Turkey any off the wall ideas on how to cook this thing!?



  • Froggy1976
    Ive read that thres been many accidents that have happened when you try to deep fry a big o thing like a turkey!
    google turkey explosion thanksgiving:explode:

    Only if you overfill the oil or dunk the turkey too fast. Use common sense and all will be ok.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Barbecued! You need a kettle style barbecue (like a charcoal weber). Yum.

    My grandmother also cooked her turkeys "bust" side down.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Ive read that thres been many accidents that have happened when you try to deep fry a big o thing like a turkey!
    google turkey explosion thanksgiving:explode:

    Only if you overfill the oil or dunk the turkey too fast. Use common sense and all will be ok.

    How long does it take to fry one of these bad boys??
  • Froggy1976
    Ive read that thres been many accidents that have happened when you try to deep fry a big o thing like a turkey!
    google turkey explosion thanksgiving:explode:

    Only if you overfill the oil or dunk the turkey too fast. Use common sense and all will be ok.

    How long does it take to fry one of these bad boys??

    3-4 minutes per pound plus 15 minutes I think is the formula we always use.