


  • teresastrowz46
    teresastrowz46 Posts: 41 Member
    look at your you think your baby is ugly?

    because your baby looks EXACTLY like you. and both of you are beautiful. i am being 100% genuine when i say you are so beautiful. your post was titled ugly...i looked at your picture and thought, huh?? this girl better not think she's ugly. and i started reading and was shocked. i know it's hard to see what others see but please hear me when i say YOU ARE NOT ugly. listen to your husband when he calls you sexy lady. and listen to all of us...this many people wouldn't lie! keep your chin up...tell yourself everyday you are beautiful!!!!!!!!
  • going2befit
    You're not even close to being ugly. You're very pretty, and will just get even prettier as you continue to lose weight. :)
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    I am a stay at home mom and know what u mean by not gettin done up. I run a childcare also so very seldom do u c me with make up on or dressed up. Half the time my hair is in a pony, no make up, and lounge clothes. I finally got the attitude of screw what others think as long as Im happy in my life that is all that matters. Heck half the time I wear my slippers to the store...LOL I use to feel like u but I started lookin at other things in my life and honestly found I was truely blessed. Chin up it will only get better. Look at the positive not the negative
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    Okay, I checked out your photos, and when you don't smile you look bewildered and unhappy. Not pretty. When you smile, you glow and you look like a really sweet person. Very pretty.

    Not saying paste a smile on 24/7, cause you know what? It's not your job to look pretty all the time. Unless you're getting paid for it, in which case, smile away.

    You have a lovely skin tone, I like your hair color personally, but if you don't, you could always dye it, either permanent or a wash out dye, your choice. You're also bright-eyed and despite being overweight, you give the impression of being healthy and energetic. Well, you'd have to be, to keep up with your baby plus babysitting!

    Are you a six foot tall supermodel? Er, no. Most of us aren't. If we were, guess what? Supermodels wouldn't make any money, they'd be a dime a dozen. I hear that industry is tough enough without added competition. Leave them to their starvation-induced surprise fainting sessions (ever seen Project Runway outtakes?) and wish them luck, they need it so they can make enough money to offset the health problems that come with their line of work.

    Also, look at your husband objectively. Chances are, he's not going to be making it onto the cover of GQ, either. Why? Because most men, like most women, don't look like that. Lucky for male models! Even if he is one of the very few who could make it in modeling, so what? Do you think he's only going to love you if you look airbrushed all the time? If so, what do you want him for? Sounds exhausting!

    I'm not saying beauty doesn't make life easier, because it can. I'm not saying I've never looked in the mirror and cursed my body because it's never been the perfect height, weight, and proportions, because I have. But it never changed anything, it never did me a bit of good. I could have just concentrated on getting in shape the healthy way and spent my energy on something else instead of on looking in the mirror and wishing I'd picked the right freak of nature parents for those perfect beauty genes.

    you are very well spoken, and thank you!

    my husband does happen to be ridiculously handsome...i had our wedding photo in my office when i was an MA before my daughter was born and not a single woman entered my office without commenting on handsome he was....sorta made me wanna barf lol

    i know its clearly unhealthy to think these things about myself....but its 100% what i think, i dont know how to change it...i try..
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    I am a stay at home mom and know what u mean by not gettin done up. I run a childcare also so very seldom do u c me with make up on or dressed up. Half the time my hair is in a pony, no make up, and lounge clothes. I finally got the attitude of screw what others think as long as Im happy in my life that is all that matters. Heck half the time I wear my slippers to the store...LOL I use to feel like u but I started lookin at other things in my life and honestly found I was truely blessed. Chin up it will only get better. Look at the positive not the negative

    i was babysitting and also love the lounge use in getting done up when youll for sure be pooped on, peed on, sneezed on, food thrown on....

    i also love the slippers to the store...i wear faux-crocks :)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    You aren't ugly at all. However we all get those feelings. Dress up from time to time. Slap a little make up on.
    When I stayed at home with my kids doing those things made a huge difference.

    You are a mother and a wife. However in all of this you need to keep your identity. You need to have more confidence in order to be the mother and wife you want to be.
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    You aren't ugly at all. However we all get those feelings. Dress up from time to time. Slap a little make up on.
    When I stayed at home with my kids doing those things made a huge difference.

    You are a mother and a wife. However in all of this you need to keep your identity. You need to have more confidence in order to be the mother and wife you want to be.

    i fully agree, i just dont know where i went? if you see me...send me back pls
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    You aren't ugly at all. However we all get those feelings. Dress up from time to time. Slap a little make up on.
    When I stayed at home with my kids doing those things made a huge difference.

    You are a mother and a wife. However in all of this you need to keep your identity. You need to have more confidence in order to be the mother and wife you want to be.

    i fully agree, i just dont know where i went? if you see me...send me back pls
    Your child is very young, and you are still there. Right now a lot of your life is about nurturing them. Do you have girlfriends? Can you get out for a girls night out?
    Ask your husband for even a few hours a week to even just go shopping by yourself, or running. Whatever. You need to spend a little of time for YOU.
  • krystico
    krystico Posts: 104
    Are you nuts? Yes - you're a beautiful woman! If you learn to 'love yourself' as you are RIGHT NOW, making changes (physically, emotionally, etc...) will come easy. Think positive darlin', and good things will come your way!
  • tattooedtwiin
    #1 - you are not ugly
    #2 - someone who was ugly could not have produced a baby that cute :smile:
    #3 - be careful what you tell yourself - change the tape! If you want that beautiful baby to grow up with a healthy self-image, you have to be careful what you tell yourself - it might imprint.
    #4 - I know it is a cliche, but seriously, beauty comes from the inside. You are lovable! You are worth it!
    #5 - TOM check? Hormones out of whack? If you can't shake it after a couple of days, see your doctor.

    Hang in there!
    Well said, and AGREE! You are NOT ugly. :noway:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member

    you are very well spoken, and thank you!

    my husband does happen to be ridiculously handsome...i had our wedding photo in my office when i was an MA before my daughter was born and not a single woman entered my office without commenting on handsome he was....sorta made me wanna barf lol

    i know its clearly unhealthy to think these things about myself....but its 100% what i think, i dont know how to change it...i try..

    Thanks, being well spoken helps compensate for not having supermodel thighs :laugh:

    I understand the insecurity of having a significant other who is drop dead gorgeous, I've dated a few of those myself. Difference is, none of them were the marrying kind, and your husband clearly is. And he wanted to marry you, not someone else, only you. I don't know him of course, but unless you picked someone so shallow that it's all about the exterior for him, then he wanted you because you inspire him to love you for who you are and not because he thinks you make nice arm candy.

    Actually, one good thing about having a drop dead gorgeous husband is he's probably less likely to want an arm candy wife, since he can be his own eye candy!

    It's hard not to compare myself to models even now, even at age 39, long past the time when I could have ever been a supermodel even if I'd been born beautiful enough. It's hard because it's in my face all the time, on TV, in magazines, everywhere. It helps to look around at several of my female friends and to note that none are super model gorgeous (or anywhere near that) and all except me are happily married to faithful husbands who love them. And some of those husbands are pretty good looking themselves, too.

    And me? Why aren't I married? It's not my looks, I figured that out awhile ago. I think it might be that I'm not ready yet, and may never be ready.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Fumble finger double post!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    you're not ugly, i've seen ugly.. in the mirror every day
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    You aren't ugly at all. However we all get those feelings. Dress up from time to time. Slap a little make up on.
    When I stayed at home with my kids doing those things made a huge difference.

    You are a mother and a wife. However in all of this you need to keep your identity. You need to have more confidence in order to be the mother and wife you want to be.

    i fully agree, i just dont know where i went? if you see me...send me back pls
    Your child is very young, and you are still there. Right now a lot of your life is about nurturing them. Do you have girlfriends? Can you get out for a girls night out?
    Ask your husband for even a few hours a week to even just go shopping by yourself, or running. Whatever. You need to spend a little of time for YOU.

    i dont have any girlfriends. my husband is army and we moved here in 2009, i had some then...after the men deployed alot of the women went nuts and cheated, became alcoholics...all kinds of $h*t!

    my baby is my identity, its hard to change that when i spen all my time with her. i dont go out because who wants to do that alone, and we really dont have any extra money right now.
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    you're not ugly, i've seen ugly.. in the mirror every day

    see now i look at you and think you are very pretty...and i think YOU are nuts for not thinking that lol
  • tattooedtwiin
    you're not ugly, i've seen ugly.. in the mirror every day
    From what I can see of your pic, you are NOT ugly either, please stop.
  • Athens30
    As others have said this probably sounds cliche but whats important is what is in the inside. Looks can change/fade or even be taken from you so what truly counts is who you are. Have you ever met someone who might had been cute but once you got to know them their looks changed to their personality? (worse if not such a nice person, better if nice or maybe not sexy anymore if overly goofy, unless you like goofy! All perceptive) or visa versa. Just remember that next time you look in the mirror and instead of picking at yourself from outer appearance start to praise yourself in the mirror for the person you are. BTW, you're not ugly :)
  • foss44
    foss44 Posts: 119 Member
    I don't have any more advice than what has been given on here. Reread them and believe them, YOU ARE NOT UGLY!!!!!!!!!!
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    thank you for all of your support.

    mfp is such a wonderful community.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    ok. You're not ugly. I am a catty *****, so seriously take this to heart. You are beautiful and would be beautiful at any weight. I'm sorry you're having a hard time, keep trucking you will get to where you want to be!