Can't seem to stop :(



  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay, just know holidays are hard for all of us but we encourage each other to stay focused. Why not go in the groups section and find a group you have something in common with and also a challenge. There are many in the group sections. It will hold you accountable and be fun to do with other people.
    Write down a list of why YOU want to be healthy and loss wt despite doctor. Commend self for 4 lbs because hey you know you can do it and YES DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!! If there are tempting foods freeze them or take to work and share. Keep plenty of fruits and veggies around. Do try and exercise in increments...10 minutes. You will do fine don't give up.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    I know how you feel. You care enough to worry and seek support, that's the good news. Look at it this way, if you had one flat tire on your car would you go run over nails and get 3 more flat tires ? Nope! You just patch the one up and keep on moving forward.

    I LOVE THAT. Totally gonna use that, too. I tend to be an "all or nothing" person when I eat something I shouldn't. Asking myself why I'd choose to immobilize myself when I can get back on the road will definitely help!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Look at it this way, if you had one flat tire on your car would you go run over nails and get 3 more flat tires ?
    That's an excellent simile, which I intend to shamelessly steal. :bigsmile:
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    At 140, you are certainly not fat fat. I'm confident that you are healthier than you feel. I believe it's a matter of some basic lifestyle changes that will naturally bring you down to a weight that is right for you. 3 weeks is a learning phase, it takes time to build up stronger eating habits and finding the activities that you enjoy and stick with. Make label reading automatic. Learn new recipes, how to tweak your favorites, substituting an ingredient for another, not salting something, etc It doesn't have to be huge, you want these to become a part of you.

    It's the Holidays and there's tons of food, that's understandable, but healthy choices can be worth binging on also. Each minute is a chance to change your mind and make a better healthier choice, even the slightest change is in the right direction. It all adds up, so I don't believe in "I've already ruined today, I'm going to finish this stuffing up now" but rather " I had some stuffing, it was awesome, more will taste the same so I had enough" Each bite is a chance to stop putting more fat and empty calories into your body. Each minute is the first minute to the rest of your life. Not tomorrow, but right now. What happened is done, but looking at your weight loss as a long term life-bettering opportunity. Each bad bite you don't take is a victory in willpower and health. Truly. You deserve to be happy with yourself. You will just know when your body is where it should be. Don't think of this as a punishment, rather you are rewarding yourself and treating yourself with the best. A happier, fun and energetic life.

    Right now you can do something as simple as check your posture, chin up and smile.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I started mfp three weeks ago and I was doing great controlling what I ate and exercising on a regular basis. I lost four pounds. Ever since this past Wednesday I cannot control what I eat and I am just going off control and not exercising and not having the motivation to do either. I feel like I am on square one again. I don't know what to do :( I don't know how to start again. I am 140 and overweight the doctor said I need to be 115-125 in order to be healthy according to my height and age. I need help :/

    Where should you start? Kicking what the doctor told you out of your head. I'm 5ft1" tall and pass 140 pounds. Because of my height, my doctor told me that I need to get down to 101 pounds. I've told my doctor that I wasn't doing that. I may be 5ft1" tall, but a healthy weight for me is not 101 pounds. The smallest I was before gaining weight was 125 pounds and I don't even want to get down to that weight.

    If I can suggest something to you, I would suggest you start tracking your body fat percentage. Scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing. Your scale weight is broken down into two categories: Pounds of fat and Pounds of lean body mass.

    This is the formula to use to see how much of your scale weight is from fat and how much is from lean body mass.

    Weight x Body fat percentage = Pounds of fat
    Weight - Pounds of fat = Pounds of lean body mass

    If you decide to start tracking your body fat percentage and after you get your number, I can help you see what will be a healthy body fat percentage number and scale weight for you.

    I have a body fat percentage goal that I'm aiming for and it will take me a year or so to get there. When I get there, my doctor will still see me as being overweight and I don't care. Why? Because, I will be healthy. Fat loss = healthy. Scale weight loss doesn't equal healthy.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I am 5' 1/2" ( ha! that .5 inch MATTERS!)....

    I am currently @ 120 lbs....and for my height, I'm *supposed* to be in the 110-115 range.
    I've been there before ( in HS- and back then I STILL considered myself "chubby")

    so I am NOT focusing on the scale number as much as a healthy BMI/Body Fat percentage....
    and I played around with the "maintenance" mode on the GOALS here on MFP
    to see how many calories I'd need to maintain @ various weights of 110, 115, 120, 125, etc...

    and decided I wanted to *try* staying in the low 120's for right now- and see how to maintain it.
    I've reached my final goal weight- just to say I did it, but the maintenance mode is how to live it out
    when you reach it-
    I asked my doctor about it- where I should be? She said my thinkin' was the healtiest, wisest choice-
    not going by "feelings" ( as I said before, I *felt" chubby @ 110 YEARS ago- so the scale is subjective)

    but rather by the BMI/Body Fat as well as the scale- and blood work as well....THOSE are the best indicators of
    where your final goal weight should be.......
  • Swtlilangl786
    I am 5'0
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    At 140, you are certainly not fat fat.
    Poppycock. I am 4' 10 and if the OP is as short as me, she's bordering on clinically obese. If she's 6' 4" she's underweight.

    As I said before, without knowing anything about the OP, it's impossible for anyone to make helpful suggestions.

    EDITED TO ADD: Just spotted this
    I am 5'0
    Okay, well you are overweight, and at the risk of upsetting everyone by using the dreaded f word, you're fat. Not hugely fat though, so you won't have much to do to get down to a healthy weight and you've already made a great start.

    The fantastic news is that unlike all the taller people, if us shorties lose even 5lb it makes a HUGE difference to the way we look and to our health. If I were you I'd forget the lower amount and set a goal of 125lb and see how you feel when you get down to that. After all, it's your health that counts, anything under 125lb is just vanity. Which has its place, but health comes first. :)
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Look at it this way, if you had one flat tire on your car would you go run over nails and get 3 more flat tires ?
    That's an excellent simile, which I intend to shamelessly steal. :bigsmile:
    Thanks. I don't remember where I heard it, but I shamelessly stole it from them too!