Ladies-How Did You Tone Your Butt & Thighs??



  • jernigan51
    Jillian Michaels and running made a HUGE difference for me!
  • Lekkie84
    I bought a road bicycle and hit the hills....
  • Xtina_Beba
    HIIT, Lunges, Squats, Butt Bridges & yoga
  • klynnwalker4
    Brazil Butt Lift!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Agreeing with the squats, overhead squats, dead lifts, lunges (with weighted plate overhead). Of course a clean diet, but you seem to have that down. And don't just do these things with body weight (not that that is bad - but seeing as you look in great shape, to take it to the next level I'd guess you need more) - push yourself to your limits with heavy weights. I'm currently working on getting up to my body weight in my back squat, and am trying to get 150% of my body weight in my dead lifts. Lift heavy, girly! Build muscle, muscle, muscle! You won't get bulky - you will get that tone looking butt and thighs you're after :)

    EDIT: PS - During my workouts with lifting I mix in things like sets of box jumps, rowing, burpees, or sprints or something to get my heart rate up while I lift
  • Ariel_Marie5
    My butt & thighs have never looked better than when I did varsity crew (many years ago). The erg (rowing machine) is a great cardio workout and, if you use **proper** form, can increase flexibility, strength and build lovely, lean muscles. The legs are the powerhouse of rowing, but a strong core (or building one) is crucial too--and of course, it also produces lovely arms/shoulders! I think you've got the other stuff covered though! We used to do thirty minute cycles of "stairs" during the winter season too, sprinting up 3 flights (if you can keep your feet flat you'll target calves too) and recovering 3 flights down.

    Anyway, here's a tutorial for using the erg:
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    Im having an issue toning up butt and thigh jiggle. I have 2 months before my husband comes home and i gotta get it done. I have a 6 pack and everything above my waist is toned-no love handles at all. I eat healthy. But I need to start running or doing something for lower body. Ideas??

    Sorry but there's no such thing as spot reduction, you can work those groups till they cramp but it won't make those bots smaller,
    You'll need to thrash the cardio to get overall loss and you're body will let it go from where it does you can't control it but when that does come off and those muscle exercises you've been slogging away on will come into play and display themselves. Also building your muscles helps burn more fat again playing on the overall reduction you're looking for.
    That's my understanding & sorry about the ramble I'm at the end of a long night shift & I desperately need to go to bed
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Squats, lunges, butt blasters. Hate leg days, love the results.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Squats, lunges, stairs, and also a bit of aquagym. I think running helps too. I do all of these and it's working but I'm not sure which is working best :)
  • gumigal82
    Just Killer Bun& HIIT workouts from my Turbo Fire have helped to slim them a lot (although I still have a jiggle/wiggle)
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Squat, lunge. run.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Sorry but there's no such thing as spot reduction, you can work those groups till they cramp but it won't make those bots smaller,

    Ah - yes. I agree, there is no such thing as spot reduction: you lose weight overall on your body - not targeted at a specific spot. I forgot to mention this in my previous post.

    However, the "toned" look that women often want is achieved by two things:
    1. Building up muscle
    2. Having a very low amount of fat covering the muscle so that it shows

    To steal an analogy from CrossFit SouthBay's Skinny Fat article, imagine your muscle to be either a cherry (small muscle), or an apple (bigger muscle). Now cover the fruit with either a wet paper towel (low body fat), a dish rag (moderate body fat) or a comforter (high body fat). The "toned" look is created by building up enough muscle (apple) and having a thin covering over it (wet paper towel). The wet paper towel over the cherry won't look very toned - you'll look like a runway model. Just building up the muscle (apple) isn't useful if you can't see it because it's covered with a comforter. (Read it here if I didn't explain it well:

    You just already looked very slender/low body fat so I forget to mention that you can't spot reduce body fat. I was wondering if your 'issue' at this point was simple a matter of building the muscle?
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Lunges, squats and hip raises will build muscle, and that will look good.
  • BenderFitness
    Lunges, squats, burpees, plies and jumps. :) Also, supermans, kick backs and leg lifts.

    I love leg workouts, lol.