Ladies : 5'4 Goal Weight?



  • clarehodgson14
    i'm 5'4 and have a goal weight of 140lbs or 10stone. Having been at goal a few years ago after 147lbs people kept asking when i was stopping and that i was starting to look ill.
  • StatutoryGrape
    135 is as low as I'm willing to go, I think.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 5' 4.5" and I currently weigh 117 but I am very small-boned. I'd be happy at my current weight as long as my BF percentage gets to a point where I might see some more ab definition. Currently, they are still buried. So that's my goal. Abs!
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 121. This is based on the Devine formula.
  • november03
    november03 Posts: 205 Member
    Mine is 135# we will see what happens....=)
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5ft4 3/4". My goal weight is between 125 & 128. I weighed that before kids, was fit and looked healthy. I preceive myself to be very much a medium build. Definetly not small framed, but not really big either. I have been hovering around 140 for the last 6 months & now that my latest babe is going to be 1 in 2 weeks, I am ready to kick it into gear & get back there!
  • Xtina_Beba
    What is your goal weight if you are 5'4

    Mine would be 118-120

    Mine would be 118-120 too, however I want to keep my hour glass shape; just trim my waist and tone trouble areas so I'll be ok with 125
  • nenamartinez
    nenamartinez Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5'4", medium or small frame, I guess. Right now I've set my initial goal for 145, which is just within the acceptable weight range according to BMI.

    But, I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate from there. Right now I think I might end up around 125-130, but, I'm gonna see how I feel once I get closer. I haven't been at a normal weight in my adulthood so I really don't know what I'll look like or feel liek at these weights. :D
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal weight is 150lbs. I've recently discovered I have a large frame which is annoying... When I get to 150lbs and I still visibly look overweight, I'll will lose more. 150lbs puts me in the 'normal' category, this is why its my goal for now.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    My goal would be at least 150. Anything else looks sickly, in my opinion.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    130 is where I'd like to be. I think a little less would be nice, but I'm trying to be realistic. And I don't want to look too skinny because I want to look(be) healthy and I want people to see me as healthy. I also want some muscle so I think 130 is good.
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 5ft4in and my current weight is 135. My goal weight is 115 and my heaviest was about 147. I have a small frame as well.
  • lindzmt22
    134, but possibly 140. We'll see.
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    150, Originally I wanted around 130.. but then I realized I want to pack on about 20lbs of Muscle... Boo yah.
  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    I'm at my initial goal weight at the moment (126lbs) which I am happy with but ideally I'd like to lose another 10lbs or so, hopefully shrink my stomach and waist a little more. Ideally i'd like to maintain below 9stone in the long term as I do feel a lot more confident at this size, but I'll just see how it goes I guess because every body changes differently!
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    My goal weight is roughly 135lbs. Any lower I find too unrealistic for me.
  • SilverOnTheTree
    SilverOnTheTree Posts: 102 Member
    Ooh, I'm going to breaking the mold here. I want to get to 160 and re-assess there, with a probable shift away from cardio into weight lifting. Next year I change occupation to something that will demand a lot of strength and endurance, manipulating 2 - 10kg weights for half the day, while sweating it out in front of a furnace. I joined the gym to build muscle, then got sidetracked by getting healthy!

    I love my curves - and if I can maintain a reasonable level of fitness despite being in the overweight category, that will be good enough.

    Ultimate goal? 26" waist.
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm 5'4 or so.....I started at 146 & now weigh between 131-133 & def want to lose another 8-10 lbs or so. And be really tone. I'm into a size 4 & some 2's in some brands but need to lose this baby belly that 2 kids left me with
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 5'4.. I want to be between 140-145. I want to be curvy like Beyonce or J Lo. I may alter that goal when I get there, I dont know. But i do know I dont want to be too skinny.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I`m 5`5 but my goal is 140-150 range anywhere in that range and I will be happy