

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    When I was in high school, I started or ended every sentence with "Man". Drove my Dad crazy. "Yeah, Man.' "you should have seen waht happened at school, Man."

    One night, at the dinner table, my Father asked me something....can't remember what. I replied with "............., Man."

    Dad got red in the face, stood up and blurted out , "I'M NOT A MAN! I'M YOU'RE DAD!"

    I wanted burst out laughing, and probably would have, if not for my highly developed sense of self preservation.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    WHen I was a kid my dad had a great one:

    I wanted a little snack, so I grabbed an apple off of the counter. I took a bite and it was not good. Texture was really "Mealy", not crisp. So I carried it over to the trash can and dropped it in.

    My old man, always the frugal one, said "Don't throw that apple away boy! Whadd'ya think - those things grow on trees?!?!" :laugh:
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Just yesterday I saw a co-worker and friend by the elevator looking pretty terrible- I cheerfully said "Hey Angela- who died?" followed by her bursting into tears. She replied that her mom had just had a massive heart attack, had to be revived three times, and the doctors gave her a 50/50 chance of making it until the next morning,

    Foot meet mouth.
  • moniquelessard
    I’m a repeat offender in this category..

    I once worked at a company where we had just merged with another called First Virginia. I was talking to my boss and was asking him a question about them, First came out correctly, but Virginia.. not so much!

    At my current job, I have a team member I work with every so often who is blind. He's an amazing guy.. but I've told him at least twice while at an end of quarter meeting. "Jason, it's great to see you again".

    I almost cried the second time I said that to him, thank goodness he has a great sense of humor and knew I wasn't trying to be a jerk.

    Ohhhh this reminds me of a time I had a blind patient (in the hospital). I was doing a dressing change on his abdomen, and I said "sir it's healing nicely, see?". Ya. He couldn't see. Of course. I felt awful.