Ever see those ppl at the gym who...

sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
Hold on for dear life as they have their treadmill is on a 20 incline. Wouldn't it be a better workout if they took down the incline and let go of the treadmill, Why do the trainers on Biggest Loser say not to hold on to the treadmill, I'm sure it lessens the workout a bit. These people make me laugh.... that is all!

Anything you see at the gym that makes you laugh?


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I've thought that loads of times. I'd rather put it on a steep incline and pretend I'm hiking up for a few minutes than spend 30 minutes hanging on and keeping a good chunk of my workout nixed.
  • Saksgirl1
    I love the people that park on machines and talk to their friends while others are waiting to use the said machine. Not like talking at the gym isn't a FAB workout, but... ya you get the idea!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Sometimes, i see ppl who come to the gym to chit chat and do not exercise at all.. So i wonder why do they even come to the gym? I go the gym which is located in our common area of our apt...
  • tiffanymjutz
    the gym I go to is a lot of older people. And It cracks me up that the 70 year old men come in and do more work then some of the younger guys that come in.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I like my gym. Not a lot of waiting but you do hear the grunting coming from the weight room, or as my son calls it, the muscle room.
  • lowlevelrebel
    lowlevelrebel Posts: 75 Member
    Sometimes, i see ppl who come to the gym to chit chat and do not exercise at all.. So i wonder why do they even come to the gym? I go the gym which is located in our common area of our apt...

    I just posted about this! All these girls in their lululemon "stretching" for 20 minutes at a time with their feet up on the machines so people can't use them. Guys joking with each other and maybe MAYBE doing one set of weights every 10 minutes. And then one time, this poor sad sack just sat on one of the machines with his head in his hands for the better part of 1/2 an hour. Oh the delights of the downtown gym.

    Dudes. It's the Y. It smells kind weird, it's warm, and it's pretty boring. Why would you want to stay there any longer than you have to?
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    lol whenever my boyfriend goes on the treadmill he looks like he's about to fall off of it. i'd prefer if he held on to it!! it makes me laugh every time. he's so cute but sooo clumsy.
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    there one girl at my old gym that always came in with a venti frappicino from starbucks, soooooo much makeup, tiniest amount of clothing....she did the butt lifting machine and like 5 mins on the elliptical...rest of the time she flirted with every guy that walked by. Biggest waste of a gym membership
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I find it hilarious that those people hang onto the treadmill for dear life at the highest incline :laugh: The other people that make me laugh are the ladies all decked out with loads of makeup and they chit chat while barely moving. Then there is the people I see working out in long jeans and sweaters. LOL
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    A guy who squats with a mouthpiece in and grunts like he's taking the browns to the superbowl...?
  • saraannefrazer
    saraannefrazer Posts: 66 Member
    Hold on for dear life as they have their treadmill is on a 20 incline. Wouldn't it be a better workout if they took down the incline and let go of the treadmill, Why do the trainers on Biggest Loser say not to hold on to the treadmill, I'm sure it lessens the workout a bit. These people make me laugh.... that is all!

    Anything you see at the gym that makes you laugh?

    theres a girl at my gym that does exaxctly that! she literally comes in does that for about 60 minutes then leaves the gym???

    i diont get it one you look rediculous and 2 wouldnt you get bored of doing the same thing everyday?
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Hold on for dear life as they have their treadmill is on a 20 incline. Wouldn't it be a better workout if they took down the incline and let go of the treadmill, Why do the trainers on Biggest Loser say not to hold on to the treadmill, I'm sure it lessens the workout a bit. These people make me laugh.... that is all!

    Anything you see at the gym that makes you laugh?

    Yes! This drives me nuts. Sometimes I want to go up to them and say "Do you realize you're not getting nearly as much of a work out as you think you are"?

    I can't stand seeing people who constantly walk by, but you never see them actually working out. Even if I just keep catching them between machines, why on earth are they jumping from one side of the gym to the other constantly? There is this one guy I see walking around all the time, but never actually doing anything. Must be nice to have so much time on your hands.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    there one girl at my old gym that always came in with a venti frappicino from starbucks, soooooo much makeup, tiniest amount of clothing....she did the butt lifting machine and like 5 mins on the elliptical...rest of the time she flirted with every guy that walked by. Biggest waste of a gym membership

    can't fix stupid!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Hold on for dear life as they have their treadmill is on a 20 incline. Wouldn't it be a better workout if they took down the incline and let go of the treadmill, Why do the trainers on Biggest Loser say not to hold on to the treadmill, I'm sure it lessens the workout a bit. These people make me laugh.... that is all!

    I usually do the treadmill at a 10 incline, and I hold on lightly. I know holding on is bad on any machine, and I usually don't, but I can't do the treadmill unless I'm holding one, whether I'm at no incline or 10 or what. My heart rate gets really high even when I hold on, and I don't feel like I'm getting less of a workout.
    Treadmills are scary. My mom fell off one and got injured so if you have to hold on, please hold on. Don't nix your safety because of what you think people are thinking.
  • lovelee79
    Hold on for dear life as they have their treadmill is on a 20 incline. Wouldn't it be a better workout if they took down the incline and let go of the treadmill, Why do the trainers on Biggest Loser say not to hold on to the treadmill, I'm sure it lessens the workout a bit. These people make me laugh.... that is all!

    There is a woman at my gym who does the exact same thing, except she does it for 5 to 6 hours straight ! I'm not exaggerating!
    Kinda sad actually.

    Also.. there is this one guy and as he lifts weights, he grunts and moans and scream as if he's having an orgasm ! its quite disturbing! and he's not lifting very heavy weight either LOL :sick:
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    There was a guy working out at the gym recently in acid washed jeans, a button up shirt that was too tight, and a bright yellow Sony CASSETTE Walkman hooked to his belt. I thought I'd been time warped back to 1984 or something. It was so hard not to laugh. If I'd have had a camera I might have tried to take a picture of him.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Guys who lift massive weights, yet have the worst technique in the world!

    I will keep my technique thank you and lift lighter weights
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    LOL! Great topic!

    There's a couple people at my gym that are there either under doctors orders or spousal demand. They go from circuit machine circuit machine, changing the weights to the lowest possible, doing three or four limp reps and then sauntering off to the next. The whole workout probably takes them 10 minutes. LOL