru this. The physical and mental pain are clearly enormous. Big big hugs and prayers for an easy way thur this process--and of course, for a great prognosis and recovery.

    as far as $ for procedures--you can talk to the financial office at the hospital. you can work out payments or other matters. same goes for the dr's offices. ideally, they get all their money, but they can do write offs. also, some money is better than zero money. also, ask if there is a "cash" discount. and finally, thruout the financial process always ask, politely, "Is that the best you can do?" Acc. to a new book on the market (see glen beck for book title), that little phrase can work wonders in all sorts of situations (inc. a $20,000 reduction in a family's hospital bills.
    hope this info helps. and remember--we're all rooting for you.:smooched: