Anybody doing keto/low carb and want to be friends?

Been doing keto (<20g carbs per day) for a few weeks now and I'm wondering if anyone else out there is on a similar, low carb path, looking for a buddy? I always do better with someone to hold myself accountable to.


  • jeskate
    jeskate Posts: 52 Member
    What do you mean by keto?
  • brittanymonster
    Keto is LCHF (low carb high fat) diet in which the goal is to get your body into ketosis; a fat-burning state your body enters when you eat a very low number of carbs (usually <50g/day). My science-y lingo is kind of crap, but basically it is based on the idea that carbohydrates cause insulin spikes, which cause us to retain fat. In the absence of insulin (i.e. reducing carbs), triglycerides can be released from fat cells, causing fat loss. Keto is basically the induction phase of an Atkins diet.

    More info here:

    And here:
  • tammy510
    I am, did Atkins and was very successful, now I am using a doctor. I prefer the Keto, I am a protein person.
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I am interested in trying this diet. My sister did this along with HCG to curb appetite and dropped 35lbs in 45 days. Hasn't gained anything back even with 3000 calories a day. Please accept my friend request.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I'm doing a slightly modified version as I work out quite a lot - so basically I'm cycling carbs. I'm in Keto six days a week then one day a week I eat pretty much what I want although I do try (and usually fail!) to keep the food on that day low fat. As I say though, it usually just turns into a eating-what-I-want day. That said, seems to be working so far - 8 weeks in and lost 18lbs (although I know 7 lbs of that is water as my weight goes up and down by that much after each re-feed.

    If I have a week where I work out less than usual, I'll either just have a cheat meal or do 2 weeks in keto, instead.

    Not particularly quick loss once you factor in the water, but it's steady and it's easy - I find this way of eating suits both my lifestyle and my metabolism.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Just to add - my ticker says 23 lbs - that's because in the previous 3 months I lost 5 lbs (yes, 5 whole lbs!) on a calorie controlled low fat diet, despite working out HARD 5-6 days a week. Low carb seems to work for me.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I've done it and had great results. Easy way of suppressing your appetite, and got me to start eating my veggies.

    Not doing it now because I'm trying to put on weight. It's very hard to gain weight while on keto.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I do a modified low carb / high protein diet. I love it. I love using swaps for my carb heavy foods. So I really don't even miss the bread or pasta.

    Last night I had mushrooms, onions, garlic and cheese in a pasta sauce minus the pasta. Excellent.
  • Irkalia
    Hey! Feel free to add me. LCHF really seems to suit me and I've had great progress so far, even with cheat days.
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm doing Ideal Protein which is also a low carb, high protein diet that gets you to ketosis. Feel free to add me.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Sent you a request. Been following the Primal Blueprint for a year and a half now.
    Fell of the wagon slightly this past month because I've been ridiculously busy, but things have calmed down and looking to get back in the swing of things.
  • auctoritas
    Added you. I'm a reddit ketoer too! AND I also live in WA! High five!

    I've been ketoing for 2 months now, and it was r/keto that set me on that track. :D
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    You can add me too.

    I am a formers Atkins Lifestyler and now transitioned over to a more Paleo / Primal approach.

    Glad to see that you are doing well and so many others too!!

    Can I get a WOOT WOOT for Natural, Whole Foods Eating!!!
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    Hey! I just went through this post and requested friendship with everyone that replied. I just read Mark Sissons new book and it made so much sense to me. I was eating Primal for two weeks when I visited my parents for a week and fell of the wagon. I am trying to get back on on the 25th and commit to the primal/low carb lifestyle. I could really use some motivation, support and inspiration. Let's keep each other in check! Let's Grok together!
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    I have recently decided to lower my carb intake and increase protein. It helped me loose about 7 lbs, but I have hit a total plateau. Just started exercising again- weights and cardio. But now I find it increasingly difficult to keep the carbs low. For those of you doing the Keto/Atkins type diets how many g of carbs are you eating daily? I have a very difficult time keeping my carbs below 40. Love any tips :)
  • lookfierce
    I have recently decided to lower my carb intake and increase protein. It helped me loose about 7 lbs, but I have hit a total plateau. Just started exercising again- weights and cardio. But now I find it increasingly difficult to keep the carbs low. For those of you doing the Keto/Atkins type diets how many g of carbs are you eating daily? I have a very difficult time keeping my carbs below 40. Love any tips :)

    Sounds like your doing things pretty good, so passing your plateau may be just a case of being patient, and keep doing what your doing. Otherwise if you want quicker results then try lowering your carbs even more; Keto is usually around 20g of carbs a day, every day. Check you have a decent calorie deficit each day, and make sure your doing regular and at least moderate excersise. Personally I have a meat and dairy(not milk) heavy diet with plenty of green vegatables and low-sugar fruit, which keeps me well under 20g of carbs and leaves me feeling quite full most of the time which stops me from over-eating without even thinking about it.
  • zimaras
    I could use more keto friends!
  • RecklessRascal
    This is my current diet. About 2 weeks into it you'll notice a big difference. Once you hit a plateau, try lowering the carbs by 5 or 10g and see if it resumes. I can say this is one of the most outstanding diets I have ever been part of.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    A 2 week stall is hardly a plateau. The loss in weight the first 2 weeks will mainly be water weight.

    Also, lowering carbs isn't going to change anything if caloric intake doesn't get reduced.