Do You...

weesel80 Posts: 186
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Avoid weighing yourself for a couple days if you know you have slipped with your nutrition for a couple days and have either eaten more sodium (water retention) or more calories, etc.... OR do you remain accountable to yourself and weigh, knowing that the scale will show a gain because of either water retention or what you decided to eat the day before?

Just curious what people do....



  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    Avoid weighing yourself for a couple days if you know you have slipped with your nutrition for a couple days and have either eaten more sodium (water retention) or more calories, etc.... OR do you remain accountable to yourself and weigh, knowing that the scale will show a gain because of either water retention or what you decided to eat the day before?

    Just curious what people do....

  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I weigh I can learn from the mistakes
  • always weigh in on Friday no matter what. But the rest of the week I am not a slave to that scale.:huh:
  • aprilann
    aprilann Posts: 238
    Avoid weighing yourself for a couple days if you know you have slipped with your nutrition for a couple days and have either eaten more sodium (water retention) or more calories, etc.... OR do you remain accountable to yourself and weigh, knowing that the scale will show a gain because of either water retention or what you decided to eat the day before?

    Just curious what people do....

    I weigh my self once a week same time. I do it every morning on wed.
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Since finding this site, I have discovered that accountability for everything I put in my mouth is key.

    I face the scales no matter what. :smile:
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    I weigh in every sunday after rpm (spin) class regardless and don't jump on that scale anyother time. It's kinda like finding the prize in the cracker jack Weigh in babe.
  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    Thanks everyone for the replies. Needless to say, I have been eating higher sodium foods the past couple days (TOM), and am wary to weigh in tomorrow, but I will! I also have gone over my calories a couple days. But today, I worked out twice to try to make up for it which is an accomplishment. Instead of drowning my sorrows in a pint of Ben and Jerry's, I worked out instead!! Proof of how far one can come!!:happy:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies. Needless to say, I have been eating higher sodium foods the past couple days (TOM), and am wary to weigh in tomorrow, but I will! I also have gone over my calories a couple days. But today, I worked out twice to try to make up for it which is an accomplishment. Instead of drowning my sorrows in a pint of Ben and Jerry's, I worked out instead!! Proof of how far one can come!!:happy:

    Most awesome!!!! I give myself a little leeway right before TOM. If I don't gain, but just plateau, I consider it a victory! Good for you for working out!
  • phed0017
    phed0017 Posts: 90 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, every Saturday. I think this is good for me.
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    I step on the scale every morning, probably out of habit, but I only take note as far as progress on Fridays.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    If I know I've screwed up, I'll give myself a couple days to get back on track. :smile: A higher number can put me in a :angry: mood all day so I choose not to do that to myself. :laugh:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    If I know I've screwed up, I'll give myself a couple days to get back on track. :smile: A higher number can put me in a :angry: mood all day so I choose not to do that to myself. :laugh:
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I weigh myself once a week and sometimes during the middle out of curiousity but if I have a high sodium day I purposely weigh myself the next morning to see if the water retention thing is true and what effect it has. Just 3 days ago I had canned soup, salted pistachios, and something processed with tonnes of sodium so the next morning I jump on and yep, up 2 lbs! I know I didn't take in an excess of 7000 calories so it doesn't freak me out. I just like to see these theories in front of me, I think it's neat.
  • I weigh myself every single morning... naughty or not. I only log when there is a change to my weight, though. I'm not going to avoid the scale just because I was bad the night before!
  • I weigh in on Mondays, (class day), and stay off the scale at home. I am enjoying the heck out of this site though. Tracking my calories and excercise here is a lot easier than writing it all down. I try to keep in mind that this journey isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. If I slip up today, the race isn't over. I can regain lost ground tomorrow.

  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    I weigh myself every single morning... naughty or not. I only log when there is a change to my weight, though. I'm not going to avoid the scale just because I was bad the night before!

    I do the same although some days I try and force myself not to weigh in.. it's become like an obsession really just to see if I lost anymore! I also measure my inches too.. I am down another 2 inches.. 1 on my boobs :sad: and one on my hips :blushing:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I weigh every single day and am learning what affects weight. I only report it (check-in) when there is a loss. This way it keep me motivated. IDK how people avoid it all week. I'm on that thing every morning, every night, whenever I am naked in the bathroom. :laugh:

    This way I can realize what is actually happening - like Oh, I took cold medication and look - a two pound "gain" I guess cold medication makes you retain water-

    I have even weighed before and after using the bathroom - I wanted to know what the difference would be.

    I see how some people could get obsesses with it, but I am not obsessed, just curious - If I see a gain, I think about what happened, I don't get upset about it.
  • ma9321
    ma9321 Posts: 227 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I don't care what I eat or don't eat. I know I should only weigh myself every week or so, but i can't help it! :smile:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    I can get a bit obsessive, so I keep my scales at my mum's house and only weigh myself when I'm there (about once a week). Heaven knows what I'll be like when I move back after uni! When I'm there, I'll weight myself a handful of times, but I only record in the morning, before I've eaten. Not so I'll weigh less, but so I have less excuses- stomach's empty, this is your weight, deal with it. :P
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    I weigh in the same time same day each week no matter what AND it's on a Monday, so what ever I ate over the weekend shows. Why cheat it.

    But...I did skip this Monday because I was sick and didn't eat as much as I normally would, so I knew the weight I'd lost wasn't "true". I'm sure I gained it all back this week, so gave myself a 2 week break from weighing in.
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