Doing an assingment for school - Please Respond!



  • 1. Do you experience a lot of stress-producing thoughts when attempting to sleep, such as things to do or worrisome thoughts, that prevents you from falling asleep quicker?

    _x_Yes __No

    2. On an average night, how easy is it to fall asleep?

    __Pretty easy _x_ Not easy

    3. About how many hours of sleep do you get each night?

    _x_ Less than 8 __ 8 or more

    4. Quality sleep is defined by sleep that is uninterrupted (being able to fall asleep and stay asleep), and a sense of restfulness and general wellbeing upon waking. What would you say is your sleep on most nights?

    __ Good quality _x_ Poor quality

    5. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being not tired at all and 5 being exhausted, how tired are you when you wake up?

    1 2 3 4x 5

    6. Do you feel more relaxed and better able to cope with life’s stressors with 8+ hours of sleep?
    _x_Yes __No

    7. On an average day, on a scale of 1-5, 1 being no stress at all, and 5 being extremely high levels of stress, how much stress do you have?

    1 2 3 4x 5

    8. Do you think your cognitive and behavioral performance at your job/home/school is affected by the amount of sleep you get?
    _x_Yes __No
    9. Are you 18 years of age or older?
    _x_Yes __No
    10. Are you male or female?

    _x_Male __Female
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    1. Do you experience a lot of stress-producing thoughts when attempting to sleep, such as things to do or worrisome thoughts, that prevents you from falling asleep quicker?

    _X_Yes __No

    2. On an average night, how easy is it to fall asleep?

    _X_Pretty easy __ Not easy

    3. About how many hours of sleep do you get each night?

    _X_ Less than 8 __ 8 or more

    4. Quality sleep is defined by sleep that is uninterrupted (being able to fall asleep and stay asleep), and a sense of restfulness and general wellbeing upon waking. What would you say is your sleep on most nights?

    __ Good quality _X_ Poor quality

    5. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being not tired at all and 5 being exhausted, how tired are you when you wake up?

    1 2 (3) 4 5

    6. Do you feel more relaxed and better able to cope with life’s stressors with 8+ hours of sleep?
    _X_Yes __No

    7. On an average day, on a scale of 1-5, 1 being no stress at all, and 5 being extremely high levels of stress, how much stress do you have?

    1 2 (3) 4 5

    8. Do you think your cognitive and behavioral performance at your job/home/school is affected by the amount of sleep you get?
    _X!!!_Yes __No
    9. Are you 18 years of age or older?
    _X_Yes __No
    10. Are you male or female?

    __Male _X_Female