Foods to Avoid for thanksgiving part 2



  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    For me, I "water down" before tempting meals (and even before going to the movies and being facing with all of that stuff) - I drink 4-8 glasses of water. Sure, I feel like I could float, but eating is not nearly as appetizing and I can control my intake much better by eating smaller amounts. You can totally rock the holidays this year! Keep your eye on the prize!
  • Hotrodhoodlum
    This may sound crazy but I suggest eat what you like for one day you deserve it .Give yourself a treat if you don't you will all ways have that craving .(Trust me you wont eat that much your body wont let you ) When is over its over craving is gone ,your back to your working out and eating right .I use to be on a diet where you have one cheat day out of the week to eat one thing that you really like , example Cheeseburger, Pizza .Beef Sandwich, scoop of Ice cream , etc. .It works I lost 53 lbs doing this diet Low carb high Protein , no potato's, no reg pasta, No Bread , trust in the the 3 Bs when cooking Boil, Bake,Broil you will stick to your plan 6 out of 7 days to get to the treat day and for sticking to your plane 6 out of 7 days you do deserve it . Do you really think that once you reach your goal weight you wont have a snack that you love .If you do it now once in a while now it is much easier after you reach your goal weight .