Yours? Or Mine? What's the proper *etiquette*?



  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    In Europe it's just considered rude to even ask to take the leftovers home - it's a big no-no for tourists! The solution over here is to order a half a meal or just order from the starters as a main course. Most places are accommodating.

    If someone else was paying and I couldn't/or wouldn't want to eat it all I wouldn't order an entree, I'd rather order something like a salad or a starter to have as a main.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    In the US - even just a salad can be a ridiculous size and calorie intake.

    So wait.... would it also be rude to log all your food into MFP before you eat it. :laugh: I totally do this and it irritates people. I try to find out where were going first and then prelog it if I can. Id box up afterwards though.... its kind of awkward to do at the beginning. Sort of like youre planning on cutting and running with your food before the meal even started.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    To box up leftovers and take them home is not rude. To do it at the beginning of the meal is, in my opinion. If the other person is treating, and I know I won't eat an entire entree, I'll just order an appetizer or a salad. I would feel like I'm having that person treat me to two meals, knowing I'm immediately asking for half to be boxed up.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    In Europe it's just considered rude to even ask to take the leftovers home - it's a big no-no for tourists! The solution over here is to order a half a meal or just order from the starters as a main course. Most places are accommodating.

    If someone else was paying and I couldn't/or wouldn't want to eat it all I wouldn't order an entree, I'd rather order something like a salad or a starter to have as a main.
    Honestly, in the US the starter can be just as many calories as the main, and less actual nutrition. It's all deep-fried and covered with cheese. It's different if you're at a nicer independent restaurant, but chain restaurants are ridiculous. Asking for a box is not just acceptable, it's expected; the servers will offer it pretty much every time. And most places don't let you order a half meal. Some do - and I would love to see more of that. But, even when they do offer that, they charge almost the same as for the regular size.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    To box up leftovers and take them home is not rude. To do it at the beginning of the meal is, in my opinion. If the other person is treating, and I know I won't eat an entire entree, I'll just order an appetizer or a salad. I would feel like I'm having that person treat me to two meals, knowing I'm immediately asking for half to be boxed up.

    I agree with this. I wouldn't even do that to a family member or close friend because, to me, it just screams "Oh, well, if you're paying, I'm going to order enough for 2 meals and milk your generosity for all it's worth," even if that's not your intent.

    The best way to avoid overeating is to simply not order more food than you want to eat. I also don't think you should ever offer any portion of your meal to another person unless it's a very casual meal with someone you know very well. Sometimes if my mom and I are having lunch and I order something that comes with french fries, I'll give them to her because she loves them, and I don't eat potatoes. But in a nice restaurant, at a formal event, or in the company of people with whom I don't have a close personal relationship, I would never offer my food to another person at the table.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I would just explain why I asked for the box. If you're on a date, chances are the person wants to know about you, and your fitness journey is probably a big part of your life if you're on this website! But no, I don't think it appears rude.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If that food belongs to the person paying, then you shouldn't eat it at all.

    I haven't read through this, but did someone say this was rude? If I offer to pay for a meal in a restaurant, that entire meal is a gift to the recipient and therefore it belongs to the recipient.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    If that food belongs to the person paying, then you shouldn't eat it at all.

    I haven't read through this, but did someone say this was rude? If I offer to pay for a meal in a restaurant, that entire meal is a gift to the recipient and therefore it belongs to the recipient.

    I said it was rude to order half to be boxed up when the meal is being ordered. If I know someone else is treating, I realize that is a "gift", but I would never want to take advantage of that gift. I'd rather eat half and leave the rest than order half to be boxed up when I place the order.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If that food belongs to the person paying, then you shouldn't eat it at all.

    I haven't read through this, but did someone say this was rude? If I offer to pay for a meal in a restaurant, that entire meal is a gift to the recipient and therefore it belongs to the recipient.

    I said it was rude to order half to be boxed up when the meal is being ordered. If I know someone else is treating, I realize that is a "gift", but I would never want to take advantage of that gift. I'd rather eat half and leave the rest than order half to be boxed up when I place the order.

    I was only responding to the initial post. As you can see, I stated I hadn't read any other responses. This was not aimed at you.

    As others pointed out (I've read through some since I posted), you can't order half an entree. Maybe because I've spent so many years posting on dieting sites and seen this recommended as a weight loss tool, I see it as normal, even though I've never done it. My opinion might be different otherwise, but I don't know. I just don't pay that much attention to what others do with their own food.

    I eat the crust of my pizza first. It used to make a friend of mine very angry.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I was only responding to the initial post. As you can see, I stated I hadn't read any other responses. This was not aimed at you.

    As others pointed out (I've read through some since I posted), you can't order half an entree. Maybe because I've spent so many years posting on dieting sites and seen this recommended as a weight loss tool, I see it as normal, even though I've never done it. My opinion might be different otherwise, but I don't know. I just don't pay that much attention to what others do with their own food.

    I eat the crust of my pizza first. It used to make a friend of mine very angry.

    I didn't think it was aimed at me. I replied just to share why I thought it was rude. I did see that you didn't read all the posts. I used to eat the crust first, too. Now I don't eat it at all!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was only responding to the initial post. As you can see, I stated I hadn't read any other responses. This was not aimed at you.

    As others pointed out (I've read through some since I posted), you can't order half an entree. Maybe because I've spent so many years posting on dieting sites and seen this recommended as a weight loss tool, I see it as normal, even though I've never done it. My opinion might be different otherwise, but I don't know. I just don't pay that much attention to what others do with their own food.

    I eat the crust of my pizza first. It used to make a friend of mine very angry.

    I didn't think it was aimed at me. I replied just to share why I thought it was rude. I did see that you didn't read all the posts. I used to eat the crust first, too. Now I don't eat it at all!

    I mostly avoid pizza these days because I CANNOT control myself with it. But when I do get it, it's from this place that puts a garlic butter wash on the crust and it's A.MA.ZING!!! I could eat just the crust on that pizza and be happy! lol
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I am not sure what is proper etiquette, per se. Maybe think about it this way. Put yourself in the other persons shoes, which is what I think you are doing and you are seeing it might come across to them as rude. Next time maybe ask your friend, date, whoever is paying if they want to split an entree. If the answer is "no" then practice your acting... when they bring the food be prepared with a convincing face---

    You: Oh my!!! (lift up the plate, feel how heavy it is...)
    You: "Oh... gosh this is A LOT of food... Look, this could feed a family of 4! I KNOW i am not going to be able to eat all of this... oh gosh... do you want some of this?"

    your friend: "naw, I'm good here..." (Is probably what they are going to say) or they might say "Heck yeah bring it on!" or they might say "You don't have to eat it all...."
    You: to the waiter, "would you mind bringing me a box?"
    Box arrives...
    You: "You want me to get another box and you can have some too to take home?"
    them: "nah, go ahead..."

    OK! This^^^^ definitely qualifies as the "drama" referred to earlier. This is how I may handle it NEXT time though, should I go again with the same person. Sarcasm to the MAX.

    Did you already do this? What was the reaction.

    I am thinking that if you are asking this, it is probably a first date and I would say that would make it awkward. If it were and old friend, then tell them what you are doing. If it is a first date hold off and make a mental split of the plate until you are both done eating.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I would wait until the end of the meal to ask for a take home box. Doing so beforehand might make it look like you're rushing the meal and don't appreciate the fact that your friend wants to spend time with you, or might make the person feel bad about not doing the same thing (if they have a weight issue to deal with too).

    I also agree with not offering the food to your friend/dining partner, that's just odd imo.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I want to add that if this is a first or second date, wait until after you've eaten part of the meal. It's a totally different circumstance than a friend or family member.