While I was out with the BF this weekend ..



  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Your BF is definately a keeper. Good for you for using the incident to power your workout this morning! :happy: My dad and mom were about a year apart but Dad went grey and bald by thirty. One night when they are about 40-41 they were at a supper club with friends and sitting at the bar waiting for a table when some guy came up to my mom and asked her why she was with such an old guy. OMG! She nearly took the guys head off with the lash of her tongue!! I remember my dad talking about it the next morning. He loved it! She is one strong woman. At 80 she still looks about 65. I think most of us are so stunned when poeple cross the boundries of good taste that we freeze and don't quite know what to say esp. if it is against us. Lucky you for having a top notch BF.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    what an *kitten*!!!
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    WOW...just wow. When I was reading that I was thinking "Sounds like something a douchy midwesterner would say" so I looked...we're in the same city! I"m amazed at people's lack of boundaries. Also, I think you look fantastic--keep it up!! Like a lot of other people have said--use it to motivate you! (And be glad you don't have to hang out with that ahole.)
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    can't believe someone just randomly came up to you guys and said that...wtf?!
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    First of all you have a great BF for standing up for you and speaking from his heart. :)
    Second that other guy was just a horrible man...if thats what you want to call him.
    Keep up the great work and use him as much as you want for that kickboxing bag hahaha
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    ... someone approached him and asked, ver batim, "Why is a guy like you with a girl like her? You're so physically fit and she's, well, not."

    His reply? "First of all, its none of your damn business, but I'll tell you one good reason why: she's got a heart of gold. Now stop being so superficial, you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of lonliness." Then he grabbed my hand and we walked away.

    I have to admit, I was happy with his response. But I couldn't help but feel crushed. I'd never thought about it like that before. He's physically fit, I'm working on fat to fit. I'm just thankful that he's by my side through this journey, rooting for me and pushing me and standing up for me. He's a keeper. :)

    I must say, that guy sure was the driving force behind my workout this morning, and I definitely killed it. And I might have just pictured his face on the kickboxing bag during my circuits. *giggle*

    Wow .. Now THAT was just mean. Why in the world would anyone say something like that ... and to top it off .. so YOU could hear it? MEAN and shallow, I say! Your BF sounds like he is a keeper!