100 Miles in December



  • catherine80
    catherine80 Posts: 18 Member
    no got much to go im gonna finsih this tomorrow xxxxx
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    100.08 Miles Total with 1 day to spare.. Almost didn't make it

    Congratz to everyone who finished :smile:
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    12/30: .7 miles walking

    December Total: 124.5
    To go: 0 miles :happy:
  • catherine80
    catherine80 Posts: 18 Member
    8 miles today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive done it i think !!!!!!!!!!! xxx wooooooooooooooooooooooopa xxxxxxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PetraSvdT
    Just came back from my last race of the year... December miles: 166mls/265.5km DONE!!!!!
  • falfal923
    falfal923 Posts: 80 Member
    12/31- 10 Miles Bike = 149.55 miles total!!!

    I hope we can all do this challenge in January....maybe even shoot for 150. This was such a great group thanks to all of you for pushing me further!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    Rides so far this month:

    01/12/2011 - 25.52km - (15.86 miles) - 1407kcal - Local loop - bright and sunny but cold and windy
    03/12/2011 - 32.29km (57.81km total) - 20.06 miles - (35.92 miles total) - 2420kcal (3827kcal total) - Indoor Cycling
    04/12/2011 - 32.79km (90.60km total) - 20.37 miles - (56.29 miles total) - 2334kcal (6161kcal total) - Indoor Cycling
    05/12/2011 - 16.15km (106.75km total) - 10.04 miles (66.33 miles total) - 902kcal (7063kcal total) - Mountain Bike around local woods
    06/12/2011 - 18.89km (125.64km total) - 11.74 miles (78.07 miles total) - 1090kcal (8135kcal total) - MTB local woods again
    08/12/2011 - 33.07km (158.71km total) - 20..55 miles (98.62 miles total) - 2264kcal (10417kcal total) - Indoor Cycling
    09/12/2011 - 16.14km (174.85km total) - 10.03 miles (108.65 miles total) - 857kcal (11274kcal total) - MTB Local Woods rain/sleet/snow/hail :smile:
    10/12/2011 - 27.77km (202.62km total) - 17.25 miles (125.90 miles total) - 1857kcal (13131kcal total) - Indoor Cyclng
    12/12/2011 - 24.27km (226.89km total) - 15.08 miles (140.98 miles total) - 1357kcal (14488 kcal total) - back out on road bike (hooray!)
    13/12/2011 - 17.58km (244.47 km total) - 10.93 miles (151.91 miles total) - 1056kcal (15544 kcal total) - Local Woods on MTB in 40mph wind and Hailstorm
    14/12/2011 - 40.03km (284.77 km total) - 25.04 miles (176.95 miles total) - 2384kcal (17928 kcal total) - Indoor Cycling - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/134497505
    16/12/2011 - 24.45km (309.22 km total) - 15.19 miles (192.14 miles total) - 1400kcal (18328kcal total) - Local Road Loop - Muddy
    17/12/2011 - 19.74km (328.996 km total) - 12.27 miles (204.41 miles total) - 1051kcal (19379 kcal total) - shortened local loop
    18/12/2011 - 27.78km (356.74 km total) - 17.26 miles (221.67 miles total) - 1534kcal (20913 kcal total) - normal loop with add-ons
    19/12/2011 - 32.52km (389.26 km total) - 20.20 miles (241.87 miles total) - 2444kcal (24357 kcal total) - indoor cycling
    20/12/2011 - planned day off
    21/12/2011 - another day off the bike - christmas shopping :sick:
    22/12/2011 - 19.00km (108.26 km total) - 11.80 miles (253.67 miles total) - 1024kcal (25381 kcal total) - mountain bike, local woods
    23/12/2011 - 33.86km (441.112 km total) - 21.04 miles (274.71 miles total) - 2082kcal (27463 kcal total) - indoor cycling
    24/12/2011 - 24.55km (466.67 km total) - 15.25 miles (289.96 miles total) - 1419kcal (28882 kcal total) - local loop
    25/12/2011 - 18.60km (485.27 km total) - 11.56 miles (301.52 miles total) - 1350kcal (30232 kcal total) - indoor cycling (madness!!)
    27/12/2011 - 27.72km (512.99 km total) - 17.23 miles (318.75 miles total) - 1549kcal (31781 kcal total) - local loop with added draggy climb
    28/12/2011 - 40.96km (553.95 km total) - 25.45 miles (344.20 miles total) - 2323kcal (34104 kcal total) - indoor cycling
    29/12/2011 - 46.26km (600.21 km total) - 28.74 miles (372.94 miles total) - 2977kcal (37081 kcal total) - more indoor cycling :-(
    31/12/2011 - 50.06km (650.27 km total) - 31.11 miles (404.05 miles total) - 3223 kcal (40304 kcal total) - even more indoor cycling :-(

    So - that's it for me for 2011 then - a grand total of 2189 miles rode this year, in just over 177 hours and a slightly scary 226,973 kcalories burned away - that's nearly 65lb of fat ! Scary Stuff !!


  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    12/31: 5 miles running; 1.5 miles walking

    December Total: 131
    To go: 0 miles :happy:
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    If you'd like to continue this challenge with me into the New Year, just click on the link below! See you there!! :smile:

  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    Finished with 61.5 miles with walking, marching, and step aerobics. Next time I will be in better shape to do it. My calves weren't ready for it. But I stuck with it and pushed myself.
  • Cygnusia
    200636 steps, 100 miles. Walking at work and with my wife this month.
  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    I did a total of 258 for december
  • samreitz