Still fit and fabulous after baby--December 2011 (Cont from



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    I'm feeling in good spirits today...we had a great night (even got 3 1/2 hours straight between feedings...twice!) and then we got up at 7 when I nursed and had breakfast and then got dressed and was on the treadmill and got an hour workout in while Charlee napped and even managed a shower! I feel pretty great! I did abs for the first time and couldn't believe how much out of shape they are. I've always had super strong abs and have never had a problem doing any kind of ab workout but after 50 different ab crunches I was spent. Guess I will just have to make sure to focus on them daily to get back to my "abs of steel" :)

    Rayna I also wanted to say that the best advice I can give is to be patient and even when baby is screaming and your nerves are shot from exhaustion (if this happens) just stay calm and baby will feed off that energy. Everyone around me kept saying how they were getting frustrated when Charlee was crying when we were having a hard time in the beginning with latching...but I stayed calm and just smiled and talked to her in a soft, soothing voice. All of my friends, family, and the nurses kept making a joke that I was "Mother Theresa" because I was staying so calm in such a frustrating situation. But I knew that getting stressed would only make it worse. And it ended up working out just fine and now we are both nursing pros! :)

    Holly I just looked up the nosefrida! So funny and kinda gross idea...but it has great reviews. I think I might need to order it! :) I wish you the best of luck with finding a place to work that is close and that you enjoy. I can't imagine leaving Charlee to go to a job that I was miserable at so I can totally understand your need to change practices. And I think we have the same issue in the middle of the night with baby not liking the sweat. I have been waking up drenched in sweat (gotta love hormones) and Charlee latches and then pulls away and then latches again...over and over for a minute or so. I wondered why she only did that in the middle of the night, but now I'm thinking it is cause she doesn't like the salty taste of the sweat.

    So my latest issue has been my diet...and not regarding myself, but making sure what I eat doesn't upset Charlee's belly! I had my usual salad for lunch and didn't even eat all the veggies I normally would but it still upset her belly so bad she was in visible pain. I have been watching the amount of dairy like yogurt (which is one of my favorites) and cheese (which I eat regularly for a good source of protein with a piece of fruit). Once I start to log my food and get on to active weight loss wagon...I'm afraid my only options are going to be chicken breast and potatoes. Any good ideas that aren't gas causing foods for a good source of protein and is healthy?

    I'm also thinking of ordering Turbo Fire. Anyone tried this or heard anything on it? I LOVE and miss dearly my cardio kickboxing class, but time constraints as well as the instructor moving several months ago means I'm on my own.

    Well I'm off to feed my little one and then nap with her. Hope you ladies all have a wonderful day!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    I plan to cloth diaper as well and my understanding was that babies that were cloth diapered had less occurrence of diaper rash. Can I ask what detergent you are using? And what type of rash cream? My understanding is that anything with zinc oxide causes cloth diapers to become less absorbent. And with regards to detergents, not everything that states 'free and clear' is really. Maybe I can help trouble shoot based on the class I took...?

    34weeks, 3days

    Hi Rosanna,
    I am using my own detergent made of washing soda, borax and oxi clean. I also used a sample of Rockin' Green and a sample of Country Save. I haven't been using rash ointment w/ the cloth but I did by California Baby which is suppose to be a cloth safe ointment. In disposables I have been using Burts Bee's. If she is in cloth I am using pure Lanolin on the rash but nothing seems to help until I take her out of the cloth again. I just cleared the rash up again and will try cloth again tomorrow. I'm 99% sure it isn't yeast. My son had a yeast rash but this is much different, more like an ammonia burn/rash. I would LOVE any advice you could offer from your class :)

    I'm kind of at a loss. The questions I asked were based on what I learned in class. The only thing I didn't ask is what type of fleece are you using to wick the moisture away from baby? My gut is telling me it is one of the ingredients in the detergent. I went online and read a little about the ingredients...Borax is said to possibly cause skin irritation. Have you tried eliminating the ingredients one at a time to see if perhaps that could be the source of irritation? You indicated that you used samples of Rockin' Green and Country long did these last you? Were you able to diaper for a few weeks using just these detergents? Or did they only last you a few washes? If they only lasted you a week or two, it may not have been enough to clear up the baby's rash. That's really all I've got. I really hope this helps. Let me know what type of fleece, and give me whatever feedback you have on the detergent. I will contact the class instructor with that information and see if she has any suggestions.

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Another lurker here...

  • blessdmomof4
    Hello Ladies!

    Rosanna- Thanks for looking things up for me. It turns out that the rash is now occurring in disposables as well :frown: I'm sure at this point that it is food related. I've been dairy free for 5 days now but it seems to have gotten worse instead of better and now we are dealing w/ upset tummy/ reflux issues a bit too. I've been keeping a food journal since she was born b/c my boys were super sensitive and I had to play the elimination game w/ them too. I'm thinking now that it might be fruit and fruit juice. I've had a lot of apple cider lately and it may be causing some of our problems. Hoping to figure it out sooner than later and going to get some infant probiotics to try to help balance her out a little. I'm pretty sure the fleece was cotton, but it was just some leftovers I had from an old project so it may have been synthetic...I'll have to look into that. The fact that the rash is so isolated to one part of her behind and not on all the parts that the diaper touches leads me to think that its not the detergents.

    Heather- I'm dealing with the same thing with the food. Options are seriously limited right now lol. I've been down this road before with my 2nd. He had an very immature digestive tract and was lacking healthy bacteria and he would get blood in his stool if I ate any dairy, fruit or tomatoes. It was tough and it lasted until he was about 4 months old. Amelia isn't nearly as severe as he was but this is still a tough game to play. It is the worst to see your baby in pain. You are a great mommy for being willing to make the sacrifices for her and paying close attention to her needs while her little tummy is still maturing.

    Other than our diapering and food issues, things are going great! She is generally on a great night schedule, going to bed around 9:30 and waking up between 2 and 3 for a feeding and then again around 5 or 6 and then sleeps until 7 or 8. I feel very well rested. I did pull a muscle in my stomach last week b/c I was overdoing it w/ carrying to many heavy things at one time but I can tell it is healing. It is so hard to believe that 3 1/2 weeks have gone by already but also hard to believe that its only been 3 1/2 weeks! Loving every minute!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Heather, here are some protein ideas for you - almonds, pistachios, peanuts (peanut butter), pine nuts, tuna, eggs, how about soy? I love Boca burgers and Kashi products. Have you tried goat yogurt? Also lots of seafood options with great protein. You were 10 weeks behind me, so Charlee should be turning three weeks soon. I was worried in the early weeks that Ellie was sensitive to some of my diet, but have found as time has worn on that she seems to be doing fine as I've added foods back in. Do chick peas make you gassy?? Hummus or just the addition of chick peas to pasta or something could be a good source too. I'll keep trying to come up with ideas. Yes, the nose frida is definitely gross, but the moms I know that use it swear by it! I also wanted the approval of our pediatrician and she gave it a big thumbs up. We (thankfully) haven't had to use ours yet and I might make my husband use it when we do, lol! As for the abs, it gets easier as you get back into it. My abs were pretty fantastic to start with and it's the one area where I am still struggling to get back to it's former self.

    Melissa, sorry you are still dealing with the diaper rash. Food issues too, geez!

    Glad to hear you are both getting some good sleep - it will continue to improve as your beautiful girls get a little older.

    Fitness goals for the week - four runs for 15-16 miles, daily dog walks, four days of strength, abs and arms. I did meet my goals for last week so do not anticipate any difficulty this week either.

    Rayna, happy to offer any advice I can regarding the breastfeeding. I know for me, any (breastfeeding) classes prior to having Ellie would not have been super effective. I am definitely a hands on kind of learner. If you know you have support available, you may not need any classes prior to having Mason and hopefully you won't need any after either.

    Wishing everyone a great week!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Morning ladies! Well last night was the worst night we've had so far....Charlee was up all night grunting and groaning and I know it is gas issues and now I am on a mission to eliminate whatever it is that is causing her little belly so much pain. Thank goodness she doesn't cry...but the groaning and grunting is almost just as bad. I'm thinking the culprit is cheese since I had pizza last we shall see. I am beyond exhausted right now and plan on napping with her as much as I can today.

    I kept thinking about this yesterday....things that I have found to be useful things after having a baby:

    Milkies...I was soaking through breast pads while nursing almost every time. Milkies is a plastic "milk catcher" that you put inside your bra on the nonnursing side while you nurse and during letdown it catches all the milk. I haven't pumped once and already have a freezer FULL of breastmilk!

    Soothies...I highly recommend taking these to the hospital. Without Soothies reusable gel pads I would have been in excrutiating pain and might have quit nursing (if I hadn't been so passionate about having no other option of course). They are beyond awesome for sore nipples.

    Putting Lanolin on your nipples BEFORE taking a shower. The water feels so good on your body...except on the sore parts! lol

    The goal for today is just to get through the day...I'd love to get in a workout at some point but at this point of exhaustion I'm just hoping for a nap or two! I know it will get better... I can't believe at 3 1/2 weeks she is sleeping 5 hours straight!!! What is your secret?! lol I nurse Charlee around 930 and she is back awake by 1200-1230 on the dot! Then again at 330-4 and then up at 7.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Heather, love the photo, sorry about the tough night. Thought of another great protein - quinoa!

    Try to get some rest!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Quinoa is the power food. Love it! Great suggestion Holly.

    Heather, I'm sorry about the rough night, too. Resting/napping sounds line the best thing to do for yourself. I want to tell you that BOTH Colby and Annie were 'grunting babies'. It sounds awful as they are trying to ahem, grunt one out! They never cried at night, but the grunting sure kept me up at night! Google 'grunting baby syndrome'! Sometimes doing 'bicycles' with baby's little legs can help It eventually stops and they learn to poop without the commotion. It was nothing I was eating. Come to think of it, I do believe Annie can do her business in peace at nearly three months old.

    Well, trying to coordinate another morning nap so I can get a 40 minute workout in...and a shower!
  • blessdmomof4
    Bummer about the bad night Heather. I hope tonight Charlee sleeps peacefully. I have no secrets about getting Amelia to sleep for 5 hour stretches. She does tend to cluster feed at night before bed (every hour to hour and a 1/2 from 6pm on) so I know she has a good full belly when she goes down, maybe that is what sustains her. Either way I'm grateful lol. Amelia grunts a lot too. My niece Annika grunted all the time during sleep too. For Annika it was just part of her "elimination" process. Amelia is grunting less now that I am 6 days w/o dairy.

    Speaking of dairy, I sure do miss it. A friend dropped off creamy chicken enchiladas for dinner for us tonight. Sure looked good... Kids and DH loved it...

    Thanks for mentioning quinoa, I love it and forgot how much protein it has. Anyone have any good recipes/ ways they enjoy it?

    Still battling the rash but it is looking better. I'm thinking I might try cloth again tomorrow. I bought a big box of Huggies yesterday. I felt defeated. I really want to cloth diaper. I was so prepared for laundry and messes etc. I didn't expect it would be a rashy bottom that would hinder us... I'm determined though and i have to keep reminding myself that this super sensitive time passes pretty quickly and soon she'll be hearty and robust lol.

    On the weight front, I think dairy free is keeping the lbs falling off. I haven't counted cals or worked out once yet but I've already lost 30lbs since she was born!! After Christmas I am really going to have to buckle down to tone up and to stop eating so much sugar! It is so easy to eat junk when you're losing weight either way...

    My little napa is waking up. I hope you all have a blessed night full of rest :)

  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Melissa,

    Sorry about your little napa's diaper rash. No fun on their poor little bottoms. Hope it clears up soon!

    Here's my favorite quinoa recipe. Super quick and easy to make. Tastes delish, even the next day. It's my party food when I'm to bring a salad and always a hit!

    Greek Quinoa and Avocados

    Makes: 4 servings

    1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
    1 cup water
    2 Roma (plum) tomatoes, seeded and finely chopped
    1/2 cup shredded fresh spinach
    1/3 cup finely chopped red onion
    2 tablespoons lemon juice
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    Spinach leaves
    2 avocados, pitted, peeled, and sliced
    1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese

    1. Bring quinoa and water to a boil in a small saucepan. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 15 minutes, or until liquid is absorbed.
    2. In a medium bowl, stir together quinoa, tomatoes, spinach, and onion.
    3. In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, oil, and salt. Mix with quinoa.
    4. Place spinach on plates with avocado slices and quinoa. Sprinkle with feta.

    Nutrition facts per serving: 332 calories, 7g protein, 27g carbohydrate, 24g fat (5g saturated), 8g fiber

    (Originally published in FITNESS magazine, May 2009)

    I too hope everyone (including myself!) has a restful night.

  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Amy that sounds delicious!!!! I am instantly starving. Gonna try that one for lunch tomorrow.

    35 weeks, 1 day
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Heather - Sorry about your rough night. It will get better!!!! My son and I had a few of these the first couple weeks, but they won't last long. Good Luck, and THANK YOU for all the advise on BF. I need all I can get on this topic!! :)

    Melissa - Your baby is adorable!!!! I love all her dark hair. Hoping my baby has a ton of hair. :) Good luck witht he diaper rash, a friend of mine had a similar issue and had to put her baby on soy milk only, that's really not any help, but your story reminds me of what she went through. Good Luck!

    Amy - that receipe sounds so good! I'm trying it tonight! :)
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Fantastic Ladies. Enjoy it (I hope you do)!

    One babe napping, and #2 well on her way. It's a two workout day so I've gotta get moving while the going is good! I'm on a mission to complete this 60 Day program and never missing a day. Two weeks left...

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Cannot get away from me that easy - just lurking so I can see what to expect after the next 9 months
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Funny how the mommy board goes so much slower...less people and less time I'd guess lol.

    Our nights are getting a little better. I've stopped eating cheese, which has seemed to help. I looked up "grunting baby syndrome" and Charlee DEFINITELY has this! I took her to the chiropractor and she said her stomach was out of balance as well. Speaking of diaper rash...just from all the poo, Charlee started to develop the rash around her bottom. I got some prescription ointment and within a few applications it has cleared up! It seems that she has a hard time "doing her business" laying flat but the second I pick her up and put her in position to nurse (before she even latches) she relieves herself and seems to feel so much better. I know once she matures this won't be an issue. I just wish there was something I can do to help it. She gets more fussy/grunting after her 4am feeding and I must admit most mornings I lay her beside me...I know it is bad and makes me a "bad mommy" but her and I have amazing sleep those last 2 hours of the morning. Lots of my friends have said that they did the same thing and their babies slept in their own bed by 12 weeks.

    I got in a workout yesterday and it felt so good to get back in the swing of things this week. Some days have been better than others but this was my first "trial run" and I think I did pretty good so far. I'm a far cry from my usual two hour per day workouts, but at this point with a nursing baby and being at home alone the majority of the time, that just isn't my reality right now. Once she is napping longer I think I will manage to get in an hour of cardio and strength training.

    I'm still slowly but surely dropping weight without logging food. I'm 8lbs away from my prepregnancy weight 3 weeks out and that feels pretty awesome I must admit. I still have about 18ish to go to my goal weight....and my body is still "soft" and needs to be toned up, but I feel confident that by summer I will be there.

    I hope you ladies are having a great week!

    P.S. Pam I hope all is well! Miss ya! :)
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Good morning mamas!

    I agree with you Heather, this board is much more my speed these days!! I've learned some great "digestion" moves in Ellie's Itsy Bitsy Yoga class that seem to work great for her. I Googled to see if there are any classes in Missouri and Springfield is the location that it pulled up - no idea if that would even be an option for you. They also sell an Itsy Bitsy Yoga book (approx $11 Amazon), which could be an option if you are interested.

    My run yesterday was in the evening - the first time I've run in the dark and by myself for a while. I missed having my bambina with me, but don't feel it's safe for me to take her out in the dark, I worry enough about myself getting hit by a car. I'm lit up like a Christmas tree and it's amazing how many people don't even seem to notice you - scary!

    Keep rocking it my fit, fabulous mom friends!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Ha! This board is totally my speed, too.

    Holly, sounds like a smart move and I'm glad you're well lit. Keep those eyes peeled - especially if it's wet or/and dark.

    I have a nice little break today. Colby has the day with Grandma and Grandpa. Just Annie and I! I'm going to have a killer workout and nice long shower, then start some present wrapping. Maybe a walk to the post office while the sun is shining, too. Gotta appreciate the little things...and the extra help.


    (edited to take my iPhone while nursing typos...multi-tasking time saver!!)
  • blessdmomof4
    You ladies and your workouts are so motivated!! I can't even get dressed before 10 am lol. Just getting in and out of the grocery store w/ 4 kids is a workout for me these days lol. I seem to have forgotten all my "leaving house w/ baby" skills lol.

    Amelia slept for 8 solid hours 2 nights ago but I still couldn't seem to get out of bed before 8. I used to be at the gym by 5 every morning!! Now I am lucky if I'm dressed by 10 (not exaggerating...). I know from experience that it just takes time...

    Amelia has been in cloth all day and 1/2 of yesterday. She does have a bit of a rash but not too bad. I've been using Caldesene powder which is cloth diaper safe and seems to be helping.

    I've been dairy free for a week now and I miss it. I am also not eating tomato based things or citrus or drinking juices of any kind. It is hard to get enough protein and to get my 5 fruits and veggies a day b/c so many fruits and veggies give her gas. Lots of carrots, apples and bananas... Any other suggestions for non gassy/ non acidic fruits and veggies would be much appreciated.

    Heather- what kind of cream did they prescribe for Charlee's rash? Also, don't feel bad about keeping Charlee in bed w/ you in the wee hours of morning. I did the same thing w/ all of mine and they still always slept well in their beds. There is nothing like a little 5 am snuggle & snooze time :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday! I'm still in my pj's and I've yet to groom...but the laundry is in the works, I've eaten, and Charlee is happily napping while I'm working on ordering prints of her newborn session for "brag books" for our family for Christmas presents. I ordered Christmas cards a few days I feel on a roll! lol

    I ended up working out last night. It felt really good I must admit. I had made the goal of working out every other day this week to start off slow...but since I got a good nap yesterday afternoon (my favorite time of the day when I get to lay on the couch and cuddle up to Charlee with her against my chest as we nap...sigh... <3 ) I felt like I had excess energy that needed to be used productively. I had to stop halfway through to nurse Charlee and by the end of the workout she was getting irritated, but I got it done.

    Her diaper rash is looking better. And the ointment is called "Van Bibbers ointment". It was a compound thick ointment from the pharmacy. It cleared it up really quick though.

    She slept pretty good last night. It is just after that 4am feeding where she gets fussy/restless and does her grunting thing. I'm just so tired and am in need of just another 2 hours of good sleep so I give in and lay her beside me. I don't want to start any bad habits but I'm not sure what else to do.

    Well baby is starting to wake so I hope you all have a great day and weekend! Take care of yourselves and those perfect little babies!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Heather. Enjoy those wee hours with Charlee! Don't sweat it. Charlee needs it, too. It's great bonding for you both. I let Colby do the same and he's been such a great sleeper in his own bed since the 4 am feedings stopped. 12 hour uninterrupted sleep overnight plus 2 naps a day since 11 months. I can only hope Annie will be the same (she has her best sleeps curled into me in those hours, too!).

    Well, gotta run! Short and sweet. Annie is beckoning for a feeding and my nailpolish is still wet. Hmmm, could be a problem! Big weekend, lots of Christmas parties and fun in store.

    All the best Ladies and Babies!
