people talking you out of dieting or acting funny about it

I use the term diet, loosely as we all know its supposed to be a lifestyle change

Anyone have issues with friends/coworkers/strangers making remarks or giving you funny looks about changing your eating/drinking habits?

I'm a normal sized girl, some would even say thin, but i've gained quite a bit in the past few years and want to lose it, get healthier, and more toned. I've had the "you're already small, why are you dieting" comments alot and more frequently now its "are you pregnant" for changing up my usual food preferences and passing on a drink at happy hour. Its just annoying and i get tired of having to explain myself and feel that even when I do, people don't get it or don't believe me. I'm have a girls night out tonight and while I'll probably have a drink or two, i'm tempted to tell the waitress to just bring me soda water and lime so it looks like I'm drinking and I don't have to try to defend myself to people.

Its really not as bad as im making it sound, and its more the acquaintances than actual friends, but still annoying


  • iamthevieve
    I'm sorry people are being weird about it. Most people I know are working at losing weight, so I don't get it too much. I think some people just get defensive because they know they should be doing the same. Who knows?
  • missxlaur
    I agree. It's almost hard to admit to people around you that you're watching what you eat or that you're on a diet. I think people might feel obligated sometimes to say "oh you don't need it" because maybe if they say "oh that's great" they'll feel like they're confirming that you're overweight? Just something I thought about right now. It's easier when it just doesn't come up though, that's for sure
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i know the feeling...i think because most ppl dont really care if you lose weight and either
    a. want to be nice and make you feel better
    b. dont want you to become better
    c. they honestly do not think you need to lose

    i think mfp is a great place though because you can make some amazing friends who will be supportive :D
  • Saxmis
    Saxmis Posts: 84
    I'm having similar issues atm. I've gone from being obese to being a healthy weight within about 6-7 months. I've lost, on average, about 2.5 lbs a week which is just a little over the healthy average weight loss.

    Because I'm now classed as a healthy weight, I'm getting interrogated so much more about my eating and weight habits as if it was OK for me to lose weight when they saw me as fat, but not afterwards.

    Is it really such a bad thing to want to lose a little more weight and tone up? I may have a healthy BMI, but I'm right underneath being over-weight, I'd rather be much closer to healthy than not, but it seems that people really start to judge when you move that way.

    Everybody seems to be so paranoid about everyone getting an eating disorder, it's just a little crazy!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I get comments, but just have to let it roll off! I'm 5' tall, and not overweight, and there is a reason! I have to watch what I eat! I can't eat like my 5'8" or taller friends and stay at a healthy weight. So, unless it's something truly great and worth it, I politely decline candy and food (that is not part of meal) at work. People you're around all the time will get used to it and not be offended.
  • missxlaur
    I told my roommate back in the day that I was looking to lose 40 lbs. She looked at me and was like oh is that healthy, are you sure, blah blah blah. In reality, she was just jealous that I was serious about making a change because she could have stood to lose some weight as well. Even today, we never talk at all, but she will sometimes message me about how I'm staying in shape
  • Speedtrap
    I had some one yesterday say "You don't need to lose weight" OK Granted I am tall but to be at my proper weight I need to lose 80-100 lbs.

    The only thing I could do is stare at them with a blank look on my face.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    YES! I have your exact start weight. I am 5'8", so 152 pounds isn't even overweight. I couldn't tell ANYONE I was watching what I ate without people getting mad at me or freaking out etc. Now, I've been maintaining around 130-135 for the past 6 months, and those very same people will not stop complimenting me on how great I look, how i'm in such great shape, how my body composition has changed so much, how i'm a huge motivation to them, etc. It's kinda backwards. I say do what YOU want because chances are you have a good head on your shoulders, and YOU have known what you have wanted for awhile. People want to tell you that you can't do things because they are afraid to do those very things themself...

    GO GET EM :D !

    Here's a little before and after motivationn action :D !
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    I totally get you with this. Happens all the time to me. And to be honest, it is kind of annoying, and getting offensive!! Who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing with my body?! I just want to scream, " Don't make me feel guilty for passing on the greasy cheeseburger!! You don't hear ME telling you how BAD it is for you, right?!" That wouldn't be productive, sadly. I guess when a person is trying to make themselves better, they also need to develop thick skin for those who are envious of our desires to become a better self. Last ditch effort: Punch them in the face!! LOL
  • BenderFitness
    That's actually really common. It's a shame, but many people feel like because you are making healthy decisions you are judging them for not doing the same. This is especially true because they already view you as thin.

    People I know actually try to hide some of the unhealthy foods they are eating from me, and if they see me eating something unhealthy they act like it's the biggest shock in the world. I am not going to judge anyone. If they want my help to make healthy lifestyle changes I am more than willing to offer it, but I am never going to judge anyone for what they eat.

    I have actually told people "I am just a normal person. I just like to eat healthy foods." lol

    I have seen many people purposefully sabotage the diets of people around them. They do it by saying "I like you how are. You don't need to change." You should love people for the way they are, but if they WANT to make healthy changes you should support them not buy them donuts and ice cream. I was actually thinking about writing a blog on this topic yesterday because of how often I see it.
  • BenderFitness
    YES! I have your exact start weight. I am 5'8", so 152 pounds isn't even overweight. I couldn't tell ANYONE I was watching what I ate without people getting mad at me or freaking out etc. Now, I've been maintaining around 130-135 for the past 6 months, and those very same people will not stop complimenting me on how great I look, how i'm in such great shape, how my body composition has changed so much, how i'm a huge motivation to them, etc. It's kinda backwards. I say do what YOU want because chances are you have a good head on your shoulders, and YOU have known what you have wanted for awhile. People want to tell you that you can't do things because they are afraid to do those very things themself...

    GO GET EM :D !

    Here's a little before and after motivationn action :D !

    You look great!!! You already looked great in the before, but you look even healthier and happier in the second picture. :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have had a few people saying I look too thin, or I am making myself ill. All other women who are about the size I was before I lost weight. Make of that what you will.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    Yea its just crazy because I dont bring it up to someone else for eating a cheeseburger but when I pass on it for a salad instead it warrants comments? and then if I try to say why, it get the looks or the "you dont need to" I dont tell you what to eat, so why are you telling me :)
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    YES! I have your exact start weight. I am 5'8", so 152 pounds isn't even overweight. I couldn't tell ANYONE I was watching what I ate without people getting mad at me or freaking out etc. Now, I've been maintaining around 130-135 for the past 6 months, and those very same people will not stop complimenting me on how great I look, how i'm in such great shape, how my body composition has changed so much, how i'm a huge motivation to them, etc. It's kinda backwards. I say do what YOU want because chances are you have a good head on your shoulders, and YOU have known what you have wanted for awhile. People want to tell you that you can't do things because they are afraid to do those very things themself...

    GO GET EM :D !

    Here's a little before and after motivationn action :D !

    You look great!!! You already looked great in the before, but you look even healthier and happier in the second picture. :)

  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    That's actually really common. It's a shame, but many people feel like because you are making healthy decisions you are judging them for not doing the same. This is especially true because they already view you as thin.

    People I know actually try to hide some of the unhealthy foods they are eating from me, and if they see me eating something unhealthy they act like it's the biggest shock in the world. I am not going to judge anyone. If they want my help to make healthy lifestyle changes I am more than willing to offer it, but I am never going to judge anyone for what they eat.

    I have actually told people "I am just a normal person. I just like to eat healthy foods." lol

    I have seen many people purposefully sabotage the diets of people around them. They do it by saying "I like you how are. You don't need to change." You should love people for the way they are, but if they WANT to make healthy changes you should support them not buy them donuts and ice cream. I was actually thinking about writing a blog on this topic yesterday because of how often I see it.

    yea you've pretty much got it...i dont know if its that people want me to fail, but more that like you said they cant understand it since they already think i'm at a fine weight, and maybe feel like if i'm doing something they should be too. I've just noticed it alot more and Im not looking forward to a couple events I have coming up because I know people will say something about it
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    i say, i don't want to be 40 lbs over weight 15 years from now nor a heart attack when i'm 60 ;)
  • mrskrueger
    I've had this happen too. I'm 5' 6.5" tall and weighed 160 lbs last year with a body fat % of just under 34%. I am now 145 lbs with a body fat % of under 20%! I feel great and I'm really happy with my body now! While I was losing, many people would make comments that I better not lose any more weight and I wasn't even close to being unhealthy.

    I just find it interesting that people feel it's ok to comment when they think you are getting too thin but are not allowed to say anything to someone who is dangerously overweight or obese. Obviously if someone is looking dangerously thin or appears to have the signs of an eating disorder, loved ones should step in, but overall, I think people should mind their own bodies. If you can't say something nice, keep it to yourself!
  • bulldog512
    I am right there with y'all. I just need to lose 15-20 pounds and firm the jiggle up a bit and there are few that are supportive. In a meeting I passed on a cookie and said I was trying to watch what I eat and my co-worker kept pushing it my way. Its tough just because we aren't obese doesn't mean we don't deserve people respecting our diet well "lifestyle". What have you guys been doing to try and have people be a little more supportive?
  • Bubdog1
    Just tell them that if you eat fatty foods you have bouts of uncontrollable, explosive, diarrhea. That should shut them up.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    It's all relative. For the most part, if you're not clearly overweight, you are going to get some funnly looks/comments if you say you're losing weight.

    After I lost some weight, every month or so I would start getting "Are you STILL losing MORE weight!!??"