My Tablespoon plan



  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    It's T-day, I have to cook - um I am not watching calories! I am careful everyday so T-day is going to be an awesome treat! Bring it on!

    Hope everyone's plan of attack works - I choose to go with plan a - notta lol
  • That sounds like a great plan with the tablespoon. I just might try that.
  • I think that is an awesome plan! People actually lose weight doing that..:):drinker:
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    My "day" won't be until Saturday... and I have to help with the fixins so I won't get to "work my butt off in exercise" like I'd like to earlier that day... and I have to work ALL this week so I won't have a day to just exercise in abundance... so I'm going to eat anything I want, in as good moderation as I can, and I will have a beer, and I will have a slice of cheesecake and I will have some sweets that I might not allow myself on another day, but I will enjoy my day, my friends, and my food. I wish everyone a happy day!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    My plan is about the same as yours...just a Tbsp of each dish I like, load up on the turkey and slivers of the pie or pies (no whip cream). I find that I cannot eat as much as I used to anyways so that is a plus :wink:
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    I like the tablespoon plan!!!
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    My plan is to workout hard the morning of, and possibly be a a nice deficit tomorrow too and then eat in moderation on Thursday. We are having a second Thanksgiving on Friday too so I'll need to maintain moderation both days... The second one is at home so I can control what I make and insure the meal is more calorie, fat and carb-friendly while still enjoying some goodies!

    Oh yes, and I am working out in the am!!! Woot!!

    I am with both of these guys... heavy cardio to build up the deficit and TRY to stay in moderation.. the spooon idea is pretty cool to help there too... all my friends and family know I am counting every calorie so I know they won't be offended if I make sure to sample instead of avoid!
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    My plan is to eat until I am satisfied, not full, but satisfied. And not eating the treats won't bother me because I made them. Not to mention eat a bit slower.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    I am going to treat it like every day. Moderation, being accountable, and logging everything I eat. It's the choices we make everyday (including holidays)... we have to learn that having some pie does not have to mean having a piece that is equal to 1/4 of the whole pie. Having a 1/2 cup portion of Mashed Potatoes is fine.. it's when we load a pile on our plate that is equal to 1/2 pound that we get in trouble.
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
    i have no plan
    good luck with that.


    I plan to eat and drink my face off
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    My plan is too eat and eat and eat.. then take a burp/fart break, then eat and eat and eat..

    My plan is better than yours.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Let's see .... Doing a 5k Turkey Trot at 7am and then feasting EARLY .... smaller portions, lots of veggies and a bite or two of pumpkin pie. I will then bike for about 3 hours that night ... hoping to break even. :)
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    My plan is too eat and eat and eat.. then take a burp/fart break, then eat and eat and eat..

    My plan is better than yours.

    LMAO ! You go BF .. I'm guessing your body can handle that ! :)
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I plan to eat whatever I want and enjoy it. Its just one day.
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    I am eating whatever. One day a diet doesn't break. Plus this is a lifestyle change for me anyway and not a diet. No food is off limits if you are reasonable with it. However, saying that I must add that my sister had gastric bypass (and runs the support groups) and my brother in law also tried to eat sensibly. We will have splenda sweetened dessert for us and a suggery one for the kids.
    We decided to leave out the blueberry muffins that is part of our tradition because it always seems like that puts us over the top. Also instead of making a big pot of potatos my sister bought a small premade frozen thing just for the kids. The kids get sweet potato casserol but we eat just baked Sweet potato so adjustments have been made. We will be eating dressing and there will be gravy. Just wouldn't be thanksgiving without it...
    However, saying that I would be quite happy to give up turkey day if I got to be in Austrailia.... So now I am curious...what are the main eating events down under?? Christmas and Easter would be my guess but any others? What about other countries?
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I have a similar plan - except I am going to employ a front end loader bucket to help me with portion control.

  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    My plan is to eat less than I would have last year. Recently, though I have noticed that even my "less than" is becoming too much. I still feel stuffed and I've come to hate that feeling. So, I will have to be careful not to eat too much even though it's less than before. :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    My plan is to know and understand that splurging on a meal every now and again isn't going to undo all of the hard work that I've put it. I won't wake up Friday with all the weight I've lost back on my body. I won't suddenly not be able to fit into my clothes. And I won't decide that because I ate one big meal that I don't need to stay in track again once that meal is done.

    I am thankful that I have a family to celebrate the day with, who all contribute to the meal in some way. That they are there with food they have cooked from their heart and soul. I'm thankful that we have the means to buy the food and cook the amazing meal that will be laid out for everyone that day.

    So I will be eating whatever I want in whatever amount. I'm not going to be purposefully gluttonous, but I'm also not going to worry about what I am eating that day. Celebrate your success to this point and the love and joy that is the Thanksgiving meal and just relax and enjoy yourself.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I'm going to do the same thing - though with a regular spoon so I get fewer comments. :)

    I'm hoping to fill my plate with salad and veggies (spread out more rather than piled high), so that a tablespoon of everything else looks like I just didn't have room on my plate for more. :) Voila!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Seriously.. a tablespoon? Are you insane?!

    We have a 15 pound turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries, corn, biscuits and other yummy items to feed me and my parents.. and I plan on enjoying every part of it. Will I eat massive portions? No.. but will I eat more then a tablespoon? Oh hell yes.

    Put your silly tablespoon away, eat and use that common sense (I hope) God gave you. No one ever died(or gained weight) from a quarter cup of a casserole, or half a pie slice and a brownie.