"Facon" a BACON Substitute (Really!)



  • meaganh13
    meaganh13 Posts: 55 Member
    Holy Damn. THANK YOU for your suggestion! As a user of this site for a couple of years now, I looks forward to and have found success in the little hints and tips people like you give on this site! It must be getting cold or something out, cos it seems people will find any reason to flip out latley. What I don't understand is that these people who are arguing here purposely clicked on this link and decided to make it into something petty and childish.

    Please don't let all this negativity get you down or discourage you, I will DEFINITELY be trying your facon, and I look forward to hearing more tips from you! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for this - at least someone sees the value in trying to share little tips that they have!
  • meaganh13
    meaganh13 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi All,

    So for most, we've looked forward to Saturday morning breakfasts with our loved ones, you know, the whole deal: eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast... Or maybe sometimes we just crave a BLT - whatever your case, most of us are predispositioned to love the salty and fatty devil that's one of the first things to be cut from our diets when we take a serious look at losing weight and becoming healthier.

    Although I've tried 'breaking up' with bacon a long time ago, it always seems to be lurking in the background, making my mouth water for it's crispy goodness. I'm pleased to tell you that I've now found a new love, a substitute for bacon!

    A few years back I went on a real health kick and tried to eliminate EVERYTHING that was 'unhealthy'. I quickly found that this didn't work and left me spiraling out of control, and now I find myself 30lbs heavier than my starting weight back then. Not to be defeated again, I've learnt that sometimes we do need the treats - in moderation. Here's what I do to get my bacon fix (no more than 1-2 meals a week) - try this and you should be able to say bye bye to that EVIL bacon forever!

    1) go to your local supermarket and buy a package of cooked ham (the square pieces) - reduced sodium is even better!

    2) for one serving, take out two pieces, cut them into 4 strips each.

    3) fry them in a pan with a little bit of grapeseed oil (olive oil works alright too).

    4) once browned and slightly crispy, place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

    5) say hi to your new bacon substitute!

    This ham has very little fat and runs at about 60 calories for two square slices (8 pieces of "Facon")!!! Enjoy!

    Holy Damn. THANK YOU for your suggestion! As a user of this site for a couple of years now, I looks forward to and have found success in the little hints and tips people like you give on this site! It must be getting cold or something out, cos it seems people will find any reason to flip out latley. What I don't understand is that these people who are arguing here purposely clicked on this link and decided to make it into something petty and childish.

    Please don't let all this negativity get you down or discourage you, I will DEFINITELY be trying your facon, and I look forward to hearing more tips from you! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks for this - at least someone sees the value in trying to share little tips that they have!
  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    Holy Damn. THANK YOU for your suggestion! As a user of this site for a couple of years now, I looks forward to and have found success in the little hints and tips people like you give on this site! It must be getting cold or something out, cos it seems people will find any reason to flip out latley. What I don't understand is that these people who are arguing here purposely clicked on this link and decided to make it into something petty and childish.

    Please don't let all this negativity get you down or discourage you, I will DEFINITELY be trying your facon, and I look forward to hearing more tips from you! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for this - at least someone sees the value in trying to share little tips that they have!

    For sure! It's just too bad people are so freakin petty and wrapped up in their own little world that they feel it's right to start a debate on a thread that was simply a tip for those interested! Would've been nice if maybe they started there own little poo poo party thread somewhere else!
  • KarlDR
    KarlDR Posts: 55 Member
    I have been told that most "vegans" eat meat and eggs behind closed doors to obtain nourishment they are lacking, but out in the open they only eat plant material.

    I would love to meet the person who told you this. As they are apparently omnipotent, I could get next week's lottery numbers from them.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    Hi All,

    So for most, we've looked forward to Saturday morning breakfasts with our loved ones, you know, the whole deal: eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast... Or maybe sometimes we just crave a BLT - whatever your case, most of us are predispositioned to love the salty and fatty devil that's one of the first things to be cut from our diets when we take a serious look at losing weight and becoming healthier.

    Although I've tried 'breaking up' with bacon a long time ago, it always seems to be lurking in the background, making my mouth water for it's crispy goodness. I'm pleased to tell you that I've now found a new love, a substitute for bacon!

    A few years back I went on a real health kick and tried to eliminate EVERYTHING that was 'unhealthy'. I quickly found that this didn't work and left me spiraling out of control, and now I find myself 30lbs heavier than my starting weight back then. Not to be defeated again, I've learnt that sometimes we do need the treats - in moderation. Here's what I do to get my bacon fix (no more than 1-2 meals a week) - try this and you should be able to say bye bye to that EVIL bacon forever!

    1) go to your local supermarket and buy a package of cooked ham (the square pieces) - reduced sodium is even better!

    2) for one serving, take out two pieces, cut them into 4 strips each.

    3) fry them in a pan with a little bit of grapeseed oil (olive oil works alright too).

    4) once browned and slightly crispy, place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

    5) say hi to your new bacon substitute!

    This ham has very little fat and runs at about 60 calories for two square slices (8 pieces of "Facon")!!! Enjoy!

    Holy Damn. THANK YOU for your suggestion! As a user of this site for a couple of years now, I looks forward to and have found success in the little hints and tips people like you give on this site! It must be getting cold or something out, cos it seems people will find any reason to flip out latley. What I don't understand is that these people who are arguing here purposely clicked on this link and decided to make it into something petty and childish.

    Please don't let all this negativity get you down or discourage you, I will DEFINITELY be trying your facon, and I look forward to hearing more tips from you! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks for this - at least someone sees the value in trying to share little tips that they have!

    give a shot to the canadian bacon (round cut, no fat strips). It is much healthier, and not fried in oil. You will love it even more and it goes very well with many other things
  • CBranson0503
    Geez...who knew bacon was such a touchy subject. I'll be sticking to my bacon-flavored vodka.