Aim:5lb down for xmas



  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Megcalvert and Beeps2011.

    I didnt manage to get to the computer yesterday but did Tracey Anderson Mat DVD in the morning (before work) and walked for 40 mins after work.

    I have done the same this morning and will walk/jog for 60 mins tonight with the dogs.

    Beeps - what weight training are you doing? I have just started Kettlebells (not sure if you class that as weight training) and enjoying it.

    I bought some new jeans and playsuit at the weekend - both in UK 12 - would never have fit a year ago. Hopefully I can drop a few more pounds and maintain it. x
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    helenmelon - I WISH that I could find a group class that was devoted to kettlebells. I have heard NOTHING but excellent things about using them! Alas, I squish my work-outs into my lunch-hour and there aren't ANY group classes at my gym during that time. So, with my husband's help, we modified the "body for life" routines and I am alternating between upper-body weigh work-outs and lower-body weight work-outs. Mostly with free weights, but I do use machines for the leg part of the work-out (and for my triceps, too!). I am only in week 2 - and the "body for life" program is a 12-week-program. (Although I intend to carry it forward for longer than 12 weeks - it DOES feel good watching the weights increase and KNOW that I'm getting stronger, even if my physique isn't quite showing "it", yet...)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Beeps - sounds like a plan, I could prob fit in 20 mins each lunchtime (I get an hour and it takes me 5 mins to walk home), but I tend to just tidy round prepare supper etc.

    Ive only just started Kettlebells and love it. Its a 50 min class with about 30 people in it. (Think she runs 3 x week), I just go to the one for now.

    Does anyone else do many fitness DVD's? Can you recommend any? For years Ive have a Davina one but never felt it made a difference/was worth doing. This year I have bought quite a lot and loving them, so it means Im not spending too much at the gym/on classes.

    This morning I have done Jillian Michaels BFBM for 30 mins (warm up, 4 sets and cool down). Tonight Im going swimming - aim for half a mile (32 lengths) in 35 mins and might do the other 3 sets of Jillian BFBM.

    Helen x
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Well done HM29, you had a productive morning!!! I have stiff calves today so I am likely to take it slow today.

    What dvds did you buy and also what is your plan as regards them and The Shred?

    How many times a week are you going to do 30DS?

  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    The only dvd I've ever done is 30DS, which I liked, but I had to mute her because she drove me a little bit insane...but now my housemate has been made redundant and is ALWAYS in the house I can't do that anymore (I used to love having the house to myself)...
    So now I stick to boxercise (mons and thurs), zumba (wed) and the other days I either rest or go for a I don't have a car at uni so I have to cycle everywhere...but means my legs are always sore!

    I ache so much today!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    double post
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    double post
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    double post
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Ive got Jillian Micheals 30DS, 6 week 6 pack, Boost matabolism and banish fat. Also got Tracey Anderson Matt workout and Ive just ordered her cadio one.

    I did 30DS before summer about 4/5 times per week with walking dogs etc as well.

    Now I just do something each day, depending on how I feel. Havent done 30DS in a few weeks. Only do that one now if I have less time and about 15 mins shorter than the others.

    Are you stiff from 30DS? x
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    No I'm stiff from zumba and cycling...and also pretty bruised from falling off my bike last night....owies!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    No I'm stiff from zumba and cycling...and also pretty bruised from falling off my bike last night....owies!

    Oh no how did you manage that? Hope you and the bike are ok. At uni I used to go to step class all the time and just walked everywhere.x
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I might be stiff from 30DS, my calves are aching!!! I've avoiding the gym today and done some alfresco walking/ running, mostly though because I was on a hand-delivery at work!!!

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I might be stiff from 30DS, my calves are aching!!! I've avoiding the gym today and done some alfresco walking/ running, mostly though because I was on a hand-delivery at work!!!


    I sit on my bum all day n an office - so if you can get your exercise in while working - good job! I might jump up and down the stairs later lol x
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all. Week 1 cdompleted!

    Hows everyone done? I weigh exactly yhe same!!! Hoping this is my normal routine for 2/3 week sno loss and then 2/3lb loss. So i iwll keep going.

    Exercise has been good (2526 cals burnt) for me and more or less stayed near my calorie goal (except for sat - but spend all day walking/shopping pushing my friends baby in parm but didnt record anythng but prob burnt a couple of cals)

    I went for a deep tissue massage yest with hot stones - lved it, but feel quite bloated today - not sure if its to do with that? She said to drinkplenty of water so thats what Imon with today.

    Today Im walking the dogs and swimming. What you doing? xx
  • VinVenture
    I've lost about 1 lb! I've been hard at work with lifting weights, and I'm doing good on calorie goals. Problem is yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent, meaning I can start nomming Christmas candies, so I'll have to be strict against that.

    Today I'm doing lifting with the boys, who are both a lot stronger than me, which pushes me to perform harder. How have your weeks gone?
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    I was beginning to get discouraged after the holiday...I weighed in with a 2 pound weight gain on Saturday....But this morning I am back to what I weighed before the maybe it was water weight! I wanted to be at 130lbs before Thanksgiving, but I came in at 131.6, Today I am 131.8....My original goal was to be at 125 by Christmas...but it may be around 127! I will settle for that and be happy to see the 120's!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    No weight loss to report, it's still hovering around 178-180!!! I did day 6 of the shred this morning xx
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Will check in once I've weighed but I doubt there'll be a loss this week. Had to pull an all nighter with uni work and my body is shattered so is probably retaining water like crazy...that and TOM is just not going to help (I predict)...
    But I have been really good and I know I've been working hard and even with all the work I've not succumbed to snacking away, so this week is more of a mental victory...
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I did both Tracey Anderson mat and cadio last night (40 mins of each). Then made mushroom soup and red pepper and wensleydale soup for my lunches for the rest of the week.

    Tonight Im going to Kettelbells and will walk the dogs.

    Futureskinny - good work on the weightloss. Im bad for chocolates - once I start I want more!

    Meg - You are very close to 130 goal, so give it a couple of weeks and you will be in the 120's no bother.

    Lovedrinkingtea - How you finding 30day shred? Have you had a day off?

  • VinVenture
    I have NSV too, due today even. I would have fit back into a size 36 (small), with waist, hips and everything, if the, err, twins hadn't been in the way. It's still a bit of a tight squeeze, but everything but the top part fit nicely into a dress from high school. My family hasn't seen me since this summer either, Christmas is looking to be fun. :D

    For the rest of you, don't get discouraged. If you've worked your muscles really hard, they'll retain extra water until they're done repairing themselves/making you stronger.