Pit Bull Rescue



  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member

    My major professor and a wonderfully sweet man runs a big dog resue in North Carolina. www.logansrunrescue.com/

    I know he is swamped but Uncle Ron will do his best to help. Don't tell him I gave you his name ;) bc as I said, he is swamped but cannot turn the 4-legged's away.

    Best of luck!
  • Maybe contact a local radio station & see if they'll talk about it on air and see if someone wants her? You could also try the newspaper - it might make a good 'human' interest story for them, talking about the bad rep that pits have and seeing if there is anyone who wants her or an agency that will claim her.
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Have you tried to put her on craigslist? I have had amazing luck with that, you can screen people that contact you about her, so that you can be sure she is going to a good home. I had to give our female pit up, her and my male just absolutely hated each other, and it was wrong to try and make them live together...it broke my heart to get rid of her, but I put her on craigslist and she went to a loving family....and they still stay in contact with me and send me pics...

    We have also rescued a Doberman and found him a good home through craigslist, and a hunting dog that was abandoned on the side of the road, someone drove almost two hours just to get her!

    Yeah Fae, I've had her on Craigslist since the day I found her and have reposted several times. I haven't gotten so much as ONE email reply. The first time I posted, someone flagged it for removal. I just hate that Pits have such a bad reputation, she is such a sweetheart.

    It probably was not flagged for removal because people hate pits. It's because animals do NOT belong on Craigslist at all. Regardless of whether or not a person passes any type of inspection, you don't know their intentions. 99% of the animals that go to "good homes" on Craigslist, are used as bait dogs, or fighting dogs for underground rings.
  • Have you tried to put her on craigslist? I have had amazing luck with that, you can screen people that contact you about her, so that you can be sure she is going to a good home. I had to give our female pit up, her and my male just absolutely hated each other, and it was wrong to try and make them live together...it broke my heart to get rid of her, but I put her on craigslist and she went to a loving family....and they still stay in contact with me and send me pics...

    We have also rescued a Doberman and found him a good home through craigslist, and a hunting dog that was abandoned on the side of the road, someone drove almost two hours just to get her!

    Yeah Fae, I've had her on Craigslist since the day I found her and have reposted several times. I haven't gotten so much as ONE email reply. The first time I posted, someone flagged it for removal. I just hate that Pits have such a bad reputation, she is such a sweetheart.

    It probably was not flagged for removal because people hate pits. It's because animals do NOT belong on Craigslist at all. Regardless of whether or not a person passes any type of inspection, you don't know their intentions. 99% of the animals that go to "good homes" on Craigslist, are used as bait dogs, or fighting dogs for underground rings.

    99% I would say is a bit of a stretch don't you think. I know several people who have adopted dogs that were listed on Craigslist and none of them are being used as bait dogs or for fighting. They are with good families who love them. And for that matter if no amount of "screening" is good enough I guess animals should not be adopted from shelters either... DA I don't see anything wrong with trying Craigslist and it sucks that you weren't able to find her a home, hopefully something works out for her.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Any luck finding someone for the pup?