WARNING: This is a downer

I give that warning because people are sometimes quick to jump on that.

I'm asking a question if it doesn't apply to you then you don't have to answer.

Has anyone else given up? Simply come to terms with the fact that they are really healthy (speaking biometrically like cholesterol, glucose etc....) but they are just fat.

I say this after having a really bad week of self body image that has nothing to do with the holiday, but what pisses me off (yes, it seriously pisses me off) is that over Thanksgiving, I lost weight. Why even try?
And when I quit trying I still fail, so that's not the answer either. ( I say that because I have a feeling someone is going to say "when you quit trying so hard, that's when good things happen", well...they havent not for me anyway, I just have a bigger jump of weight gain....
I'm not always this down, but it feels like I've really actually come to terms with this and wondered if anyone else had or had something similar.


  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    in the past i have, but now i have my focus...which in my opinion everyone needs to learn their own type of focus. it was difficult at first, but now my focus/exercise/logging food is a addiction that i am in love with...

    takes time and determination....
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    body weight aside, you are probably healthy because of all the effort you are putting into it. if you totally give up, that will probably take its toll on they good health you have now. i would keep fighting the good fight just for that. maybe the other will eventually fall into place too. but if you stop in your tracks, you will probably lose the healthiness you now hold.

    i've been working by a$s off since august of 2009. started pretty good, but i haven't lost any weight since june of this year. not an ounce. but i'm still working out and eating well and drinking water because my endurance, stamina, heart, lungs, and all that jazz have improved drastically, weight loss or no. so i say stay the course. best of luck to you.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Yup. I hear ya. I'm in a major fatty mode. Didn't even try over the weekend. Bad body image. not happy with 15 found lbs. I believe there is usualy an event..an ah ha moment that truely kicks weight loss into gear. Maybe I haven't found it yet? Very, very hard to believe.. Hang in there. Hard to always be up beat.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    just keep trying...try some weird stuff even lol. I'm on a very low cal orange/carrot diet this week and have already lost almost 1 pound in 1 day (and I was at a plateau for a couple months). I know a lot of ppl will disagree with low cal diets, but I'm finally losing again ^o^y

    also keep in mind...the smaller you get, the slower it takes (usually)~
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I get like that sometimes also. But it's a vicious cycle. It is really discouraging when you've been working so hard and you're about the same as you were before. Just keep being healthy, and if you lose weight, fantastic. Slow progress is a good thing, it means you're more likely to maintain that progress afterwards.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I feel ya girl. I have been struggling to lose my last (now) 13lbs for the last 2 years. It's just so hard. Honestly I feel that my body just wont drop anymore weight.

    It's hard, just keep your head up and keep pushing thru it. I think we've all felt down in the dumps while tryin to lose weight.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    I came to terms with the fact i was fat a long time ago.

    It took a lot longer to come to terms with the fact it was within my control and ability to lose it, i just had to stick with it no matter how i felt at the time.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    My doctor actually told me to increase my calories because I'd reached a plateau, sort of. So I've increased my calories and am making sure I'm on that treadmill every day. We'll see what happens. Maybe, you increased your calories over the holiday and that kicked your metabolism up?
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I would recommend just putting your scale away if the number is putting you down...look for NSV's and be aware of how good you start to feel. That's the most important thing sometimes. Good luck with everything!
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    body weight aside, you are probably healthy because of all the effort you are putting into it. if you totally give up, that will probably take its toll on they good health you have now. i would keep fighting the good fight just for that. maybe the other will eventually fall into place too. but if you stop in your tracks, you will probably lose the healthiness you now hold.

    i've been working by a$s off since august of 2009. started pretty good, but i haven't lost any weight since june of this year. not an ounce. but i'm still working out and eating well and drinking water because my endurance, stamina, heart, lungs, and all that jazz have improved drastically, weight loss or no. so i say stay the course. best of luck to you.

    I agree with this.. I go up and down with giving up and bieng so sick of the fight and I look worse as i'm losing!! .. I don't know what they do on tv, but coming down from 400lbs.. I got skin and stuff sagging i had no idea could sag!! Bikini body my *kitten*.. I digress.. What keeps me going even when I give up is what Chan said..
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    It's easy to give up. It takes courage to keep moving on. I think we all have a fighting spirit inside us. Use it to motivate yourself.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    If you've only lost 7lbs in the last 14 months (your join date was Sept 2010), you need to change things.
    If you are 40lbs overweight (still just going by your ticker here), there is no reason you shouldn't be losing weight simply by eating right.

    If you want to give up, that's your right. But from what I can see, you need to start before you can give up.

    Focus on your goal, eat right, and get in any form of exercise, and you will lose weight.

    If you've "Come to Terms" with being fat... I assume that means you are content being fat?
    If you were content with it, then why are you being down? In my eyes, this would mean you are not content with it.

    With a closed diary, and not knowing you, of course I could be wrong.. but.. it's unlikely.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I was in that place. It was because I had gone to the gym for 20 years and still looked the same give or take 5 kgs. Now I've realised the definition of stupid is doing the same thing for 20 years and getting the same results and then getting depressed about it!!!! (I"m not calling you stupid by the way, I'm calling me stupid!!! )
    so now I'm doing all sorts of different things I have found out about on here, Gillian Michaels DVds, next I"m doing Jamie eason, and I've also bought a HRM to make sure my calculations are all correct. And by changing what I do I'm getting results!!!
    So maybe if you're in a funk its because you aren't getting results and you're not getting results because you're not doing the right things, or not doing new things that shock your body.
    thats just what happened to me this year anyway
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    *huggs* sorry your so down about this! I don't think ill ever be ok with my body. Don't give up,keep eating within your calories and excersize. Oh and try to only weigh yourself once a month. That's what I just started doing and its actually making me feel less stressed about "weigh day". Gl hun
  • God gave you that body, it's now up to you to look after it. YOU CAN DO IT! Stay strong and keep going; you are worth it! :wink:
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I have struggled with my weight for years. I tried and tried unsuccessfully to lose weight. I saw doctors, nutritionists, and paid personal trainers to help me out. No one could explain why I wasn't losing any weight. It really wasn't until I found a support group that I really clicked with that I started taking off the weight. I guess what I am saying, see if you have the support you need. It may sound kind of weird, but if it wasn't for the group of ladies I have found, I would probably still be struggling and feeling horrible about myself.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    I think the main thing is WE HAVE TO HAVE PATIENCE! This isn't a race and the looks aren't going to come quick. Who know's, for certain body types it may take a year or more of discipline. Just stay focused and know it will pay off. There are people with health conditions that make it almost impossible to loose the fat, but some have still made it through. If they can do it, we can do it. We just have to work for it, stay focused, and never give up! How long has it taken us to get fat? So shouldn't we be fair and spend the time to get fit? You can do it. DISCIPLINE!
  • I may get ripped apart for this but I'm gonna say it anyway......Bodyflex. You can find the book, it's written by Greer Childers or there are also videos. She has some other stuff out too and I can't remember the name of that program. It's a deep breathing and stretching program.....very destressing and it works your muscles. Oxygen will kick fat's behonkus!!! Good luck and keep going, you can do it :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I did give up, I had given up, that's why I stopped doing cardio pretty much all together.

    After I started lifting weights the scale started budging, and slowly it decreased. I'm now slimmer than I've ever been (which is still not slim, mind you) and all I do is lift weights at the gym. No running for hours, no bicycling or anything like that. I just pick up heavy things and put them back. I've in total now lost 7 kg (15 lbs which I couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried), just slowly vanished as my body grew stronger.

    Well, everyone's different, but you should try free weights and stronglifts before you give up entirely. I've just gotten renewed hope in myself, and if nothing else, I know damn well I'm getting stronger.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I go through this from time to time. One week I will feel awesome and proud of my weight loss- other times I look in the mirror and still see the disgusting person I once was. Sometimes I even wonder if I would look better being big again with my large bra size rather than thinner and have a smaller chest. I don't know why I keep going through this cycle but you are not alone. I find I feel better when i receive a compliment from a friend or family member, especially my significant other and try to take it to heart.