how do you hint for christmas presents from your partner?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    My entertaining story:

    It was my first birthday celebration with my man friend. This is a bit of our conversation:

    Him: What do you want for your birthday?
    Me: I truly don't care honey. Get me anything.
    Him: I'll tell you now. I don't do well with presents. I don't buy gifts well because I think gifts should be practical.
    Me: No. Gifts should be something that the person wants, but would never buy for themselves.
    Him: Nope. Don't get it.
    Me: So you're telling me, if I don't give you some ideas, you won't buy me anything?
    Him: Pretty much.
    Me: Would you like me to create a survival guide for my birthday?
    Him: Please.

    So there I sat. Creating a survival guide of sizes, colors, patterns, websites... gifts... restaurants he could take me to etc. I gave him 7 restaurants and about 25 gifts for him to choose from. I ended up with the perfect birthday:)

    ridiculous *LOL*


    Absolutely. I want kegs of beer in my basement.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    If my wife is out and see's something she really likes for herself. She buys it. Usually brings it home and says, "Want to see what you got me for Christmas? Or do you want to be surprised?"

    It's her world. I'm just passing through it.

    my step mom does this lol.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    My entertaining story:

    It was my first birthday celebration with my man friend. This is a bit of our conversation:

    Him: What do you want for your birthday?
    Me: I truly don't care honey. Get me anything.
    Him: I'll tell you now. I don't do well with presents. I don't buy gifts well because I think gifts should be practical.
    Me: No. Gifts should be something that the person wants, but would never buy for themselves.
    Him: Nope. Don't get it.
    Me: So you're telling me, if I don't give you some ideas, you won't buy me anything?
    Him: Pretty much.
    Me: Would you like me to create a survival guide for my birthday?
    Him: Please.

    So there I sat. Creating a survival guide of sizes, colors, patterns, websites... gifts... restaurants he could take me to etc. I gave him 7 restaurants and about 25 gifts for him to choose from. I ended up with the perfect birthday:)

    this is epicness.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I remember when I was a kid at the babysitters, us tots would huddle around the TV and when something awesome was advertised on the commercials, we'd all scream "I WANT THAT!!!"

    ...some things never change.

    Thus, making me a happy camper at Christmas time :happy:
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I never hint.. i just say I want! LOL
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    how do i hint? well usually i say i want such and such and you can find it at such and such store in such and such department.
    then he gives me $ and i go get it myself or i just go out and buy my gifts myself and tell him aww thank you! its just what i wanted.

    however when he does surprise me with something its usually pretty dang awesome! now those surprises are few and far between.

    im 37 and been married for over 10 years. we dont play the hint game anymore. besides we have a joint checking account. not much surprise when one of us looks at the transactions.

    Silly games!
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I don't believe in hints. I'm more of a make-a-wish-list-on-amazon-and-send-him-the-link kind of girl

    Brilliant!!! You're such a smarty pants :wink:
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Well, I've decided what I want for christmas from my boyfriend..


    See, this is where we are polar opposites. :) I have a strict rule in my family that if you hint for it or ask for it, you won't get it. Maybe I am old fashioned, but I think the true gift isn't the merchandise. It's that the other person takes the time to think about what you might want, then goes and gets it for you. Asking for it just seems cold to me. Something just feels wrong about giving someone a piece of paper and saying "go buy this for me." As sappy as it sounds, I am honored that the person even thought enough about me to give me a gift. If I don't like it or it doesn't fit doesn't change my appreciation one bit.

    Example: I have been married for 20+ years. From day 1, my inlaws have accepted me as a full member of the family. At Christmas, there is just as much thought put into my gifts as the gifts to their actual children (and if you are counting, just as many gifts also). To me, that's the true gift..that they have accepted me into the family...not the merchandise in the box.

    I spend a great deal of time each year on gifts for my wife. Not the least of which is the fact that I actually enter a mall and shop for gifts. The act of entering one of those godforsaken hell holes shows the extent of my love right there. :) Way more than the stuff in the box!

    Seriously, though, if we are with our partners or children enough throughout the year, we should probably know them well enough to pick out a gift. I know I get odd looks when I say it, but Christmas truly isn't about the stuff in the box for me. It's about the fact that the box even exists.

    I agree totally. The guy I have been seeing keeps asking me what I want. Honestly... I don't want anything and what I do want I will purchase myself. I would, of course, like a gift because it tells me that I am important to him and that he was thinking of me. What means more to me than a devise or product, however is time. So if he got me those coveted dancing lessons and WENT with me every week...I would definitely fall madly in love with him. Regardless...I don't want him to just "get" something. It should be thoughtful and definitely a surprise.
  • re08scue
    re08scue Posts: 71 Member
    Last year I created a Christmas wish list page on my facebook and shared it with my husband.
    When family members asked him for ideas for me he would share the information.

    ....I still didn't get anything on my list.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    For myself I make a list on Amazon for my guy and his family... or I tell them that gift cards for Amazon or department store would work just dandy. I taught my guy a valuable lesson last year. I kept asking what he wanted, he would always give some smart *kitten* answer, or say he wasn't worthy of a gift. Sooo... one of his answers was bacon. He got a bacon themed Christmas. Bacon flavored chapstick, bacon flavor dental floss, bandaids that looked like bacon, bumpersticker, candy, a "got bacon" t-shirt, a "flavor of the month" subscription from a smokehouse, and a set of 3 different bacon flavored salts. I did get him a couple other small things that I had sent to his parents house to be opened there.

    This year he flat out told me 2 things he would like to get... :laugh: