Breakfast Makes me Starving!!!



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Yep...its because eating gets your body working (digesting food, etc), and that uses energy, that your body then wants you to replace.

    Yep, when you eat your body start to kick in and your metabolism gets to work. That's why people usually recommend eating small meals a couple hours apart. I eat breakfast at 8, snack at 10, lunch at noon, etc...
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    If you aren't hungry, don't eat.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Like everyone else said, eating gets your metabolism started a lot faster than just activity. I eat small snacks through the day, but if you increase your fiber and protein at breakfast, you will get hungry less often. A lot of people practice IF (intermittent fasting) where they only eat for a certain number of hours out of the day. This usually means that they skip breakfast. I'm really not sure what all the benefits of this approach are. I asked a friend about it and he said that he did it just so he could have bigger meals. Squeezing 1500 calories into 5 hours means a lot of food. But if there are any other health benefits to it, I have no idea.
  • KXanthos
    KXanthos Posts: 189 Member
    Yup, same issue here! I know "they" say that we should eat breakfast, but don't "they" also say that we shouldn't eat unless we are hungry?
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Please don't stop eating Breakfast because of this. Breakfast is so important, gives you energy to start the day and it starts your body burning more calories sooner. Would you rather up your metabolism in the morning or at lunch? What are you having for breakfast? When you have simple carbs like fruit, bread, and most cereals, they burn quickly and then, yes, you will be hungry again. Try adding some protein or more complex carbs like whole grains or oatmeal. They will burn slower and you won't be as hungry so soon. When I eat my oatmeal in the morning, even having fruit with it, I don't get hungry til noon. However, I usually do eat a mid-morning snack. I don't work, so it's easy for me to grab something at home, but you could take something to work too. It's okay to eat a small healthy snack mid-morning. I usually grab a string cheese, or some veggies, or fruit. Whatever gets you another couple of hours. Good luck, just don't give up on breakfast.
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    Yes but I usually have a protein shake at around 7 after I workout, then when I get to work I have a mid morning snack around 9-930. Hold me over till lunch at around noon or 1pm...
  • Sweet_pea
    I am the same way! I went to a fat doctor and they say its important to get 30 grams of protien in the morning because it starts your metabolism. So if you dont eat enough in the morning your metabolism starts but then shift to starvation mode and your burning muscle instead of fat...
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Eating breakfast helps your metabolism, it's highest in the morning but eating nothing it won't really get going(energy for the day). If you eat something healthy and high in protein (think yogurt) it should help you feel full longer and you will burn more calories through the day naturally.
  • tgreen0001
    Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser stated he starts off the day eating oatmeal with fruit. It seems to make sense the calories are very low and it does fill you up. Try it, it works for me!
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    Yep, it happens, but try eating a breakfast that's low in sugar and high in fiber and/or protein. One of my faves is a Thomas's Whole Wheat Bagel Thin with an egg (over hard) and some cheese. I've been using mozzerella lately b/c it's what I have. Surprisingly nummy, and it left me feeling full until about 1pm.
  • PhotographyChick
    PhotographyChick Posts: 43 Member
    Honestly "grazing" is better than 3 set meals a day. I eat small snack like meals several times a day and just record them in whatever meal category they best fit. Keeps me from over eating too. Don't skip breakfast, like others have said, just plan snacks. My issue is after working out... I feel like I could eat TONS right after a workout!
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser stated he starts off the day eating oatmeal with fruit. It seems to make sense the calories are very low and it does fill you up. Try it, it works for me!

    Completely agree with this!!!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    In just the past week I've started experimenting with pushing my "breakfast" back to about 1-2pm. I sip herbal tea and water all morning and I feel really good all day! I still have all of my calories between 1-9pm. I'm also finding it a lot easier to stick in my allotted calories.

    Also, as far as I am aware, all of the studies about how healthy breakfast eaters are are epidemiological studies. They show correlation, not causation. In general, the non-breakfast eaters are probably not very health-conscious in general. So, they might skip breakfast and then pig out on donuts in the break room, go out for a huge buffet lunch, etc. I don't think any properly controlled studies exist showing that meal timing is important (please correct me if I am wrong).
  • ursula71
    I don't agree with the "don't eat unless hungry theory"....IMO that facilitates the habit of over eating because it takes our bodies so long to realize we are full.

    I eat four planned meals a day and have two protein shakes (total of 6 times eating) - portioned out and planned so I eat only what I have allotted for each meal. ALWAYS a protein source with each meal as well (20ish grams). I have enough energy to get my workouts in and am not starving throughout the day (which is when I tend to get in trouble and chose "naughty" items).

    Also...if you start your morning with protein in conjunction with a helathy carb source you should find yourself satiated between meals.

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Does anyone else have this problem.. I'm okay, then I eat something small for breakfast cause I feel like I should... with all the studies etc... but then I'm starving before lunch time!

    I'm not going to bother looking up the case studies to link, but I'm sure plenty of folks here can post a wide variety of peer reviewed research showing that the effect of eating breakfast is minimal at best on actual weight loss. It generally has more to do with being an appetite suppressant later on that prevents folks from bingeing.

    As a separate point, your hunger after eating breakfast is probably due to the fact that your body is unaccustomed to eating at that time and responds as such. As it gets used to the new routine, it should get easier.

    So basically, stick with breakfast and it'll likely get better, though if you're only eating breakfast because you think you 'have to' to lose weight the science behind that claim is debatable.
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    Yes..I never eat breakfast for this reason. I have 2 coffe with sweetener and 2 tea`s with sweetener throughout till 2-3 pm..That`s when i have my first meal, then snack around 6-7 pm..And im done for the day..1000-12000 cal total..
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Where are all the interment fasting people in this thread?

    Breakfast 'starting' or 'boosting' your metabolism is a MYTH!! It's MYTH PEOPLE!!!
    If your metabolism stopped overnight you'd be in serious trouble.

    It's also been proven that the boost you get is in NO WAY cancelled out by the food you take in for breakfast. In fact you get the whole same boost no matter what time of day you start eating.

    Bottom line is if you don't like breakfast or eating breakfast does nothing for you don't eat it.

    I don't and I have LOST 36lbs. And if anyone says it's because I'm skipping calories it's you're wrong. I function better on an empty stomach. Eating breakfast make me more tired, makes me make bad choices at lunch. Not eating breakfast is the reverse for me.

    Do what is right for your body. Eating breakfast may not be right for you.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I don't agree with the "don't eat unless hungry theory"....IMO that facilitates the habit of over eating because it takes our bodies so long to realize we are full.

    I eat four planned meals a day and have two protein shakes (total of 6 times eating) - portioned out and planned so I eat only what I have allotted for each meal. ALWAYS a protein source with each meal as well (20ish grams). I have enough energy to get my workouts in and am not starving throughout the day (which is when I tend to get in trouble and chose "naughty" items).

    Also...if you start your morning with protein in conjunction with a helathy carb source you should find yourself satiated between meals.



    I know if I "wait until I'm hungry" I'll chew my own arm off.

    Also, if I only eat oatmeal & banana I'm starving w/in a couple of hours, but add a tablespoon (or two) of almond butter and I am full until noon.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Please provide said studies

    There are several studies, I'm sure you can find some or all of them with a quick internet search. But what is important is the reasons the findings provide for why breakfast helps with weight control. All of the studies I've read give the same reason. People who skip breakfast to lower calorie consumption tend to eat more later because they are hungrier. But that is not the same as saying that everyone who skips breakfast will eat more later.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Where are all the interment fasting people in this thread?

    Breakfast 'starting' or 'boosting' your metabolism is a MYTH!! It's MYTH PEOPLE!!!
    If your metabolism stopped overnight you'd be in serious trouble.

    It's also been proven that the boost you get is in NO WAY cancelled out by the food you take in for breakfast. In fact you get the whole same boost no matter what time of day you start eating.

    Bottom line is if you don't like breakfast or eating breakfast does nothing for you don't eat it.

    I don't and I have LOST 36lbs. And if anyone says it's because I'm skipping calories it's you're wrong. I function better on an empty stomach. Eating breakfast make me more tired, makes me make bad choices at lunch. Not eating breakfast is the reverse for me.

    Do what is right for your body. Eating breakfast may not be right for you.

    Quoted as this is sooo correct.


    All it may do is reduce cravings you have later in the day. So, if you don't get/can handle the cravings and are only eating breakfast because you think it's some miracle metabolism booster, you're just eating calories you don't really want at that time. Skip breakfast, and have the calories when you really want them!

    Meal timing is totally irrelevant when it comes to burning calories. Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. Stop believing the breakfast cereal companies propaganda!