I can't get rid of the blob!



  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Off topic..but I love your manatee ticker!

    Ha! Me too. A Veggie Tales song started playing in my head when I saw it.

    I am a big fan of the Manatee. They are big and beautiful :smile: They got the blob going on too :laugh:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Also, I guess you're naturally an 'apple' shaped body? (i.e. tend to gain weigh around the middle, thin arms and legs?). So enjoy and celebrate your good bits! :smile:

    I am pear, and I hate it so much.
    You cannot spot reduce. Just keep plugging along. Do you weight train? If not, consider it.

    I know you can't spot reduce, I was just wondering what some good exercises would be for it. I can only weight train when I get to the gym. I do do the 30day shred with Jillian, but it is not intense with weight as I can get with the gym. Any tips for weight lifting at the gym for this?

  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I hate to say this, but you have only lost 9 pounds. Most people can't see a substantial change until at least 20 pounds. Add to that the fact that the fat will not usually come off first where you would like it to come off. There were times in my weight loss where it would come off my face, or legs, but not my belly. Patience and perseverance is needed. When you get closer to you goal you will see more is gone.

    Rather than focus on what she has lost...wy not give input on specific exercises...that is what she's asking.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Also, I guess you're naturally an 'apple' shaped body? (i.e. tend to gain weigh around the middle, thin arms and legs?). So enjoy and celebrate your good bits! :smile:

    I am pear, and I hate it so much.
    You cannot spot reduce. Just keep plugging along. Do you weight train? If not, consider it.

    I know you can't spot reduce, I was just wondering what some good exercises would be for it. I can only weight train when I get to the gym. I do do the 30day shred with Jillian, but it is not intense with weight as I can get with the gym. Any tips for weight lifting at the gym for this?


  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I think the best ab exercises are planks and generally remembering to tighten your core as you do other exercises. I've started wearing a bright bracelet and when I see it, it reminds me to think about my posture and pull in my gut.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I hate to say this, but you have only lost 9 pounds. Most people can't see a substantial change until at least 20 pounds. Add to that the fact that the fat will not usually come off first where you would like it to come off. There were times in my weight loss where it would come off my face, or legs, but not my belly. Patience and perseverance is needed. When you get closer to you goal you will see more is gone.

    Rather than focus on what she has lost...wy not give input on specific exercises...that is what she's asking.

    Thank you so much for the support BigDaddy
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I think the best ab exercises are planks and generally remembering to tighten your core as you do other exercises. I've started wearing a bright bracelet and when I see it, it reminds me to think about my posture and pull in my gut.

    I have recently started doing planks, they are hella hard! But thanks for your word for this! I will try to do them more now! Thank you!
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    If you know you can't spot reduce then why are you looking for exercises to spot reduce? I'm confused.

    All I have to say is, it takes patience and discipline. For me, my stomach fat has been the last thing to disappear.

    In fact, in order of what I lost it went like this...fingers (yeah..I had fat fingers), face & chin, thighs and butt, lastly stomach. (I never had arm or back fat)

    Just stick with it, eat healthy, and do lots of cardio and weight training. You can get there but it may take some time.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member

    I thought I'd share this video it's pretty funny>>>


    Patience, persistence and consistency conquer all things!
    That is very good! :laugh:
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    If you know you can't spot reduce then why are you looking for exercises to spot reduce? I'm confused.

    I am not looking to spot reduce.
    I am just looking for exercises that can help with that area that I might be missing in my normal workouts. I do nearly two hours of workouts a day and I want a little more help on that section. That is all I want
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,234 Member
    I hate to say this, but you have only lost 9 pounds. Most people can't see a substantial change until at least 20 pounds. Add to that the fact that the fat will not usually come off first where you would like it to come off. There were times in my weight loss where it would come off my face, or legs, but not my belly. Patience and perseverance is needed. When you get closer to you goal you will see more is gone.

    Rather than focus on what she has lost...wy not give input on specific exercises...that is what she's asking.

    Firstly because a person cannot spot reduce. The king of all if a moderate calorie deficit, and the queen is getting active. The more active the better. You can do all the core exercises you want and not have a smaller belly.

    I was not trying to be negative, but to try to make the OP realize that at 9 pounds you will not see much of a difference. I didn't see much until 20 pounds, and even then is seemed pitifully small changes to me.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    If you know you can't spot reduce then why are you looking for exercises to spot reduce? I'm confused.

    I am not looking to spot reduce.
    I am just looking for exercises that can help with that area that I might be missing in my normal workouts. I do nearly two hours of workouts a day and I want a little more help on that section. That is all I want

    You're probably going to have to detail your workouts if you want suggestions on alternatives. Especially at 2 hours a day. That's ALOT
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    I got to same problem :(
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    Wow! 2 hours of workout a day? I don't do that. Well, I didn't mean to be negative earlier. Maybe there are core exercises that you could be doing that are more efficient than what you are currently doing. Can you give us details about your workouts so we can have a better idea of what's going on?
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    After some tears being shed I am taking what everyone said into consideration. I want to thank those who gave me some great tips in working out and those who are my friends and helping me out here. Helping me understand what I need to do, or what might help me out. It means a lot to me.

    I just wanted some help on this forum and I have let what people have said get to me and upset me greatly. I have cried over something I shouldn't have.

    If you have any more tips or workouts that you use to work on your trouble areas I will gladly take what you say into consideration.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I am trying to think of a way to allow you see what I am doing for my workout, but the only thing I can think about is my blogs. I can give you an idea of my sample blog that I do every day after workout:
    Day SIXTEEN of the 5 Week Workout!
    I took a small break now it is time for me to KICK *kitten* AND TAKE NAMES! I felt good getting back into working out, the sweat dripping into my face was fantastic! I love the burn and the glory of the workout. I wanted to sleep in but I told myself to get up and get it done and it will make me feel better! After my protein shake this morning I was ready and willing to kick some *kitten*! I am dripping in sweat! OMG! I could probably fill a few cups of sweat alone! My hair is just dripping, it is like I got out of the shower LOL, only icky feeling not cool refreshing in a shower.
    Anyways here is the break down on the workout!

    First workout: 30 Day Shred: Level 2. Planks did get easier! I didn’t mind it this time as much as I minded it in the past. I think it was more of a determination now though than it has been in the past. I want my body ripped and shredded and diced and whatever other violent manner it can have. I did push myself a lot harder this time to make up for my lacking of the past and I hope I really pulled it off! I need to get rid of this thing called my belly, it is not pretty and it needs to get to pretty! I have not sweated that much in a while! I loved it!
    Second workout: Dancercise: Belly Dance Workout: I am going deeper into this when I work out. I feel the deeper I go into the movement the stronger the workout I get. It is a really simple workout dvd but when it is paired with the below work out it really does a numbers on your abs and hips. It is nice. I don’t really like the instructor that much, she is just really quite and she actually messes up when saying the exercises lol. But other than that it is a good work out. Again, not one of my favorites, but it gets the job done!
    Third workout: Dancing With The Stars: Fat-Burning Cardio Dance: Mambo Mix: OI! This really makes my abs and hips hurt, in a good way. But I wish I had the coordination for it because it is really becoming fun and I actually hate this. I think it is the more that I do it the easier it becomes. I am still having issues in getting the turns down and I think that is because I am on carpet and not a slick dance floor surface. OH WELL! I do it and I look like an Idiot doing it but it is worth it in the end because I can feel my muscles twitching after working out!

    Anyways! That was day SIXTEEN of the 5 Week Workout – See you tomorrow! With a new update!!

    I do three different exercises a day, sometimes it is just one but those are on days I feel just ****ty.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    That sounds like a LOT of working out. Are you going to be able to sustain that level of exercise? Most people would crash & burn, get tired and give up. You might be better off doing one video per day, alternating days, so that you're constantly challenging your body and mind.

    Unfortunately, fat loss is something that doesn't happen overnight. Like they say, it took time to get to this place and it'll take time to reverse the damage. According to your ticker, you want to lose around 60 lbs. Give yourself at least 18 months, preferably 24. Slow, steady fat loss is the way to go - if you lose weight too quickly, you'll lose muscle along with fat and still have a flabby body/belly even when you reach your goal weight.

    One thing I'd suggest is adding a true strength training program to your workouts - the link to the New Rules of Lifting for Women group is a great place to start.

    Good luck, and try to keep the big picture in mind!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Thanks. Th 5WW keeps me motivated, when I do less it,makes,me icky lol
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    It made me sad for you that people got snarky answering your questions. I always tell myself that if people are quick to get cranky, it's probably just that they need a snack (I get cranky when I'm hungry). Don't take it personally.

    Anyhow, I'm not a trainer by any means but 2 things that might help you...

    HIIT cardio/intervals ... I do it with running but am going to try to expand it to cycling soon to change things up. Go as hard as you can for 30-60 seconds and then recover for a minute or so. Repeat over and over. This is a great way to burn in a short period of time. I find running helps keep my tummy (and everything else) trim but I notice it more when I'm incorporating intervals than when I'm just doing moderate steady runs.

    Variations on your plank... I know you said you plank-- and it is super hard! I love it for core work! Maybe try some variations. My favorite... I start with regular plank (on my elbows bc I have problems with my wrists) and hold it for 30-45 seconds. Then I switch to side plank and hold; then switch to the other side and hold. Then I roll onto my back and sit in a V (not sure the proper name) and try to hold for the same amount of time. I go through the cycle 3-4 times. Sometimes I try to hold each for a minute. Lately I've been adding hand weights to the side planks. By then end, my whole body is shaking. Love it!

    And just remember... the definition is there, you just have to keep uncovering it layer by layer. You're doing great!!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    LadyGhostDuches, first off congratulation on your loss. Second, unless I'm reading you wrong, I say you want to tone up, while working on losing weight.

    Spot reduce and spot tone are two different things. You and I both know that you can't spot reduce, but trust me you can spot tone. They have so many spot toning workouts on the market. Ab workouts are an example of a spot toning workout.

    A body starts in the kitchen. You have to eat right, but never deprive yourself of anything that you like. The only time that you should avoid foods, if your doctor tell you too and the food can harm your body. The best way to eat is to follow the food pyramid. You can never go wrong there. Drink plenty of water. Water plays a huge part in losing fat. I'm not talking about scale weight, I'm talking about fat. Scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing.

    I'm going to suggest Tae Bo to you. Why? Because Tae Bo works. If you want to lose fat, inches and tone up, then incorporate these workouts into your workout routine. You will not be disappointed.

    You can view clips of the workouts here. You can find these workouts at Walmart ($9.99), Target, etc. or even online Amazon and of course at Collagevideo.com

    1. Tae Bo Ripped Extreme: This cardio strength workout is for women only. Billy is instructing a room of women. I like doing cardio strength workouts.


    2. Tae Bo Insane Abs: http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/billy-blanks-tae-bo-insane-abs-5939

    Billy has more that you can view on collagevideo as well. Just type in Tae Bo.