Favorite Romantic Movie?



  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Oh Memaw I'm sorry your hubby flaked out on you - but the day's not over! You never know! Seriously though, I know how you feel. I was engaged once and with him for 5 years and he never did anything for me. I think the last year was the best for us - he got me a card finally. But his idea of a romantic movie (which we watched on at least 2 of the 5 Valentines Days together) was Scarface... he said it was romantic because of the relationship between Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer - ummm.... sure... okay! Anyway, point is, I feel your pain. Just remember that we love you! And you love you! If I were you, I'd find out what time he was coming home and purposely go out at that time so he comes home to an empty house - even if it's to go for a walk or run an errand. And leave a Vday card or a note for him saying Happy Vday. If he truly isn't doing anything for you, maybe he'll feel like an a**.

    Anyway, these movie choices are all awesome - some of my favourites have been listed and there's some new ones I hadn't seen so there's a good list so far. Forgot totally to name my own favorites! Here they are:

    Under the Tuscan Sun (I own it and LOVE it - makes me inspired to always remain independent and self-loving)
    Notting Hill (so funny and so heart warming)
    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (weird at first, but the story is amazing - they are truly meant to be together)
    Brigette Jones's Diary (first one - oooh, Colin Firth & Hugh Grant - but mostly Colin Firth!:love: )
    Love Actually (Colin Firth and Hugh Grant again!)
    And my all time favorite movie - The Philadelphia Story (1939) with Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart.