Who is still hungry after all their calories?



  • kendrafagan
    I am hungry right now. I find that I have to experience this though in order to lose the weight I want. I try to just be really tough and drink a water, vitamin water, or a cup of tea and I seriously just try to tough it out and try to do something instead of it. It's hard, but I just remember no pain no gain and in the morning, the hunger usually isn't there anymore and yet your scale will give you great results! So don't give in to a little bit of hunger.
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    I eat diet Jelly (jello) It contains no sugar or fat and almost no calories and it feels like your eating food.

  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Stop all bread or sugar based carbs after lunch. Secondly eat more green vegitables. A lot more at dinner. This way a snack will tide you over. I am never hungry.
  • sally125
    sally125 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for all the great suggestions!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I had to figure out that no matter how great or clean and filling my day was, I am ALWAYS hungry at night. So I adjusted the way I eat and when. Personally, I do not start eating breakfast until I am hungry- that may be a while! It gives me more calories later which in my case is good. Everyone is different, experiment with some adjustments and see what works. I also save my carbs up for dinnertime- another supposed no-no, but again, works for me and keeps me full (in particular a sweet potato). Lastly, sugar free lemonade, tea, coffee all keep me from over-eating :)
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Drink hot tea. Also I drink organic apple cider and it helps with my hungry.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    If I'm still hungry, I still eat. As long as I know it's not boredom and I'm not grabbing for a cupcake or a full meal, I don't feel guilty. I believe if my body is telling me it needs more, I give it more.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Yes I'm hungry, especially during the working week when I get too busy to exercise (I know that's backwards right?). So perhaps unintentionally I have been zigzagging cals, ie where I eat a lot less (and/or exercise a lot more) on other days tommake up for going over cals (typically on days where I am really hungry). Having said all of that, I'm not am expert, I don't always make the best food choices, I get de motivated when I have numerous consecutive days over goal... But to my surprise weight loss continues for me!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Some days I am. I'll usually do a 30 minute workout so I can eat a little more. I hate going to bed hungry and avoid it at all costs. :smile:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Not I
  • mmacintosh321
    mmacintosh321 Posts: 32 Member
    I had that problem too! I was was starving constantly. Here's what worked for me....

    I find exercise helps... I burn about 500 per day doing cardio... and interestingly enough, I find that I'm not 500 calories hungrier... if that makes sense.

    Another thing that helps is avoiding simple sugars (pastries, candy, etc.) and making all my carbs complex ones -- brown rice instead of white rice, whole wheat and multi-grain bread instead of white flour. Also, if you look at the carbs in fat, you get a lot more volume for you calories with less fattening foods than you do with fattening ones... there are 120 calories in just one table spoon of olive oil, for instance... so while I'm losing weight, I cut butter and olive oil on my toasts along with salad dressing.

    Also... if you decrease carbs slightly and increase protein while you're losing weight, it can help with the cravings. Don't go overboard like the Atkins diet -- that's just not healthy as far as I'm concerned -- but going a little higher on the protein causes less of a spike in blood-sugar, which causes less of a corresponding drop in blood-sugar an hour or two later when your pancreas has produced a bunch of insulin. Once you lose your weight you can return to a normal distribution of carbs/protein (that is to say, getting your majority of calories from complex carbs based on the food pyramid).

    Finally... eating 6 small meals throughout the day will keep your blood-sugar nice and steady, and you won't have so many food cravings.

    If all else fails... you can always reduce your caloric deficit to something smaller. You'll lose as a slower pace, but you'll be happier in the process. And hey, if you have a caloric deficit of only 250 calories, that's a 1/2 a pound a week... and that's really not a bad rate considering that there are 52 weeks in a year. You have your whole life to be fit.

    Anyway, if you want to take a look at my food diary, feel free... I'm rarely ever hungry these days and I'm losing at a rate of 2 pounds per/week, so feel free to take a look. Not sure if you can see it without friending me, so if that's the case, you can feel free to add me.

    Good luck!
  • asaba1013
    CUCUMBERS!!! they are a great way to "eat a lot" w/ out consuming tons more calories!!! a whole cucumber practically has no calories!!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Being hungry if you have hit your cal limit often means you need to make better choices, this applies even more so to those whose cals are very low (1200 for women) or (1500 for men) often times it is due to a lack of protein or fiber in your diet that leads to hunger when you have hit that cal goal. My advise is to educate yourself on the diet side of things, take the time to learn proper nutrition as that will lead you to much more success than any workout schedule.

    this is really patronising advice. I am on 1200 calories and its really not very much. I eat completely clean, wholegrains, etc etc but can still find myself starving.
    For me I think you just need to learn to live with a bit of hunger, its a healthy feeling and as long as you spread the calories out over the day you are never that starving that you lose it completely. If you find you are, you probably need to add in some more calories.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    to start with i was always hungry.. now i find that i've got used to what foods are filling and what aren't so recently i've ended up with left over calories every day!!
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    I am hungry right now. I find that I have to experience this though in order to lose the weight I want. I try to just be really tough and drink a water, vitamin water, or a cup of tea and I seriously just try to tough it out and try to do something instead of it. It's hard, but I just remember no pain no gain and in the morning, the hunger usually isn't there anymore and yet your scale will give you great results! So don't give in to a little bit of hunger.

    It's so true! I'm slightly hungry right now, with 400 calories left today I'm not even that eager to eat the rest. I'm getting used to the hunger I guess.
  • TalAdiv
    TalAdiv Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happens to me quite too often :\ and quite too often I pass the 2190 kcal limit set for me by an average of 200 kcal per day ! (65 kg male, strength training 3 days a week, tend to sand more than I sit)
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    I am always hungry..... :(
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    If I'm still hungry (which only happens on non-exercise days) I go hungry.
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    I run to earn some extra calories... And I drink lots of water with kool-aid liquid stuff because I'm a five year old at heart.
  • HereLieWe
    HereLieWe Posts: 233 Member
    I find that I'm more hungry on days I don't exercise. Oddly enough, after working out, my appetite tends to wither some.