Concerned Reader



  • Obstinate07
    I am just seconding or thirding the notion that 1200 is not some set in stone caloric intake requirement. In fact many nutritionists are always in debate regarding this because some people simply have different metabolisms and different bodily reactions too food and exercise.

    What I see here often is the problem that some people have with the 1200 recommendation by mfp, this is an app/ website developed as a tool, this is not a scientific or medically accurate function. They make no claims too be so. My doctor suggests I do metabolism spikes? Some people would consider that unhealthy but this is by recommendation of two different medical professionals. Meaning they actually recommend me a 288 lb 6 foot 28 year old, yes to go down to like 1100-1300 calories then go up to like 2k-3k calories then go back down. Yeah, it gets me over the humps I have but its not long term.

    So to answer your question: No I am not distressed, concerned nor do I really care. People are people and they will either do something stupid, think that other people are doing something stupid or will simply be stupid.

    I totally agree. I feel that this site is meant as a tool/guide, but its not the bible to dieting or getting healthy. At first I really liked this site because it really helped me to make this a lifestyle and not a quick fix, but now its never ending debates about nothing. It goes back to the notion of me locking my diary, I don't need someone who isn't a professional judging my journey.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Thank you. And yes, I agree-it is important to eat if you are hungry. We all have different needs-I see some diaries and I think wow, that person eats so much-I would be SICK if I ate that much, and that same person would be starving to death if they ate how I ate-neither of us would be happy switching places haha. Accepting that there are healthy ranges is I think important.

    Yup! Totally agree... I think the opposite and am like woah 1200 calories that's way too little. The only times I can eat around 1200 calories is if I'm on nights, and I don't eat as much during the day. And usually only eat small things because its technically night time.

    Do what you want, but don't starve yourselves. Going over your calories because you are hungry is fine.
  • lindzmt22
    I'm more concerned with the people trying to "loose" weight

    LOL!! Thisss. haha
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    its hard, i net under 1200 but have been to my doctor and had he has given me the all okay..i have consistantly been losing weight, and i eat enough everyday, ive also had all me levels checked.
    i think its a personal choice, but i do agree there are some who are endangering themselves but not eating enough each day.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Do you honestly believe that these people are actually netting that amount? I don't.

    The food data base for one is not right all the time. People underestimate how much they are eating. They don't account for hidden mayonaise or butter in store bought sandwiches. The data base is often too generous with its exercise calories.
    PEOPLE LIE! Mostly to themselves, they lie when they log so it makes the numbers look pretty, they lie to themselves about what they have really eaten because they have spent years foolong themselves like that.

    If you don't like reading those threads then don't. If you have real concern you would address these people individualy which makes me thing that this is nothing more than a finger wagging post, much along the same lines as the spelling nazi's.

    If the medical world had the answer to the secret of weight loss we wouldn't have very ill and overweight people. The reason we try different methods is due to a lack of a definitive answer, lack of education in our nutrition and not enough sports in our schools. Different things work for different people and perhaps you would be suprised how many on here are already under a Dr's supervision and making progress. Obese category 1 and 2 and the Morbidly Obese category are often encouraged to dip their calories quite low and unless you want to finger wag on an individual basis they you are making a huge generalisation which does seem judgmental and unfair.