Looking for committed Stay at Home Mom friends



  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I am also a stay at home mom.. I am 25 with 2 kids, 19 month old boy and a 5wk old girl.. My husband works A LOT, so getting to a gym is next to impossible.. I need some "at home" work out suggestions if anyone has any :)...

    Right now ur only work out should be loving on that baby girl :)

    But after that I like the 30 day shred. I bought a treadmill on Craigslist for $60 and that was the best purchase ever
  • lonishaw
    lonishaw Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom of 3 too. 7 yrs, 5yrs, and 20mos. My husband works crazy hours and is rarely home. So I'm left to my own devices for entertainment.....thus I need to lose weight! I would love to have another SAHM who can help me stay motivated even when I've been up 4 times in the night with the baby and the last thing I want to do is eat healthy or exercise. You can add me as a friend
  • jwilloughby51
    jwilloughby51 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! You can add me. I'm a stay at home mom also. I have 2 boys & a stepson. 7 years, 2 1/2 and 4 months. I'm also a student currently taking online classes. I found it really hard to get to the gym because my husband doesnt get off work until 5 some days so I bought a treadmil. I usually do my workouts around 9-930 after the kids go to sleep. I'm constently staying up until after midnight just to get some "mommy time". I know how you feel!
  • samatalma
    Hello! Feel free to add me! I am also a SAHM with an 11 month old little girl.
  • angiez14
    Hiiii!! I'm a stay at home mom also. I have 2 boys... 7 months old and my oldest will be 4 years old in Jan. Feel free to add me! :)
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'm no longer a stay at home mom, but a single mom with 3 girls - 5, 3, 2. I totally get where all of you are coming from - just recently went back to work with the divorce and all, but now I'm doing it alone....let's motivate each other! I need it too!
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    hey there, i'm a 27 year old sahm with a 3 yr old and a 2 yr old, feel free to add me
  • AandJsMommy
    Hi, I am also a Stay at home mom. I have 2 kids: Anna Grace who is 6 years old and in 1st grade, and my son Jacob, who is 4 years old and in all day Pre-K. I love being at home. My kids are no longer at home during the day except on Holidays, but I take them back and forth to school and do housework.
  • DanaSpears06
    DanaSpears06 Posts: 7 Member
    I need encouragement as well. I am a stay at home with 2 yr old, 1 yr old, and one that will be joining us in July. At this point my goal is to gain at most 15 lbs (doc said under 20). I was doing horrible before I got pregnant, gain one we lose it the next and it kept up like that. I need a little help I think. My husband works 12 hour shifts as well so the days he is home he does NOTHING but sit. Which I understand to a point. He gives me grief for not leaving the house but he doesn't either. Anyway, need some help.
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    I will send a request just to give you support! How I wished when my kiddos were younger for a forum like this! I have been a stay at home mom for over 15 years, so although I am not currently experiencing what you are now, I have in the past. {{ hugs}} to you for making the choice to stay at home!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Add me up! I have been a stay at home mom for 5 years now. My son is now in first grade and goes to school all day. For the first time since he was born, I actually have time to myself. That being said, I am working on undoing all the wrongs I've done to my body. I go to the gym 5x a week and couldn't be MORE dedicated. I am also in several challenges here on the site.

    I'm here for you if you're here for me! :)
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    Stay at home mom of 3 ages 7, 4, and 2. I also homeschool the older 2 so finding time and energy to fit in exercise is a challenge!
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Hey there. I am a mother off 3 girls my oldest is 5-almost 6! and youngest is 16 months. I am still 20 lbs over what I was before, so I am working on it. Feel free to add me if you would like!!
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I'm looking for friends that have young babies and are struggling to lose weight. I have 3 kids 4yrs and under, each under 20months apart!. I have to go to bed late and get up early just to get it all done, plus hubby works late!. So when it comes to losing weight it can be a real battle. I don't have much time for myself so I use food to fill that emotional gap sometimes. I am having trouble finding friends here that really know how much I look forward to getting kudos for every little success. Logging in 5 days in a row, burning 100 calories on my elliptical (which is really hard to do with toddlers!), I'm spending so much time giving everyone else kudos for everything that's posted under their name and I'm just not getting the return I need. If you are a person who needs encouragement and is willing to also give it, I would love to link arms on this weight loss journey! I really need quality over quantity here.

    Looking forward to new friends,

    I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to 4 sons! Even though my kids are older now (ages 22, 18, 12 & 9), I can relate in so many ways. Also, hubby worked out of town for the first 12-13 years of our marriage so lots of similarities there even if the situation isn't quite the same. Please feel free to "friend" me if you'd like. I always try to be extremely good in the "encouragement" department.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I'm looking for friends that have young babies and are struggling to lose weight. I have 3 kids 4yrs and under, each under 20months apart!. I have to go to bed late and get up early just to get it all done, plus hubby works late!. So when it comes to losing weight it can be a real battle. I don't have much time for myself so I use food to fill that emotional gap sometimes. I am having trouble finding friends here that really know how much I look forward to getting kudos for every little success. Logging in 5 days in a row, burning 100 calories on my elliptical (which is really hard to do with toddlers!), I'm spending so much time giving everyone else kudos for everything that's posted under their name and I'm just not getting the return I need. If you are a person who needs encouragement and is willing to also give it, I would love to link arms on this weight loss journey! I really need quality over quantity here.

    Looking forward to new friends,

    I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to 4 sons! Even though my kids are older now (ages 22, 18, 12 & 9), I can relate in so many ways. Also, hubby worked out of town for the first 12-13 years of our marriage so lots of similarities there even if the situation isn't quite the same. Please feel free to "friend" me if you'd like. I always try to be extremely good in the "encouragement" department.

    Oops! I replied above the quote prompt instead of below it so it looks like my reply is part of your post. Sorry!
  • Missy169
    Hello my name is Missy I am a stay home mom & grandma ....all my kids are all grown but I have custody of my 3 year old granddaughter ....yes I am a young 41year old grandma!!!! I have 4 children age 24, 23, 20, 19 and 3 stepdaughters ages 21, 17 & 16 and I have 4 grandchildren ages 7, 3, 2 & 1 and another due in Feb.... I started my journey 49 days ago and lost 34lbs and it has been hard with not having a youngster running around for many many years it has be hard so I understand you completely about having a hectic and stressful day, trying to get everything done and still finding time to take care of yourself .....add me and we can support each other through our journey to change our life !!!!
  • kattia1973
    kattia1973 Posts: 25 Member
    I am a stay at home mom... mine are a bit older at 17 and 15!! LOL Actually I am home caring for my disabled in-laws and disabled husband as well as the teen boys.
    After all that...I think I need to BE COMMITTED!
  • Bride_2b
    Thank you for this topic!! 24 yr old SAHM with my 22 month old daughter and I have 3 sons, 7, 5 and 3. Though my fiancee does not have a grueling work schedule, it is still nice to have female mom companions that are on this journey that can relate. Please feel free to add me. Today is my first day on the MFP website and I am enjoying every minute.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    You can add my wife, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/dana01996
    She could use some support right about now.
  • bens_momma
    Hey ladies! I'm Amy, and I'm a stay at home mom to the greatest little guy in the world! He's 19 months and an absolute dream! :heart: My husband works graveyard shift (11PM-7AM) and I'm looking for more mommies to be friends with. Send me a friend request (with a note please :D) if you're looking for support! :happy: