Any food/drink you just can't give up?



  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    I refuse to give up anything, I exercise portion control and the frequency with which I eat the things that aren't quite as good for me... I don't want to feel like I'm depriving myself of anything because that would just be setting myself up for failure or future weight gain with the attitude of "oh I've really missed [whatever food it is].... I can't wait until I'm done with this diet and can eat it again"
  • Orrgarde86
    Orrgarde86 Posts: 120 Member
    I swapped crisps and chocolate for rice and noodles. Won't go a week without eating rice 3-4 times and noodles 4-5 times. All the carbs are good though for my running
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    Kettle Chips (plain or sea salt and cracked pepper) - have a serving or 2 every week!!

    I second that! I always have a bag in the pantry. Eating some tonight, lol!
    i actually adjusted my dinner so that i could fit in some kettle chips w/o going over my calorie count. haha. i <3 the thick sea salt ones you get from costco.

    Not sure if you'll be able to find them or not but I buy sweet potato chips A LOT, they don't come in flavours but have the same texture and taste as original chips , you could probably add flavours if you want

    BUT 70 cals for a bag vs about 300 cals for the same size!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    My Morning coffee!! I cant not go to work without my coffee!!

    But I changed to skim so that helps :) But I generally eat pretty healthy these days
  • kelseyessex
    Coffee, Chocolate, Diet Pepsi, Alcohol and my sweet stuff and and Cheese now too, keep getting cravings for it. I just keep my portions small and skimmed milk in my coffee :) but don't have diet chocolate, cakes or cheese as its a treat for me every now and again :)
  • kelseyessex
    Coffee, Chocolate, Diet Pepsi, Alcohol and my sweet stuff and and Cheese now too, keep getting cravings for it. I just keep my portions small and skimmed milk in my coffee :) but don't have diet chocolate, cakes or cheese as its a treat for me every now and again :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Pepsi Max. And I hate it because I hate their advertising too (apparently only 'men' drink it dontcha know?) I'm home for Xmas in three weeks, I'm switching to only water then!
  • charlotteandalfie
    For me it's bread and gnocchi my bread isn't to calorie loaded though as I use weight watchers still wish I could go without it though lol xx
  • Maila29
    hot chips with gravy (once every few months though lol)
  • magicalpuff
    Diet coke for sure.
  • melmist
    Beer-but I did switch to Miller 64! I can give up a lot of things, but I love to unwind with a beer. Ice cold beer is my vice.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    There are TONS of foods that I couldn't give up, so I don't, I just find a way to fit them into my daily intake.

    Same for beverages although I've basically made the choice that I'd rather spend calories on foods vs drinks, so coffee creamer and whey protein are pretty much the only sources of calories that I drink.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member

    I see your wine and raise you a hard liquor. I want my BF% down, but not more than I want to be having cocktails... ;)
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i basically have whatever i just smaller portions. love chocolate and bread and diet coke and and and ICE CREAM too much. but do i have each every day at every meal? nope. :)
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    Just ONE? ha! My weakness is kinda sweet coffee and bread. I could eat only bread all day
  • roxleefall
    Alcohol but I chose not to give it up, I enjoy it. I could walk away but I like to have a few drinks.

    Me too I like a drink, not because I feel I need it to wind down or to get drunk (sometimes i do get a bit carried away) but because I enjoy it! a nice red, a different real ale or a superb single malt. :drinker:
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Spicy or well seasoned food and vinegar marinades, salsas.

    Switched tomato/ marinara based foods (which I use often) to crushed or diced tomatoes and I build a sauce from there. It works well for lower sugar quantity.

    Can't give up vanilla yogurt with peanut butter ever! Chocolate is now in whey protein or protein bar form and I'm doing ok with it.
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    Mint M&M's :)

    OMG they make Mint M&Ms?
  • gumigal82
    My daily Stabucks...which I did modify to be some form of a skinny latte;) (Much less in the calorie count!)

    And one day when I can drink (in moderation-either good beer, or light cocktails)
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    coffee with cream on weekends