The lady that just had the 8 babies...



  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I dont think its our place to judge her decisions nor the doctors

    When she put herself in the public spotlight like she has it gives us EVERY right to judge....or to put it nicely "form an opinion about her."

    If individuals wished to not be judged, they should not air their personal lives to the media or have a zillion kids in order to receive attention like she so obviously is.
    totally agree with this...if she was minding her own business and the media sought her out and she was on there saying please just leave us alone....fine..but she is PUTTING herself out there. Much like celebrities who choose to put themselves in the spotlight then complain about it. You choose to put yourself out there, which means you were prepared to be criticized, she's obviously sick if she didnt think people would have issues with this!! These are babies we are talking about, not dogs or cats, human lives!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    The ONE reason I think this lady is a nut job is because she said all her frozen eggs were her babies. They hadn't been implanted yet so they were just EGGS!!
    She worked double shifts at the pysch hospital for ages until she hurt herself. That is how she paid for all these IVF's. 7 times she went to that Dr. and she says all 7 times she was implanted with 6 embryos. Does that mean that if she had 6 or more babies every time she would be a sane person? NO she is crazy.

    She didn't want to kill her "babies" so she kept getting implanted with them until all her eggs were gone. She better tell mother nature to not give her TOM anymore becasue she is losing an egg every month. She sees very selfish to me.

    I also have to say that the show she was on last night noted that they didn't pay her for the interview.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I for one refuse to judge this woman. If she had only had twins - or probably even quads - most of us would never have heard of her. Were our opinions as strong about IVF before her situation became public - or only in light of it? Her six previous children and the eight new babies deserve the same standard of care that every child in this nation deserves - no matter how they came to be. What of the child of a murderer, or the child of an acloholic, or the child of parents who are killed in a plane crash - we cannot as a society alter the love and attention due every child based simply on the actions of whomever brought them into this world. If the mother of these children is in need of psychological help, I truly hope she gets it.

    Hmmmmmmmmm. Wouldn't it be wonderful if one of those children grows up to find the cure for cancer or AIDs, or writes the song - or paints the picture that captures the hearts of nations, or - just what if, what if one of those children accepts a nobel peace prize and closes his acceptance speech by saying, "I'd like to thank my mother, whose childlike irresponsibility and search for unconditional love brought me into this world....."

    I don't think ANYONE is saying that the kids are at fault or should not receive care. I would give of my own money to help these babies, but that doesn't change my opinion of her.

    And yes, one could cure cancer. Wouldn't that be awesome? But I'm not gonna pop out two dozen kids to increase the chances that one of them will cure diseases, all the while knowing I can't support them financially.

    The lives of these children have no bearing on her irresponsible actions.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I also have to say that the show she was on last night noted that they didn't pay her for the interview.

    Stupid woman.
    She NEEDS paid interviews.
    The birthing costs of these kids is astronomical, let alone the rest of their care.
    She needs interviews, book deals and movie rights just to pay for their first few years.
    And how about paying Mama and Daddy some rent and utilities too?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    It's just really sad all around...
    For the kids.... I mean that's a lot to deal with as kiddos and through their whole life (OH MY WORD! I hope they have more then one bathroom!).
    For the other parts of the family... obviously there is a rift already forming there, which is sad.
    For her....I mean...everyone (not literally) is thinking she's crazy, selfish, a psycho or a combination of all three....

    It's just kind of tragic all around.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I dont think its our place to judge her decisions nor the doctors. People often consume the lives of others without realizing that its really not their concern weather she has 14 kids or 1 million. Its her life and obviously everything happens for a reason. If she werent meant to have the 14 kids then she wouldnt have delivered them.

    Some are saying that "oh, we are supporting her with our tax dollars", when really, she is one of many whom have your "tax dollars". We have no control of it either way, so why concern yourself over it? There are TONS of children out there to single mothers who dont even look 1/2 as put together as her's with parents that spend our "tax dollars" to get their nails done while the children are starving and the parents are not willing to work, less known attend school.

    she WASN'T meant to have 14 kids and that's why it took IVF to make it happen! it wasn't just an amazing accident of nature, it was medical irresponsibility. the woman is not taking care of herself, how can anyone say she should be placed in charge of 14!! helpless individuals?

    And the "tra-la-la" attitude about "we have no control over it either way" is not accurate. WE are the ones who elect our government officials. They (by proxy, we) make the policies we all live by. When we have had enough, we will elect officials who will do something different.

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • Summarain
    I dont think its our place to judge her decisions nor the doctors

    When she put herself in the public spotlight like she has it gives us EVERY right to judge....or to put it nicely "form an opinion about her."

    If individuals wished to not be judged, they should not air their personal lives to the media or have a zillion kids in order to receive attention like she so obviously is.

    I disagree. If you recall, when she had the babies she did not wish to speak to the media...if that was the case then the media would have know while she was pregnant about the pregnancy and the controversy with already having 6 kids. This only came to light becuase of the hospital's excitement and wanting to publicize their successfull delivery of 8 children in one day by one mother.

    Its easy to look down on people....maybe we should try to look @ the positive's for a change. She hasnt been sitting on her butt with the 6 children she has so why is everyone so "concerned" with the 8 children? She's not abusing them, they are not malnutritioned...come on people. I'm sure that your life is not perfect so yes, I say; Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    Everything happens for a reason and I believe if it wasnt meant to be, it wouldnt be.

    And Donations are not "taxpayer's money" its a person willing to DONATE their own money towards something they feel is right....are we now judging how other people spend their money???
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    She hasnt been sitting on her butt with the 6 children she has so why is everyone so "concerned" with the 8 children?

    collecting welfare, foodstamps, living with parents, not paying rent nor utilities, spending discretionary income on plastic surgery........and adding 14 children to this overcrowded earth.

    yeah she's a freakin saint.

    anymore from me and I'm gonna get this thread locked. :grumble:

    suffice to say I do not agree with this viewpoint. at all.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Uh oh kids...
    We can't tell each other how to think, feel, or what to believe in...
    Whether we agree with each other...or not...
    Whether we agree on the same right and wrong things....or not...
    We ARE allowed to feel either way towards this topic....ultimately neither is right....neither is wrong.


  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    If you recall, when she had the babies she did not wish to speak to the media

    Probably because she was waiting for her cosmetic surgery scars to heal to make her big debut.:tongue:

    I'm glad everyone has a right to their own opinion.:flowerforyou:

    I'll keep my own thanks.:wink:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member

    I'm glad everyone has a right to their own opinion.:flowerforyou:

    By the way...lookin awesome Soup! 50lbs....AWESOME!

  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member

    I'm glad everyone has a right to their own opinion.:flowerforyou:

    By the way...lookin awesome Soup! 50lbs....AWESOME!


    Thanks CB!!!!:blushing: :smooched:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    Sorry, but she's no different then someone keeping 80 cats in their trailer. Fine you love them all, but if you can't properly care for them, and she had them to satisfy your her personal needs, then she's selfish.
    :grumble: You are absolutely right, but the babies had nothin to say about it.:grumble:
  • Summarain
    She hasnt been sitting on her butt with the 6 children she has so why is everyone so "concerned" with the 8 children?

    collecting welfare, foodstamps, living with parents, not paying rent nor utilities, spending discretionary income on plastic surgery........and adding 14 children to this overcrowded earth.

    yeah she's a freakin saint.

    anymore from me and I'm gonna get this thread locked. :grumble:

    suffice to say I do not agree with this viewpoint. at all.

    She is not on welfare and is collecting foodstamps (with 1/2 of the nation by the way.....) and of course recently not paying rent/utilites due to bed rest w/ the pregnancy. And who are we to say that this earth is "overcrowded". You and I were born werent we? Who's choice was that? Regardless of what was put into her what matters is what came out...8 beautiful children all born SUCCESSFULLY and that OBVIOUSLY was not "man-made". Its obvious that you do not agree, nor are you entitled to. My viewpoint is that we should not concern ourselve's with other's life's or lifestyles when there is no reason to believe that the children are being mistreated.
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