What do YOU eat in a typical day?



  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    scrambled eggs with diced ham and veggies sometimes cheese or a green smoothie

    usually salad loaded with lots of raw veggies and a lean protein

    varies but it's always 2 servings of veggies and a lean protein

    greek yogurt, fruit, nuts or 100 cal pack of healthy pop popcorn
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    During the week:
    Breakfast - a cup of chocolate soy milk,
    Morning snack - nothing, low sodium V8, apple, Kashi granola bar, or handful of almonds
    Lunch - leftovers
    Afternoon snack - (apple or Kashi granola bar) and (almonds or dry roasted edamame)
    Dinner - Usually beans or fish; brown rice or quinoa; some type of roasted or stir fried vegetable(s) and 2-3 glasses of wine
    Dessert - nothing or cocoa roasted almonds

    On the weekend:
    Breakfast - either a frozen Kashi waffle w 1 Tbs soynut butter and 1Tbs maple syrup, or 1/2 C old fashioned oats (raw), 1 Tbs peanut butter and 1 tsp maple syrup on weekends.
    After that nothing is typical - I may only have one additional big meal, I may snack all day, I may do something else.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Lately because I am limited to MRE's and packaged food for the next few weeks.. :(
    1 packet regular oatmeal mixed with 1 pouch of MET-RX protein powder

    Small can of tuna

    MRE main meal only with a can of v8

    Pretzel sticks or a pouch of mixed fruit
    and MRE main meal (Usually the tuna one)

    Usually oatmeal or protein powder about an hour to an hour and a half before my workout

    Post Workout:
    Peanut butter and crackers or chocolate milk
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Fried egg bagel thin sandwhich (low fat cheese)


    Deli meat on a deli slim, with provolone usually
    with a tomato and romaine salad with mozzarella balls or feta cheese

    Invent something from whatever meat is in the fridge followed by whatever veggies are hanging around and try to make it taste like food without adding tons of salt and butter :) (working on cooking better) usually a starch too but not always

    One or 2 of the following:
    Fiberone brownie
    fruit (apple/nectarine)
    greek yogurt
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Hey, we eat very similar! lol. Yes, how do you like the ezekial bread? I just disocvered it and I don't think I want to go with others because of the low calorie, carb, and high protein and fiber content of this bread.

    I love Ezekiel bread! It's very filling.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    breakfast: oatmeal, milk, coffee, banana
    snack: fruit
    lunch: pasta with barilla sauce or sandwich and starbucks coffee or pizza :)
    snack: fruit (usually apples)
    dinner: fajitas or salad or soup

    it seems i eat more than anyone else here!
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    food.... lots of it!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    eggs, chicken, fish with some vegetables and fruits and some english muffin, pasta, tortilla and lots of HOT PEPPERS!
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    my meals vary alot during the week, but here's what a typical day looks like.

    Breakfast : Cereal! Either Cheerios, Fitnesse or Special K with low fat milk + the occasional banana.

    Lunch : Meatloaf sandwich on whole wheat with lettuce and cheese. On other days I have chicken breast with potatoes, asparagus, broccoli or cauliflower.

    Dinner : Soup noodles with pork OR rice with vegetables, chicken and tofu.

    Snacks : An apple, crackers or yogurt.
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    oops double post. :)
  • PetraSvdT
    Breakfast: Protein shake and a bowl of fruit, green tea, water.
    Snack: post workout: shake:half juice/half water/protein powder or chia seed smoothie or cottage cheese/banana/stevia/cinnamon
    Lunch: fish/vegetarian patty/chicken with a green salad: lollo rosso\lollo banco\arugola\alfalfa\beet\bell peppers\red onion\cucumber\carrot\seeds\radishes\cellery stick Dressing: olive oil/balsamic vinegar/herbs/gomasio.
    Pm snack: quart cup of trail mix or protein bar (self made) or organic bar
    Dinner: same as lunch Occasionally starches, once or twice a week.
    Lots of water and green tea during the day. Glass of wine on friday/saturday and sunday.

    Lots of workouts.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    The only things I eat consistently are nuts, raisins, and fruit.
  • sgraves06
    sgraves06 Posts: 31 Member

    Breakfast: Whole Wheat English Muffin w/ 1 Tb. Peanut Butter and 1 small apple

    Snack: 40 Goldfish crackers

    Lunch: Wheat Rotini w/ Ground Chicken Tomato Sauce and Pineapple

    Snack: Almond Granola Bar

    Dinner: Turkey Sloppy Joe on Wheat Thin Bun, 10 Baked Lays Potato Chips

    Dessert: Hot Earl Gray Tea w/ 10 animal crackers
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    Breakfast- Egg sandwich or nutrigrain bar and fruit with coffee or monster rehab energy drink
    Lunch- Middle eastern food from work
    Dinner- Protein and veggies
    Snacks- spoon of PB or fruit.
    I am a FREAK, I eat the exact same thing every day. Except dinner. Dinner is always different

    5 egg whites pan fried with a scoop of cream cheese

    Mid snack
    3 hardboiled egg whites

    a salad, (5 cups lettuce, bell peppers (red, yellow and green), red onion, cucumber, diced carrots)
    With Greek Vinaigrette dressing

    Greek strawberry yogurt and an apple

    Diner tonight
    homemade vegetable stew

    if it works for you, then why change it??
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    My Winter food plan is as follows:

    Breakfast -
    Oatmeal, banana, coffee

    Lunch -
    Homemade Soup (chicken, various vegetables, etc etc)

    Dinner -
    Changes daily, tonight is Stir Fry night

    Snacks (pick 3-4 per day) -
    Carrots/Laughing Cow wedge
    Popcorn (plain, no pre-packaged bags)
    Other seasonal fruit
    String Cheese
    Peanut Butter
    Nature Valley Granola Bar
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    I rarely eat the same thing twice.
    Subway Steak and Cheese on English muffin (YUM)
    Aldi's Candian Bacon, egg white and cheese sammich
    1 egg and 1 piece of toast w/ butter

    Lunch varies and is usually left overs from the previous dinner but always heavy in veggies

    Dinner is fun different low calorie stuff

    My diary is open, take a look. But please don't mind the alcohol intake............. I'm a work in progress :)

    And sorry, I just changed some settings so now my lunches are showing up as snacks....................
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Breakfast choices:

    Yogurt (either flavoured or plain greek, if plain then I add fresh fruit)
    Oatmeal or Kashi whole grain hot cereal
    Regular cold cereal with skim milk, usually nothing too sugary unless I'm needing fiber, and then it's frosted shreddies time!
    Fresh fruit

    Lunch :
    Some kind of leftovers, calorie portioned accordingly
    ALWAYS a fresh or frozen (no added salt) container of vegetables
    Fruit if I didn't have any with breakfast
    Lean Cuisine/Smart Ones/Healthy Choice

    Dinner is a mixed bag for me.