The Walking Dead mid-season Finale



  • Lala521
    So weird that the only show my kids and I really enjoy watching together is The Walking Dead. I told them earlier in the day that Sophia would be in the barn, but they didnt believe me, I agree Shane has completely lost his mind, but cant blame him. He has a lot on his plate, with not being the leader and he wishes he were, and now worrying about Lori being pregnant. Someone mentioned Andrea in an earlier post. I think she is getting way too big for her britches, lol. They told her not to shoot when Darryl was coming across the field and they thought he was a walker, but what did she do? She aims and shoots anyway with Rick and Shane and someone else standing right there. I think she has lost her mind too and thinks shes a Bonnie bad *kitten*. She needs to back off. I totally expect for Shane and Andrea to either strike out on their own together, or wind up getting killed being so tough. Great show, and cant wait for February. Oh yeah, in a preview it showed Herschel telling the rest of them that he didnt know Sophia was in the barn, he assumes Otis put her there and didnt tell him. But who knows?
  • elfie9863
    Shane or Rick? Shane will save your life for ya...Rick will think about it for a bit and try and negotiate...who would you want out there in Walkerland?
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    Shane is out of his mind but I will say I loved how he shot up the one walker a few times to prove his point and when they told him that was enough he said "yeah it is enough " boom! Straight to the dome for her. And of course Sophia was in there...they couldnt just leave it unturned before the break! And notice rick was the only one with the balls to put a bullet in her head. If Shane was so great at leading he should've been the first one to take her out.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    Predictable, love the show but as I sat there watching it...I was already expecting Sophia to appear and as I saw everyone's reactions I also figured here comes Rick to do what has to be done. He is more of a natural leader who knows how not to pi$$ off people and at the same time do what has to be done. Shane is going off the deep end, I'm curious what will happen to him in the next season.
  • branflake5
    I am glad Sophia was finally found and was a walker. Her mom is annoying never going to look for her own daughter, yet sitting doing nothing but whining about it constantly. Andrea is the most annoying I am so ready for her to get eaten alive. I think Shane was in the wrong, whether the barn full of walkers was wrong or not doesn't matter it's not his land and not his decision and if them being locked in there made the group feel unsafe well then they should leave the farm. Otherwise they need to respect Hershel's property after all he is providing them food, water, electricity. The walkers were in there the entire time they had been at the farm and they didn't know it so suddenly because they know it makes them unsafe.

    I can't believe Rick hasn't said anything to Shane about him sleeping with his wife... wth.

    Anyways I am ready for Hershel to kick them off the farm. Sophia is dead, Carl has made a miraculous recovery, its time to move on.

    Wonder who the baby daddy is....
  • ptjoefish17
    Couldn't agree anymore with you about Andrea. She's the most annoying character on the show that I've been waiting forever for her to be the next to go. I guess I'll have to wait to Feb. to find out.

    P.S.- You are such a hottie Brandy!!
  • david581c
    This has got to be the gnarliest episode in the entire season. The last person i thought was gonna take care of Sophia was Rick.

    Seriously, even though waiting for season 2 to premiere seemed like an eternity, i can hardly wai for when it picks back up in February 2012.