

  • Gina005
    Okay it has been a while since I've checked in and let me tell you I am on day 3 of level 2 and hate it!!! I am literally dying at the end of my workout....I love it and hate it at the same time....I am definitely going to stick it out...I missed one day of level 1 but doubled up the next day doing level 1 and level 2 but my husband made me feel as though I was cheating so I did 1 extra day at level 1....today is day 3 of level 2 and I can say while I love it (gets my heart rate up and dripping in sweat) it is very hard and positions are challenging. I have not lost any lbs but I definitely have lost inches...I today fit into a pair of pants I haven't been able to wear in years...I am usually a size 9 and these are size 6...If you push yourself and keep to this program every day you will see results maybe not lbs as I've seen of most peoples results but definitely more tone and inches lost.....I use 3lb and 8lbs weights...I hardly use the 8lb weights for level 2 it is too hard...I will try to increase the weights as I get further along...I would say don't skip levels because by doing so you won't get the maximum results you could and even though the exercises in level two are more challenging do them to the best of your ability and as she said push yourself your body can handle more than we give it credit for....to all other Shredders good luck and keep up the hard work!!
  • Gina005
    Okay peoples it is day 8 of level 2 and my endurance is better..while level 2 still kicks my butt and makes me sweat I can get through the entire workout following natalie and not modifying any of the workouts...I am not seeing any numbers move on the scale...clothes fit differently but we'll see curious to see what day 30 brings. good luck all shredders.
  • Gina005
    Okie Dokie, so I skipped out on my workout yesterday and have missed a total of 3 days for level 2 shred...this is not good...so my plan is for the next 3 days is to do level 2 twice each night for a total of 54 minutes...this will make up my missed days in my head and hopefully here on out I can remain focused and not miss any more days...so because tonight should have been my day 10 of level two but I've missed 3 workouts then tonight will count as day 7. I will finish level 2 on 12/24/11. I will be done with Level 3 on 1-3-2011...I also need to eat better ugggghhhh I eat so poorly it is terrible....hoping for a better day tomorrow. Good Luck all shredders!