a drunken dieter.



  • ImJDLookatME
    I like a chilled tequila shot, salted rim, with a lime. I sip on it for a whiiiile. I'm in the same boat as you, though. I bartend as well, and it's a big part of the culture to grab a few rounds after work. Tonight I have plans to get $3 jalapeno margaritas, actually, and I'm trying so hard to figure out how not to undo my day. :/

    I am not sure what's in a Jalapeno Margarita, but try and get it with triple sec, it has a lot of calories, but if you need the sweetness add a packet of splenda (I always keep them in my purse.)
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I drink vodka on the rocks when I want a buzz but less calories. And, I actually enjoy the taste, plus it takes a long time to finish it.

    Usually its a glass of red wine, once a week at dinner though.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You mention not wanting funny looks from the bartender, have you tried ordering multiple drinks at once? Like order a tequila and seltzer, a glass of water, and a diet coke or something like that. You have more drinks to keep track of, which depending on the bar can be an issue, but you end up drinking a LOT less.
  • aweightymatter
    My go-to drink is similar to what another poster mentioned -- vodka and soda water with lime. Comes in a cocktail glass and gives you a decent amount to sip on, and it's only about 100ish calories if you get the standard 1.5 oz vodka.

    That said, as a former heavy recreational drinker (I work in the entertainment and nightlife industries), I feel your pain... BUT, you probably aren't going to get the weight loss you want until you cut back on drinking. It sucks but this was true for me -- it's just too hard to get an accurate count on the calories swallowed on a big night out... and of course, drinking stimulates appetite. Five or more drinks will set you back a lot and probably devastate your entire caloric deficit for the day. I've actually found lately than even if I stay within my daily calorie limit, alcohol stalls me out for a few days.

    Going out and not being drunk, even when everyone else is, really isn't that bad ;) You get to watch everyone act the fool while you keep your wits about you, and you save a ton of $$.

    I mostly just stopped hanging out at "bars" per se where the only focus is the actual drinking and refilling. Don't know what you're into, but try to shift your socializing to live music events or dance clubs or whatever else where there is entertainment and/or a focus besides just sip, swallow, repeat.

    At the very least, don't be worried about looking stupid in front of a bartender for asking for something special. They see way more stupid things all the time.
  • whoaeyekneex3
    just substitute regular soda for diet soda in mixes..for example, ask for a long island iced tea with diet coke, or a diet coke and jack. diet coke isn't good for you but if you're worried about calories, i suppose that's the way to go. i love tequila as well but i only have a few shots (totally get you on the whole other problem thing!) and just sip on water while i enjoy the buzzed feeling
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    If you're to embarrassed to ask for a Bud Select ask or a Busch Light 89 calories. Even better!!!

    I just saw on the Dr.s yesterday that alcohol slows fat metabolism by 74% or 70 something %. Regardless, that is quite a bit.

    I too am a big drinker, a beer drinker. I haven't drank for two days, and I'm playing on my computer so I won't go grab a can from the frig. I'm thinking the 70 something % and all the work outs I do have gone to ..... well you know. I should stop drinking. ;)

    Good luck!!
  • alohabrie
    *pulls bucket close and pukes in it thinking of tequila* :D

    i have no magic words for you as the reason im stalled is my wine consumption...by the 1.5 at this point...issues? sure, i have em but im okay with it.

    now im thinking about shots..thanks for nothing :)

    oh, and good luck finding answers ... ill be reading ..

    I still drink of the vino - but I limit the amount - as in we measure as we pour now and I count the ounces. Have to exercise on wine days. Could be the same with tequila days....? Figure out how many tequila shots you can have and then sip water in between? Would help with the hangovers too. :drinker:
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    I've switched to vodka soda limes and whiskey on the rocks. Same can be done with tequila. Easy.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I drink tequila pretty frequently... usually with a splash of cranberry juice or OJ. Best to do low sugar juice though because the tequila has its own share of calories / carbs.

    Everything in moderation, right?
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Tequila, soda water and juice of 1/4 lime :) I usually put the lime in as well - I love tequila too!!

    It's summer here and that's super refreshing, sometimes I use sparkling water instead of soda water, but not when I'm at a bar cos I feel silly asking! Super low cal cos the soda water is 0 calories!
    Sometimes I have it with vodka instead of the tequila too.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I love whiskey and single-malt scotch. I drink the single-malts with water and ice. For whiskey, I mix with water and lemon juice. I can have ten in one hi-brow evening and not exceed my calorie limit, so long as I exercise and eat very nutritional food for a few days before and after. Lord knows, I do that all too often. But I lose 2 pounds a week, even when binging on a Saturday (and Friday) night...
  • adriayellow11
    It isn't what you're drinking, according to my nutritionist. It's how much you drink. Alcohol makes us metabolize differently, depending on how much we have had and when. She advised me to have only one glass in the evenings and to avoid following it with high fat snacks. Seems like a no brainer but I found this really REALLY hard at first and thought I would never be able to do it. I can proudly say that I have nights now where I don't even have temptation to drink anything. But I started slow with "Mock-tails" of sparkling water and a splash of cranberry in a martini or wine glass to help me cope. So not only do the calories of alcoholic beverages lend a hand, but if you can limit yourself all of the calories you had earlier will metabolize better. Hope that helps.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    Tequila, soda water and juice of 1/4 lime :) I usually put the lime in as well - I love tequila too!!

    It's summer here and that's super refreshing, sometimes I use sparkling water instead of soda water, but not when I'm at a bar cos I feel silly asking! Super low cal cos the soda water is 0 calories!
    Sometimes I have it with vodka instead of the tequila too.

    I can't drink tequila - it makes me take my pants off. Seriously, it affects me in a very bad way. Whiskey is okay and that's funny, because of the stereotype that whiskey makes men nasty and confrontational. I just get goofy. Tequila puts me on the prowl. Vodka just gives me a headache.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Neat, on the rocks ANYTHING


    Vodka, Soda and fresh lime juice.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Just finished my first Pinnacle Whipped cream vodka and Diet Cranberry ginger ale as I was feeling festive.:bigsmile:
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    My go to is a double shot of Jack on the rocks followed by a big glass of water. Repeat as needed.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would have thought that if tequila was you're drink of choice, you wouldn't have an issue with overconsumption. More the whole keeping it down thing.

    And I'll leave this here as generally the bad choices come from the food you eat while drinking rather than the drinking itself.


    edit: I test this out often. Woke up Sunday morning 3lbs lighter even with mass water consumption. All back to normal by Monday :smile: (and set a deadlift PR that day too :tongue:)