soo tattoos or no tattoos??



  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    I have a bikini--a serious commitment to artwork that encircles my hips and butt. Mine are all traditional Asian designs of birds and flowers and the characters for Joy and Pain and another for Strength. The designs represent longevity and feminine beauty. Some were placed when people I loved died (my mom, a favorite uncle). One beautiful phoenix bird was an anniversary gift from my husband. i thought long and hard before committing to that much ink. They are there for me and nobody else, but I get asked about them when I am at the beach or in a dressing room. The dumbest comments I have gotten are: 1. Did that hurt? 2. Can I touch it? Answer: 1. Yes. 2. No!
  • Nataleenerlou
    Nataleenerlou Posts: 13 Member
    I love ALL my tattoos. I would recommend them to anyone, but not to take them lightly. Its obviously a lifetime commitment
  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    I love ALL my tattoos. I would recommend them to anyone, but not to take them lightly. Its obviously a lifetime commitment

    Yeah, I keep washing mine but they won't come off. :-)
  • Tattoos. Definitely. I have 13, and all of them can be covered. I plan on getting more but since I moved I have yet to find a new artist where I live and it's also extremely expensive down here from what I hear.
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    I have 3 both wrists and huge cheetah print on my back and i love them so much...going to gwt my babys foot and name tattoo next :). I have pictures on my page of my tattoo
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I'm getting my first as a -30lb reward. I've been wanting it for a couple years and figure that'll be the perfect reward :)
  • InvictusPheonix
    InvictusPheonix Posts: 129 Member
    As soon as I get the money- i want the entire poem "Invictus" on my back- below my ribs, above my hips, and to the left (each line starting near my ribs and ending near my spine)
    I'd be in 14 times new roman-ish italic font:
    "Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds and shall find me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul."
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I love tattoos, but I make sure that I really have a reason to put one on my body and I want it to mean something. I got the word "fearless" tattooed on the inside of one ankle during a rough point in my life, and then me and my college roommate got matching 3 curved stars on the inside of our other ankle. I still want two on a shoulder blade, and one up my side. I want a quote or song lyrics up my side, but I can't decide on one yet.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I'm pro-tat for sure.
  • I have two, on my feet. Two sparrows carrying ribbons that say Carpe Diem :) That way, when i'm older and need to be "professional" I can just wear hose to cover them.
  • I'm getting the words "wild and free" on my ribcage in the next couple weeks! Something simple in cursive handwriting, not too big. It comes from my favorite quote by Thoreau, "All things are born wild and free."
  • SeanIsMyHomeboy
    SeanIsMyHomeboy Posts: 107 Member
    I have quite a few tattoos and I love mine. Everyone is a time or place or something I love. I want to have a scrapbook of memories when I'm done.

    Check out some of my tattoos, including a sweet Michael Jackson piece in my profile pictures!
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i have 4 and love them (i have a professional job and have never gotten any disrespect for them). my husband has 2 and my kids (21, 19, and 17) all have at least one. i am a women's health provider and do physical exams every day...i am surprised when i don't see tattoos!

    my latest one is a tree of life on the inside of my wrist
  • MadDogTannen22
    MadDogTannen22 Posts: 88 Member
    I don't have any, and even though sometimes it sounds neat or pretty, I know I would hate it as an older woman, no matter what I get. I have a 19 year old sister who now has 6 really stupid and different tattoos which breaks my heart (because I know she will regret them). My only pet peeve is when people get names or initials of friends or boy/girlfriends they haven't known very long. My sister got a friends' initials on her upper shoulder, a girl she is no longer friends with. Now whenever she wears spaghetti straps, she looks totally white trash!!
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    i think that tattoos are something that is becoming more accepted. which I LOVE! i have about 9.(working on a sleeve), and i love all of them.
    my fav would have to be the one my profile picture.
    do you have any tattoos or want any?
    do you like or hate?

    and yes all of my tattoos can be covered!

    I have two tattoo's, The first one is on my right wrist, it says "Ad Astra" with a star, written in cursive. I got the tat for my grandmother, because I was on the internet one day and stumbled upon a quote that said "per aspera ad astra" (through hardships, to the stars) and when I read it, I thought of my grandmother because i'd heard when I was little that when someone dies, a star is I also have an pink orchid flower on my back -- it was my grandmothers favorite flower and when she died I got a gold plaque that had belonged to her with an orchid on it, so I went and had that put on my back a few years later.

    Both my tat's are symbolic and I personally love them; whenever I look at them or someone asks me about them, I remember her :)) so its nice, because she means alot to me :D

    I will definitely be getting more tat's but I like to have my tat's where im able to cover them up and that they look clean, nice and the have to mean something to me, i spend alot of time picking out the design and etc. that i want.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I think sometimes too many tattoos can end up looking trashy but some people can really pull it off beautifully. I have two tattoos, one hidden because my mom would have disowned me if she found out at the time, and since I stopped talking her (for many messed up reasons) I decided to get a visible tattoo, which I am absolutely in love with :)
    I am going to get only one more tattoo, one of my fashion company logo as soon as I get the name and logo trademarked-hopefully right after tax returns, cause it's expensive :grumble:
    Here is pic of my visible tattoo, it's a steampunk style clock combined with key and a triple moon simple that means "goddess". I got it cause I believe you've this one lifetime, this time to find the key to happiness, and you're in control (goddess) of your own destiny, and it's your choice to do what you want with this time you have, I choose to find the key to real happiness and fulfillment for myself by following my dreams, never giving up and always believing in who I am and what I am capable of.

  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I thought everyone was going to share their...oops, lolz
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    MFP posted my comment twice :grumble:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I don't want any on me... but I'm not a hater... There are lots of tattoos on ladies that I think are attractive, but I'm definitely not a fan of sleeves. I simply don't understand the draw...
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    If they have meaning to you, get one.