


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    It is OK to debate, but please keep it kind and helpful. We can disagree without attack. OP-any post can bring different views. This is an excellent time to back up your theory. :flowerforyou:

    MFP Moderator
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My comments as an MFP regular for almost 4 years.

    I love to experiement so in my hayday of weight loss, and following a healthy lifestyle to the T, I did this experiment.

    WK1 I ate 1200 calories of fast foods, white pasta/bread, cupcakes. I used 1200 because I didnt want to gain weight after all my work, but I did. Only a pound, but I gained.

    WK 2 I ate 1400 calories of healthy foods. I believe in whole eggs (but can only have 1 or 2 yolks a week due to cholesterol issues) I made a healthy menu for the week, going by an example given by my medical doctor. Of course he isnt a nutritionist, but it was for a diabetic.

    I did not change my exercise, work, or home life in the least. I felt 100% better on week 2, and lost 2 lbs. Now I KNOW it was some water weight, but the best part was feeling healthier.

    This thread has made me think hard on what I am eating, and how it is making me feel physically and mentally.

    Gonna make a nice menu and stick to it for a week. I can do it for 1 week!!

    P.S. I believe in bacon, eggs, good fats.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My perspective is that happiness counts for a LOT in sticking to any program.

    If someone is happy eating clean, whole foods... fantastic!

    Personally, I'm happier knowing that something like pizza or chili cheese nachos or a bacon double cheeseburger isn't completely off my menu.

    For instance, the lunch I had on Friday was amazing: chicken breast chopped into small pieces, stir fried with a bunch of frozen mixed veggies and a fresh tomato in buffalo sauce (5 calories), over a half cup of penne pasta mixed with light ranch dressing (80 calories), sprinkled with parmesan cheese. The buffalo and ranch are "junk" (and truthfully higher in sodium than I'd like) but they made what would have been a bland, boring meal taste absolutely decadent. They made me happy with what I'm eating. And enjoying a meal that much was sooooo worth that 85 extra calories.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    bah such negativity....

    Subject is perspective... this is my perspective based on the knowledge ive learned...
    Also if your going to be negative dont reply.

    My point was this and only this:

    eating 1400 calories of whole foods will not give you the same results of eating a 1400 calorie diet of junk food. take it or leave it.

    This is completely and utterly false. Why do believe this and why do you insist on regurgitating it?

    Please read the following:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    bah such negativity....

    Subject is perspective... this is my perspective based on the knowledge ive learned...
    Also if your going to be negative dont reply.

    My point was this and only this:

    eating 1400 calories of whole foods will not give you the same results of eating a 1400 calorie diet of junk food. take it or leave it.

    This is completely and utterly false. Why do believe this and why do you insist on regurgitating it?

    Please read the following:

    Too late, she is gone. Another example of someone taking disagreement as negativity.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Too late, she is gone. Another example of someone taking disagreement as negativity.

    Such a shame. She had great results and knew what worked for HER, which I'm sure would work for others as well. Too bad she thought it was the ONLY way that would work for EVERYONE.

    It's like religion. If you're happy with it and it works for you, that's great. But don't expect everyone else to want to follow the same path.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I hope this is true. It bodes well for me. :)

    To add to it, I've lost weight reaallly fast so far (please don't let this jinx me!), even though I didn't/don't have a ton to lose - down 10 lbs from 141 in about 6 weeks! Has blown my mind.. I've been eating really cleanly, most of my calories from fruits & veggies, nuts, greek yogurt - so maybe this explains it. Thanks for the post!

    Edited to add: I've found it much easier to be satisfied on 1400 calories with whole foods, also. I don't think it's possible for me to eat enough pasta, chips, candy to truly be satisfied (I swear it's addictive!), but after whole food meals, I just feel good, more peaceful - like, it was really tasty, but I'm not dying for another portion of it. :)

    Your doing great!! I agree it is more satisfying to eat whole foods. Foods like pasta, chips, candy is addictive. Check out my blog on MSG. Keep up the good work!

    Thanks! :)

    Uhh, to the person saying clean eating is a scam - jeez, I never thought I'd hear that sentence said! So the fruits & vegetables that we either evolved on or God put here for us (depending on your views) are a scam? I'm pretty gullible, but that's such a bizarre statement that i'm not even compelled to read the argument.

    I guess you could consider it a scam if you thought that was the only way to lose weight, and you truly hated eating clean and felt deprived all the time. But people are different, which is why we can all vehemently argue our own points. We're all correct, with one flaw - we're extending what's worked for us to say that it should work best for everyone. Gah. I'd bet good money that there truly are people for whom an Atkins diet is healthiest, or a vegan diet, or even a SAD diet. For me, a clean diet happens to work really darn well.