Worst Present you've recieved



  • LillyMosley
    Re-gifted earrings. And by re-gifted, I mean one still had ear gunk crusted on the post.

    I think you win
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    Be very careful when telling your hubby that you like something. We were walking through a store one day and I saw some cute socks. I just offhandedly said, ' I love socks'. Well, for Christmas, he bought me 20 pair of socks. Now, I must add that they were not gym socks. He went to the mall and purchased 20 individual pairs of highend socks. Yes, I do love socks, but that is not really what I had in mind for Christmas.

    But, I love him dearly and he has been very good about taking the ribbing I give him about it. Needless to say, I have never gotten socks again. :)

    Too funny!

    My husband does the same thing.... I'm too scared to comment on anything I like any more
  • ciaobellakiss
    When my brother was 4, he got a swimming gear and gave it to me during the party and took it right back since it was his after the party. It was so cute though :)
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    The worst present ever? It wasn't a physical gift given to me, but... My oldest son was born on December 20th. He was very sick, and they transferred him from one hospital to another in the middle of a blizzard. Not only did one ambulance (on a different run) hit the ambulance carrying my 4 day old son, but his father showed up for the first time since he was born. Told me that I was a pretty screwed up mother letting them do this to my son... Meaning letting them take him to a different hospital.

    The best gift ever given to me? Ezekiel (12/20/2002), Izaiah (05/03/2006) and divorce paperwork (12/24/2005), one month to the day after our anniversary :)

    You're awesome! Glad you took the trash out and have the two boys!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Men's lime aftershave. I am female and allergic to citrus.
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    Last Christmas my hubby bought me a carving knife and board. I just looked said thanyou and walked away. what fun i had on my own with those,ha.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    From my hubby - a steering wheel cover.

    From anyone ever - a pen that was shaped like an adolescent girl with long barbie hair. It was disturbing and was a gift from my stepmother. Then again, the orange and purple vest with little mirrors and sequins (also from my stepmom) was also pretty atrocious - especially since I am only 27, which means I really missed the period of crazy 70's and 80's fashions.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    When I was a teenager.. my MOM bought me a huge stand up jewelry box... I never was a "girly" girl and I didn't even have my ears pierced.. I had like 1-2 rings and maybe a necklace.. what the heck was I supposed to do with it?
  • rly123
    rly123 Posts: 63 Member
    Last Christmasn my exboyfriends mom got me a FAKE coach purse (she kept talking about how expensive it was), some shampoo that she didn't want and smelled horrible, some used shirts that didn't even fit (I lost 32 pounds since and they still don't fit!), and a old ugly stuffed animal that her dog probably got bored of... hahaha
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    12 years old. Deodorant for Christmas. Traumatizing.

    I remember getting deodorant for Christmas when I was 10, and I didn't know what it was, so I tried to use it as hairspray lol
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    When I was a teenager.. my MOM bought me a huge stand up jewelry box... I never was a "girly" girl and I didn't even have my ears pierced.. I had like 1-2 rings and maybe a necklace.. what the heck was I supposed to do with it?
    Hide your chocolate stash. :-)
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    One year, my SIL who makes quite a bit of money gave me a bath towel from Walmart... She gave the matching towel to my husband. I think the towels were maybe 2.50 at most. She then opened her 100 gift card that we got her. I was soo upset.

    I feel your pain!
    My husband is from California. Every year I make 2 care packages with presents, one for his mom's family, and one for his dad's family. We have never gotten anything from his dad's family... I mean not a card, a phone call or a "thank you". I asked my hubby this year if I could just skip it and send them a card since they don't seem to appreciate the effort that's put into it and he said no, that it's karma and I should just keep doing it.
    But why should I put in the effort when they clearly don't care?

    Tell him if he wants a package to go to his dad's family he can send it out and you will just take your chances with the karma!