My 3yr Old Won't Let Me Workout



  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    you are the parent... she should be doing as told- just my opinion

    My thought exactly.

    Double ditto. If a three year old is dictating your schedule now, wait till she's a teenager. LOL
  • My kids love "Just Dance" 2 and 3. It has fun songs and it's just like doing Zumba. Maybe find some songs she likes and pick those. Or, work out when she takes a nap. I don't think it's fair to say that you are the parent and she should do what she's told. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way. Be creative and you will eventually find something that will work. Chasing her around will help too I'm sure. Or maybe just work out for 15 minutes at a time at different times of the day. It all adds up! Good luck.
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    I am a mother of five. My youngest is 2, three in two weeks. They sure can be hard work and REALLY test you alot. My third child was VERY demarding like yours. You need to be strong and dont let them walk all over you. Going to bed with her can be "easier" but in the end you are making it harder on yourself. Most of my kids have adjusted to bed time easy but my fourth child took a long time, research and many different routines to figure out something that would work. It took my over a year and a half of hard slog to get him to go to bed. But if you want t exercise without lack of sleep you have to figure out the sleeping routine and let her get grumpy at you and don't give her something everytime she wants it. It's going to and has made your life harder. She is doing this because she hasn't got your attention but you need to show her this behaviour isn't good behaviour and your will give her your full attention but at the moment it's mommy time. I am by no means perfect and it's hard work whether you have five or 1 but you do need to stick to your guns and show her your mom not her
  • LauraS916
    LauraS916 Posts: 35 Member
    Sounds like me too... I work fulltime during the day and my hubby during the evenings until 3 in the moring! so when I get home its literally a switch! So its hard to balance not only my schedule but also my hubbys ( because afterall he is working hard to provide for his family and also needs his sleep!) So when I get home I try to work out as much as I can, but my daughter is a 15month old and a little easier... She knows when its time for momma to work out, I place her in her play pin, give her toys or her sippey and most of the time she'll fall asleep for 30mins! woo hoo and when she wakes she'll watch me work out and laugh ( ha ha probably because I am moving to Zumba). I try to put her to sleep at reasonable time for me to sleep and for her dad. So I completely understand, start setting a routine now before it get worse!
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    I have great empathy for your busy life style. I have 15 yr, 3 yr & 11 month old boys. My husband and I are just 'sails passing in the wind' or whatever the saying is. I am currently on mat leave, so I can go to the gym at 4 p.m. for an hour before my husband heads off to school / work (he is in school in the evenings and then works full time nights). When I am back to work, I will walk in the door when he walks out.

    I walk a ton with my little kids in a stroller (but I am home during the day right now). 3 is a difficult age, they are starting to get that they need to listen, but they have no attention span, so they don't always grasp not interrupting others & their activities. My suggestion would be as others have mentioned, and work on the bedtime routine first. A book I used (that is an extremely short read too) is titled The Sleep Easy Sleep Solution: The Exhausted Parents' Guide to Sleeping. It uses a firm approach that allows for meeting your child's attachement needs. It assists with setting a positive sleep environment as well as sets out guidelines according to age for when a child should go to sleep. For a 3 yr old, it talks about how to discuss with your child the new sleep approaches and get them 'on board' with the plan. I used the book when my son was 9 months, and the next one was 7 months. I was really pleased with the results and they were going to bed with no fuss and sleeping through he night within 6 nights.

    I get my children into bed between 7 & 8 and then have time to do work out dvds. I usually get it out of the way right away and then have time to veg on the couch and just enjoy some 'me time'.

    Good luck with the approach you choose to meet your fitness needs.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    a babysitter
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I like the chase and play advise, for just the sake of it, I wore my heart monitor when i played with my daughter yesterday and i burned like 350 cals in 20 mins of horse play and running around the house. A total surprise to me!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    What about joining a gym with a daycare?
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    strap her to your back and use her like a weight training vest!
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    Coloring book, crayons, toys, a cartoon dvd, anything like that works. Not trying to be mean, but you cant let a 3 year old dictate what you can and cannot do. It will only get worse. I can get my workout done at home and I have a 4 yr old and a 6 yr old. Give them something to do for 30 minutes. Tell them mommy is going to be busy for a while and to go play. Your the boss not them! Good luck!! :)
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I cosleep with my two kids and find that they sleep pretty soundly once they are really asleep (about an hour into bedtime routine). Then I can get up for a bit (watch TV in a different room or workout). So they go down around 7 or 8 and I can still do stuff and get 8hrs of sleep. In the AM if I get up before them they just wake up earlier and crabbier.

    People who say "3 yr olds should just obey" are not helpful.

    You can also try giving a special TV show that can only be watched during workout, or a special food/high chair or stroller combo that can only be enjoyed during your workout. Playdough keeps my kids still and occupied, as do messy things like water play, 'cooking' (with dry rice or pasta on a drop cloth). Your kid will learn over time that your workout time is separate from them and enjoyable.

    In terms of punishment, you can try pausing your workout every time your child enters a specific area and giving a time out until they avoid the workout area during your workout. However, I think it would take several tries over several days before a 3 year old would get the message. Distraction/redirection in addition to this type of punishment might speed it up.

    Good luck! Can your hubby give you 1 half hour a day to work out? That, of course, would be perfect.
  • Thats a good idea !
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Maybe adjust your work outs a bit.
    I couldn't do p90x due to my then two year old thinking I was a jungle gym.
    I ended up dancing or playing wii games (dancing, or even wii fit) with her in my ergo carrier.
    I have a jogging stroller, but didn't take her out in the cold.
    Set up an obstacle course or something that would keep them busy.
    There was a period of time when my lil one was content with colouring books and a blanket fort.
    She also was content with me opening "word pad" and letting her type.

    Maybe short bursts, or just going to be earlier like someone suggested?

    Like another posted said, once they fall asleep, I am able to get up. (We cosleep as well)
  • My kids love "Just Dance" 2 and 3. It has fun songs and it's just like doing Zumba. Maybe find some songs she likes and pick those. Or, work out when she takes a nap. I don't think it's fair to say that you are the parent and she should do what she's told. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way. Be creative and you will eventually find something that will work. Chasing her around will help too I'm sure. Or maybe just work out for 15 minutes at a time at different times of the day. It all adds up! Good luck.

    Thanks for the support - I have a 6yr old son who behaves and listens however my daughter is the opposite and is just a stubborn kid - I do win pletny of battles but with her I have to pick my battles because EVERYTHING is a battle. LOL
  • dippystick
    dippystick Posts: 168 Member
    Once upon a time I was a single mom with 5 small children, ages 1, 2, 3, 4, 7. I was in school full time. I needed quiet alone time to get my homework done. When I tried to do it at night after the kids went to bed, it was so late by the time they all settled down I was too tired to do it. So I decided we would all go to bed at the same time. Which for them was 8pm.

    We established a routine, if they wanted to be tucked in, they must be in their bed before I got there. I only went to each bed once. When I started this I would always go to the empty bed first. It didn't take long and they all raced to bed so they didn't miss getting tucked in. At first they would come to my room a couple of times to make sure I was still in bed too.

    I would get up at 4am and enjoy about 3 hours of totally quiet alone time. I still got a full nights sleep and I had my alone time I needed.

    It worked for me.

    I don't know how old your other kids are, but perhaps one of them could entertain your 3 yr old while you workout for a bit of pay or special considerations for something they want to do.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think you should try to break the bedtime routine. Try to get as much sleep as you can still because if you're not getting enough sleep that will start working AGAINST you when you're trying to lose weight.

    Is there anything whatsoever that would keep her occupied while you work out? Even long enough to do a 20-30 minute workout?
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Is there a slightly older kid nearby that can come play? Not necessarily one old enough to babysit on his or her own, but old enough to keep her occupied for 45 minutes or so and can keep her out of trouble as long as you are still nearby?

    Yeah, 3 year olds should just obey, but often they DON'T!!!
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I actually babysit a girl (who is 3.5 years old), and she sounds just like your three year old.

    Her parents haven't really layed down the law with her, and so she takes advantage (and is beginning to be rude - not saying your child is). I've actually had her parents ask me how I get her to go down for a nap in the afternoon and to bed on time in her own bed (also, she wakes up at 4-4:30am). But its because I don't let her get away with things. When its play time its play time, and we play hard. But when its time for bed, its time for bed, no excuses. Maybe its mean of me, as I am not her mother, but she behaves very well with me and loves when I come over, even though I lay down the law when its time too.

    I would say, just have something special for her, that she can ONLY use when you are working out (like someone else suggested), and say its time for mommy to do her exercise, you go get your special treat and in 30 min I will come back and play with you after I'm done. Its good for her to play on her own --- learns some independence!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    you are the parent... she should be doing as told- just my opinion
    This. I have a 6yo, a 5yo and a 3yo and when its time for me to workout, to their rooms they go. They're old enough to understand what "stay put until I come get you" means.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    If working out in the morning leaves you with less sleep than you need, and sneaking out of bed once she's asleep isn't generally feasible (although I promise, with enough ninja-like stealth, this can become totally possible!), then why not just plan activities that can be done together? Going for walks, chasing each other around whatever space is available (indoor playspace! your basement! out in the snow!), lifting her and swinging her around. Or maybe you can afford it and there's a great family gym nearby with child care so that she can run around like a little nut with other kids while you pound out a workout.

    She won't need you this much forever - I often think about parenting-related frustrations in terms of whether or not I'll regret it at the end of my life. On your death bed will you say "I'm glad I figured out a way to get her off my case for a half hour every day so I could work out during the short time she was small" or will you say "I'm glad I spent as much time playing with her and loving on her as possible for the short time she was small"? After all, they're only little for a little while.