My 3yr Old Won't Let Me Workout

So I have a 3 yr old girl who refuses to let me workout. I have tried including her - I even got her own little weights. Tried doing a dancing routine like Zumba ,etc. Its always the same she is into it for like 2 min and then stops and grabs onto my leg or is weaving in and out of my legs or needs something every 5 min. I have resorted to getting up at 5 am so I can work out in peace but find that this is leaving me with less sleep than I need and wears on me after awhile. Unfortunately waiting until she goes to bed doesn't work either as she refuses to go to bed without me and it ends up being a massive battle. I work fulltime and my husband is stay at home during the day and has a business at night so basically as soon as I'm off work he is working and I have the kids. Any suggestions?


  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    you are the parent... she should be doing as told- just my opinion
  • evans72002
    evans72002 Posts: 89 Member
    I take my workout shoes, workout clothes, dvd's and weights to work and do my workout before I leave work and pickup my son. I am a librarian, so it works out pretty good to have the space and dvd player in the school. I also run on the treadmill at home while he plays. He knows not to touch the treads. I wish you luck. I know how frustrating it is to want to workout and not be able to because of a clingy kid.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Looks like you only have two options... get up at 5 and find a way to stay energized throughout the day (or possibly going to bed earlier at night) or breaking the habit of going to bed with your daughter at night so you can take care of you at night and get that workout in.
  • _Sonia_
    Maybe get her a special toy that she ONLY gets to play with on the days when you get to work out in peace... like a REALLY special toy with flashing lights and noises and glitter and ponies and pink ruffles (some, perhaps not all of the above...) that will make her crazy with joy! :) As soon as she bugs you, you take the toy away for the rest of the day, end of story. Maybe even something super-cool that she only gets to play with DURING the workout?
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    You need to learn to make your 3 year old obey you. If you don't do it now, it doesn't get easier.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    My 3 year old used to do the same thing. She still likes to watch and occasionally joins in, but it doesn't last very long. After a while, she's realized that when I work out, she needs to find something else to do for however long I'm in front of the TV and she has to deal with it. I think you should just be firm with her and tell her when mommy works out, she needs to go play in her room or wherever else she normally plays and then when mommy's workout is over, you two can play together. Hope it works out for you. :)
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    Chasing/playing a three year old is a great cardio workout. Looks like it might be a good time to introduce her to soccer. I have five children, and I run at 5:00 AM or after they are in bed. Not always an option.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I had a dog that would never let me tie my shoes, I had to tie him up in the backyard just to get out the door in the AM. I know you can't do that with your kid, but maybe working on the first hurtle : getting her to go to bed on her own. That seems to be something that might lead to better time management. Like one thing that would benefit everyone.
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    Can you try to work out after shes in bed or get up earlier in the morning to get the workout in before she gets up?
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    small child at my mums aerobic class 2-3ish is in his pram for the majority of the class but is aloud to come join in when they get to certain bits, which seems to work well.

    unfortunately 3 year olds attention span not great, what about just doing ten minutes at a time 3 times a day or something, I don't know what tv for kids is like these days but im positive the teletubbies used to have a secret exersize portion which included singing and dancing.

    we have 5 and 6 year olds at our martial arts class but it very much depends on the kid.

    could get her one of those three wheeled scooter things and go for walks with her, see a lot of people doing that these days.

    Good luck keep at it :)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have a 3yr old daughter and 6yr old son and my husband works nights. My daughter always wants to be by my side. If I workout with them around they either have to do their activities they love to do and I let them join me sometimes (the cool down and some reps). My daughter loves to color so I plop a coloring book and some blank sheets so she can draw and color. My son plays with action figures so that keeps him busy. Other times I throw on a show or movie for them to watch while I workout. They are not allowed to leave their area (sofa or table) while I'm working out w/ a DVD or treadmill. It seems to work. Practice even on the weekend for her to choose an activity and stick to it. Another idea is to feed her dinner while you are working out. If that doesn't work I would wait until she goes to sleep or stick to an early morning routine. Hope you find some ideas to keep her busy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    you are the parent... she should be doing as told- just my opinion

    My thought exactly.
  • msjamartin
    At 3 years old she should be able to play by herself for a 1/2 hour. I'm sure you are doing everything you can as a Mom, but maybe you are doing to much. She needs to learn to be independant and not cling to Mom all the time.

    That said, you could look into Mommy & Me classes at the YMCA or local pool. Those can be quite a good workout.
  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    My kids are a little older, 5 & 8 but I'll sometimes put on a movie in another room or I'll tell them that I'm doing this for XXX minutes, show them on the clock how long and tell them they can do it with me or go find something else to do. If they try to interupt I'll tell them I'll deal with whatever in XX minutes. Unless, of course, someone is bleeding! LOL
  • CoachsWife4
    CoachsWife4 Posts: 79 Member
    She's beating you at multiple battles - the workout battle and the bedtime battle. With all the kindness in my heart, you have to start winning some or you are going to be too drained for anything that is important to you, especially if you plan on having any more children.

    I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old. They both understand that working out is important to me and helps me be healthy and strong for them. I give them plenty of attention before I start and they know that I will sit down with them for a bit when I'm finished.
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    Yep..sounds like my kid. I've had to resort to waking up early and working out before he gets up. This also means I have to get to bed early enough so I don't feel tired. My kid has never given me a hard time going to bed so I'm able to get to sleep on time.

    I think you have few options: Either her bedtime routine needs to be fixed/worked on, or informing her that when you exercise it is mommy time and that you need some space. Sometimes if my son is up I will get him started on an art project or puzzle and then head to workout. More often than not I am interrupted or distracted so I think getting up earlier is the best option.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    Do you have a jogging stroller? Nothing like using the weight of a 3 year old to tone your arms while running. :-) I would think it would be very difficult to keep the interest of a 3 year old for any other kind of workout. I have to either workout at 5:30am or during my lunch break.
  • kellyss20
    kellyss20 Posts: 24 Member
    You need to be the parent and set some ground rules. I set my 3 year old son up with something to do before I get started and he knows not to bother me until I am done. Crayons/markers & coloring books, action figures, puzzles, a movie. I get him a drink and he takes water breaks with me.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    If he's a stay at home parent, maybe he should keep her occupied while you get a workout in. I have 4 yr old twin boys and they know that first thing in the morning, mommy exercises. I get them breakfast and my dvd goes in. If I have to, I put a movie on in their room for them, but they are usually okay playing with their action figures for 45 minutes.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    what happened to nap time. When mine were little they took a 30min to 1hr nap and that time was great me time.

    edit:sorry missed the part where you work days. What about play dates with friends for an hour a 2-3 times a week.