WARNING: This is a downer



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't given up, but I have had weeks where I've given up for a little while for the same reasons you cite.

    One thing that keeps me going is that, while I want to be slim for all the shallow reasons like how I look and clothes I can wear, I also want to be healthy so that when I'm 50 or 60 or 70, I can still climb stairs and walk around amusement parks, etc. I exercise and eat healthy so that I can look forward to an active middle and old age. So even when the scale isn't moving, no matter how hard I try, that is what keeps me going.

    I will offer this advice, though: Maybe you lost this week because you ate more. It's counterintuitive, I know, but sometimes that's what works. I was struggling for MONTHS. I had my calories set low and was exercising and killing myself and gaining or staying the same or fighting for tiny losses. I upped my calories by about 1,000 a day and lost 3.8 in three weeks. It's easier to sustain, doesn't feel like as much work and it WORKS.

    Good luck. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The tone of your post doesn't really sound like you've come to terms with it. You sound depressed about it.

    I have come to terms with the fact that I'll likely never be as thin as I was 20 years ago, mostly because I don't want to work as hard at it now. As long as I am healthy and feel good that is the main thing. At this point in my life I'm not willing to give any more effort than I am now to dropping my body fat or dress size. I seem to be gaining and losing the same 3 lbs lately. I don't know if I've reached a plateau and will start losing again at some point, or if this is all I can expect from my current plan. I'd like to drop another 5-7 lbs, but not enough to work harder at it.
  • It's a question regarding survival and healthy living that you must ask yourself and only you can answer.

    Plants have no choice of action. They seemingly are programed to act automatically for life. Their leaves unfold and reach up to the sun for its energy they use to produce food for themselves. Their roots dig deep into the ground in search for life sustaining water.

    Animals in the wild use senses provided to them by nature. These "instincts" are an automatic code of action that dictates to them how they will react in a given situation. The acts of finding food, water and shelter, similar to the plants, seems to be programmed in them as they do what needs to be done in order to survive in the wild.

    Humans on the other hand have one characteristic that makes us quite different from animals and plants. Our ability to think, reason, and override our programmed instincts. Given the ability to use our minds and think for ourselves some have "rationalized" and justified to themselves that they do not need to unfold their leaves and reach out toward the sun. That they do not need to find the nuts the trees have provided and store them up for the winter. They do not need to work diligently throughout the spring gathering sticks to build nests and shelter. That they do not need to eat healthy natural diets or exercise.

    The question you must ask yourself is do YOU want to live a healthy life and survive on this planet? If the answer is YES then you must make the choices and take the actions best suited for your survival. The scale will only hurt you. Don't do it for the scale. The scale doesn't care about you. Only you care about you. Do it for yourself!

    It's all about perspective and until your perspective becomes in line with the reality of the situation you will find it a constant uphill battle for life.
  • Kikilicious84
    ((Hugs)) I mean that. I've been where you are. I just kept working out and logging anyway. I ate a donut...cause "why did it matter b/c I wasn't losing anyway" or whatever reason I felt so bad.

    Then one day...after feeling down...I just snapped out of it.

    In the words of a famous fish... "Just keep swimming"

    Good luck to you.
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    In the words of a famous fish... "Just keep swimming"

    Now that puts a smile on my face :smile:

    From your post you don't sound like you've come to terms with it - more like its really getting you down that the scales haven't changed. If you do stop any progress you've achieved by trying will be lost & some day you'll feel like you need to try again & may have gained more than you've lost making it even harder.
    I read a line somewhere - 'this time next year you'll be glad you started today' - that is so true. Take some time out for you. Reassess the things that you can change & stick to. Then pick something every day/week new to change & stick with it.

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    Someone once told me, "its harder to give up, than it is to move forward."
    Its true because the guilt and embrassment of quiting far outways the satisfaction of continuing on.

    I feel like giving up all the time. I find losing weight is hard because I am doing it for me BUT I also know my husband wants it just as bad as I do. So when I give up...its an easier way out for me thn just failing. It hard to explain but true.

    If you lost weight over the holidays, are you sure you are eating enough calories? Are you taking into consideration all your exercise?activity?

    I wouldn't give up....i would maybe play with your calories a bit. Make sure you log everything, drinks and all (Large Tim Horton's Coffee, double double....263 calories WOW) . Pay attention to what you et...maybe something you are eating is affecting your weight loss goals.

    Also maybe get your doctor to do a blood work up, see if you have a thyroid condition.

    Keep on tracking and be true to yourself.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member

    Has anyone else given up? Simply come to terms with the fact that they are really healthy (speaking biometrically like cholesterol, glucose etc....) but they are just fat.

    I think you have your answer if you say this sentence out loud. How do you say the word fat? does it spit off the end of your tounge in a dissapointed and distainful manner? If so you have not accepted it, you are just as unhappy about it but you have lost your drive towards your goal. Why don't you set your goal to maintain your current weightloss for a little while and then get back on the wagon when you feel like you can. It will come back to you so don't undo your hard work, just maintain it then you will be starting back just that little bit higher up the grid (sorry too much F1 this weekend)
  • scubagirl319
    scubagirl319 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi there,

    I know what you mean by being over weight and being healthy (no weight related issues. At my highest weight of 454 my blood pressure stayed around 130/70, my cholesterol was 129, no diabetes, no sleep apnea, nothing, Just pain in back and knees from carrying all this weight around. My DR said I was the healthiest fat person he knew! But I also knew that would change, I have a family history of all those diseases. What I have found in my 52 years of dieting is DIETS DONT WORK! You have to make a lifestyle change, you have to change your eating habits forever. Not till you just lose the weight. You cannot go on a crazy diet and deprive yourself of foods then when you lose the weight or get discouraged go back to the way you were eating. Go see a nutritionist or talk to your family DR. I have gained and lost 100's of pounds (probably 1000's) during the course of my life. I have been big since I was a child. Good luck to you
  • putinwork22
    putinwork22 Posts: 15 Member
    If you've only lost 7lbs in the last 14 months (your join date was Sept 2010), you need to change things.
    If you are 40lbs overweight (still just going by your ticker here), there is no reason you shouldn't be losing weight simply by eating right.

    If you want to give up, that's your right. But from what I can see, you need to start before you can give up.

    Focus on your goal, eat right, and get in any form of exercise, and you will lose weight.

    If you've "Come to Terms" with being fat... I assume that means you are content being fat?
    If you were content with it, then why are you being down? In my eyes, this would mean you are not content with it.

    With a closed diary, and not knowing you, of course I could be wrong.. but.. it's unlikely.

    Like Button!!! keeping it real!!
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    The tone of your post doesn't really sound like you've come to terms with it. You sound depressed about it.

    yep, i agree and we all know that you can be healthy in the body and unhealthy in the mind ... i really doubt, in today's society an overwieght person can truly be happy, which mean metally you are are going to be unhealthy.
  • cassuccino
    cassuccino Posts: 702 Member
    I may get ripped apart for this but I'm gonna say it anyway......Bodyflex. You can find the book, it's written by Greer Childers or there are also videos. She has some other stuff out too and I can't remember the name of that program. It's a deep breathing and stretching program.....very destressing and it works your muscles. Oxygen will kick fat's behonkus!!! Good luck and keep going, you can do it :)

    hahaha I loved BodyFlex!!! I had her original video (VHS) but I bought her more recent DVD and I don't like it as much, as most of her new exercises take place while sitting in a chair... I don't like that. But I love the exercises!! They're fairly easy but they work well!! When I did her original video / program, I lost quite a bit of weight. The new DVD I haven't been able to get "into" it... I should look for the book. I didn't even know there was one!!! =) I'm also in search of her old original version on DVD.... probably not very easy to find but I'm going to try!! =)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I worked out like a demon and ate right and was the same for 3 months. Then I gave up three month back, have eaten everything in sight and not worked out at all and guess what, I am the same weight STILL. I do wonder why I would even bther, but I can feel myself jellifying and I am not so fit, so I am back regardless. We got this.
  • cassuccino
    cassuccino Posts: 702 Member
    Sorry I didn't reply to your post first... I had actually done the search on BodyFlex and that's how I came across this post... =)
    (I thought I had 'quoted' the original poster's comment / question but apparently not... so this is for the original poster... farmers_daughter)

    Anyway, I've totally given up before. I lost 70 pounds about 4+ years ago or so and then I hit a plateau and let my depression kick in and take hold. I gained the 70 pounds back plus an extra 20 pounds. It has taken me those 4+ years to finally get my butt in gear and start losing again. I've lost about 45 pounds so far and I just started working on my weight around the first of October!! (I have a lot of weight to lose so my results are probably not "typical".) I'm just hoping that a plateau doesn't send me in a great funk once again... but I think I have a better support system this time around and a better health plan (mine... not a medical health plan or anything like that). I met some great people on here who have a FB group and they've helped me immensely.

    It's hard to find the motivation but once you do, you need to try to hang onto it... and support is so important!! My diet is strict now and that can be especially hard when those around you aren't dieting or watching what they eat but it's possible to do it. I hope you find the motivation you need to start caring again. =)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I've been stuck on a plateau for the last 2 months at 23 lbs down. Am I frustrated? Heck yes. Do I feel like capitulating nearly every day? Yes. I'm not giving up though. I remember being thin and fit, and I want that more than I want a bowl of chips and cheese dip.

    Don't give up. Just keep trucking along.
  • Demwitted
    I would recommend just putting your scale away if the number is putting you down...look for NSV's and be aware of how good you start to feel. That's the most important thing sometimes. Good luck with everything!

    Completely agree. Also, stress is not conducive to weightloss and it really sounds like you are stressing out about the numbers. Maybe you relaxed a bit over the holidays? Focus on having a healthy lifestyle and be happy that you've made progress there. Never ever give up on yourself or your health, even if you do decide to give up on weight tracking.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Have you ever tried not doing goals? I mean other than logging and exercising and trying to make healthy food choices? I don't do goals...like I'm going to lose this much by this time...because if I don't make the goal I get all bummed out. But if every day I try to make the best choices for me to be healthy then I can't fail and I don't have to give up because it is a process, a lifestyle change. Every day the MFP numbers refresh. Every day it is a new day to make healthy choices. Forget about your scale. Are you getting stronger?
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    No, because in my opinion fat is just loathsome.

    When I looked in the mirror at myself at 250+ lbs, I saw ugly. And people judge us for being fat too.

    Right or wrong people see fat and think "look at that undisciplined, unhealthy tub of lard". They don't care that I could do more pull-ups or even run faster and longer [and I could] than them. They didn't care that I did not smoke and they did.
    People see fat and have a negative reaction, because it's considered a bit of an indictment against those of us who got fat.

    I'll never give up.
  • mcanavan05
    mcanavan05 Posts: 210 Member
    Do not give up on yourself. You can do it. As your profile quote says...

    The car you drive has a large windshield, but only a relatively small rearview mirror. . . What happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future. - Joel Osteen.

    When I feel like Im going off track I stop myself and remember why I came here. Get up, go win the day, one day at a time. See you this time next year. Clear mind and lighter - focused and energized.
  • HeyJude2011
    Something that keeps me going is to remember that I only "fail" if I give up. Don't give up. This is a difficult time of year in general, diet issues aside. Take it a day at a time. About your thanksgiving weight loss, my trainer has suggested that I "shock" my metabolism from time to time. When I hit a plateau, I add calories for a couple days then go back to the more resticted diet. It seems to help. Perhaps that's why you lost after Thanksgiving. Hang in there and DON'T GIVE UP!
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I think we have all went through that. Lots of bumps along the way, but in the end, it is well worth it. Good luck with whatever you decide. That is why it is so nice to be able to make the choices that are right for us. You are in control of whatever you decide to do.