Sixers Spring Clean Challenge--Week 1



  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Oh ladies, the call of Mickey D's got me today. Only, ok, I am confessing here, I had a 6 inch sub on my way to pick up the kids from school, and then went to McDonalds and had a cheeseburger. WHAT? It was like I just needed it and NOW I regret it. UGH!!! Ok, but I am not dwelling on it, I am confessing it. I plan to burn it off with laundry and housecleaning over the next hour or so.

    Pedal- sometimes it is ok for the motivator to need motivating. Let us motivate you for a while. I am so sorry that your kiddos are sick and that your life is so chaotic at this point. I pray you can find some calm today, even if it is just five would help.

    Tudor-I hope you get that fridge stocked soon. I have the same problem right now.

    Moonlight- welcome!

    Cass- nice to meet you.

    Dr. Tamm- where are you? wondering how you are?

    Deb- good for you for getting back on track.

    Connie- hope you get a house with well children soon.

    I am working on the water today, 32+oz so far. I have gotten in 4 servings for fruits and veggies so far and the housework is coming.

    Hugs, ladies.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    SW 210.2 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.2 PROGRESS 0
    SW 148.4 LBS/GW 142.0 LBS / CW 148.4 LBS PROGRESS 0.0 LBS
    SW 258 lbs / GW 250 / CW 258 PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 153 lbs. / GW 145 lbs / CW 153 lbs. PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 204.8 lbs / GW 194 / CW 204.8 lbs. Progress 0.0
    SW 172 lbs/ GW 165 lbs / CW 172 Progress +/- 0 lbs
    SW 159.5 lbs/ GW 163 lbs/ CW 159.5 Progress 0 lbs
    SW177.6lbs / GW 167lbs / CW 177.6lbs Progress 0 lbs
    TudorRose----SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 211 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 159 lbs/ GW 155 lbs/ CW 159 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 166.8lbs/GW 159.8/ CW 166.8lbs Progress 0lbs
    SW 153.4 lb/ GW 143.0/ CW153.4 Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 202 lbs/GW 190/CW 202 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 210.5 lbs/GW 199/CW 210.5 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 212 lbs/GW 204/CW 212 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 194.4 lbs/GW 177/CW 194.4 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 218.0 / GW 213.0/ CW 218.0 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs

    Hey ladies count me in. I've been busy and w/o internet. I am taking a moment at work to check in on the new challenge. I can't wait to catch up. Take care!! Miss you all and thanks for accepting Tiff! :wink: She is so motivated and super busy and my fitness inspiration.

    Hope everyone is doing great.

  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening everyone. I was finally able to catch up on all the posts. I have just been so overwhelmed and trying to keep up with the kids with one still sick, and the house work and everything. My oldest still had a fever this morning, but I told her to go to school and see if that doesn't make her feel better, well, all it did was give her a bad headache and she has been asleep ever since she got home from school. Poor thing, I'm hoping she'll feel better in the morning.

    Robin, I am so sorry about what you are going through:heart::flowerforyou: . I had a miscarraige myself when I was 5 weeks pregnant. I had only known for a week and only knew through a pee stick, never got to the doctors office for the first visit yet. Then I started spotting and thought it was a false alarm, Mom took me to the ER and comfirmed that I was in a threatened miscarriage. I went to my doctors and she took out a book and said it could be this or that, then I went to another doctor and had a sonogram done which cofirmed that I had lost the baby. It was a rough couple weeks not knowing about the baby and I cried all the time. So, I'm here for you and if you need to talk feel free.

    All the newbies, WELCOME!!!! This is a great goup. My mom is Chipper and she introduced me to this group and I have been with them eversince.

    All the other sixers good evening, I'm glad to see so many of ya'll motivated. I'm like you Rhiannon, I'm still struggling. I would begin to track in the morning and blow when I would get home from work and pig out. I know what I'm doing but can't help it. But I have also been keeping myself busy with house work, so I'm moving around a little bit more.

    Well, I think I've made up my absence. Hope everyone has a good night. Later ladies. Time to spend time with the hunny.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening all....

    katie...i have some laundry too, want it???
    dr tamm....glad you could pop in real quick to say hi. knew you were out there.
    rose....sounded like a great day. gotta get to 1200..... just made the first step you logged on and vented, let go. now take the second step and just start your changes one at a time. handle each problem one at a time and only give it the attention it needs when it needs it. if something needs to be set aside, put down. than set it down and walk away from it. tell yourself in the mirror every morning "i am strong!!!"
    kistin...hope you feel better....

    i had a good day. got things done. ate well, workouted out. scale is doing well too. :wink:
    night ladies, see you in the morning.....
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi everyone!!!

    I'm going to try and do as many personals as I can!

    Rhiannon - hang in there sweetheart, I agree with everyone else, sometimes the motivator needs a little love too!! We are here for you and know you can do it!!

    Cathy - glad you had a good day!! That's always a good motivator for tomorrow too!!

    Shanell - sorry the little ones still aren't feeling well, i hope they feel better soon!!

    Tamm - good to hear from you!

    Tudor - you've done well today!! I am in grad school and know how hard it is to find good food on campus!

    Katie - girl don't worry, I had a week moment today too. My weakness is Jimmy John's and I definitely stopped there on my way home from night class tonight!! yikes!! but I'm with you, we confessed and we are moving on!!

    Kristin - feel better darling!

    And hello to anyone I've missed!!

    Looking forward to a run tomorrow morning (i try to run tuesday and thursday mornings before my 9:30 class) I need to run off this "funk" I've been in. Basically all you need to know is boys are stupid. HAHA. :angry:

    Relaxing and watching Top Chef this evening. Tomorrow i am attending a lunch lecture where they are serving pizza so i need to watch what I do for supper instead.

    Goodnight ladies!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thank you thank you thank you ladies. It means a lot to feel supported (ESPECIALLY when one of my emotional challenges right now is someone I thought was a close friend acting aloof and distancing herself from me etc!). You're all lovely! :smooched:

    AmyLou, sorry about the troubles. Running is a great way to deal! I NEED to start C25K again. Maybe I'll do that TOMORROW!

    Cathy, thanks for the words and congrats on a good day!

    Shanell, we can do this! It's hard when the little ones are under the weather. Let's get back on the horse :smile:

    Tudorrose, welcome to the group and thanks for the motivation! This is a great gang and we're happy to get to know you!

    Tamm, hiya! Glad you're moved and in the process of settling in!! Sorry to ask this and pick your professional ear again, but do you know how much the open face-metal caps with change the look of Leith's teeth? Do they fit them to his existing shape or will they change? :heart: you for offering your professional insights. It has really helped! xo

    Katie, more drama with men! Well GREAT on you for doing so well with your loss :bigsmile:!

    Kristin, hugs and thanks so much (always!). I hope the 2nd tri takes it easier on you!!

    Gonabfit, hi!

    Moonlight, welcome!!

    Katie, since some of us are starting this challenge off with some... well... CHALLENGES!, we can press onward and upward, right?? Are you with me??

    SBB, LOTS on your plate right now, wow!

    Deb, great on you for planning - do you think you'll be able to do so regularly?

    Lauryn, lordy that's a brain-full isn't it. From my experience both personally and watching friends go through dramatic relationship crises or divorces, sometimes people get to the place your husband is at as part of their letting-go process. It is terrifying for them to progress to the mental-emotional place where they are at peace and ready to move into a co-parenting relationship rather than a romantic relationship and hoping to change or big emotional epiphanies seem to come as part of that transition. And of course there is also the possibility that he really has genuinely realized some things. I think that the challenge therein is the fact that, as you've said, you've made peace with the fate of your relationship and have been moving forward in your process for some time and even if he HAS had some real epiphanies, you also need to honour your present emotional place. If you were to decide to try to follow that possibility, it would be almost like starting from scratch but with extra complication and I think there would be a lot of time and dialogue necessary. There is no simple way ahead and that's a lot for you to shoulder, especially when you are also doing your best for your daughter in the process! I'm so glad you're writing and what a big accomplishment to have curbed some of the emotional eating!! I hope it's okay that I've expressed all this - I've had so much exposure and proximity to these things and I've been go-to for many many friends in these situations. I guess I'm used to offering my perspective :ohwell: :heart:

    So my meals for tomorrow are planned which is a huge step. Winging it has NOT been going well.

    1: pumpkin apple oatmeal
    2. blueberry vanilla protein smoothie w/ flax
    3. broccoli & homemade hummus
    4. homemade vegetable noodle soup
    5. homemade bison burger on sodium-free Ezekiel bread (w/ salsa, tomato, red pepper & spinach)
    6. chocolate protein shake

    I would love to see about doing some C25K running training tomorrow and possibly a quick set of weights but honestly it will depend on how Ava and Leith are doing!
    May or may not be able to check in during the day tomorrow but I'll try for the evening regardless!
    morning ladies :flowerforyou: I am so happy the first day at the gym went GREAT... I did the moving stair thing and beside almost falling off several times :laugh: I had a lot of fun... and my butt is killing me this morning :bigsmile: I love that feeling... PLUS... I had 10 cups of water!!!! :drinker: Anyways I have work untill 7:30 tonight but I hope to get in another workout :smile:

    :heart: Pedal. Thanks... It is A TON of work but exciting @ the same time! I am glad to see you back (with a GREAT meal plan... I swear I am going to copy them down and use them, I'm not much of a plan ahead person) :smile: :laugh: !!!! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: amylou... those lunch seminars can be killer (I have one today as well)... BUT I do let myself have one small slice and then I eat my salad... I :heart: PIZZA... so I don't think I could ever cut myself off totally... :laugh: BUT stay strong today! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: chipper I am so glad that all is going well for you, scale included! It is always so great when all your hard work starts to pay off, I am hoping that this challenge will go better for me... :drinker:

    :heart: nellienell. I hope the kiddos feel better, there really was a nasty bug going around...! Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: drtamm. how is the new job / place? you must be so busy and excited!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone else... good morning, and I will do more personals when I have another moment!!! stay motivated girls!!!! week one of an exciting new challenge!!!! :drinker:
    :heart: kge.... I missed your Mc D. post (trust me if you only had a cheese burger you are doing GREAT, when I go there it is a large number 1, which i think has more calories than i should eat in 2 days :sick: :laugh: so no worries! get back on track today and forget about it. one bad choice in a week full of good ones wont do a darn thing. :drinker: keep up the great work!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    RedSox- well done! 2 workouts a DAY? You're an inspiration, well done :)

    Pedal- I hope your kids are feeling better, and hopefully you as well. Thanks for the welcome- it's great to be part of such a supportive group.

    Amy- thank you! It'll be much easier once my wages come through, so I can buy some healthy snacks to take in.

    Chipper- also, thank you. I made it in the end, by means of orange juice. Maybe a cheat, but I just wasn't hungry after yesterday's little parental debacle.

    Everyone else- thanks for the welcome and support- I hope things are going great for you!

    I weighed myself this morning: 206.5! :)

    (As I'm doing much better than I'd planned, I'm thus going to alter my target, and try to hit 14stone (196lbs) by March 30th. Birthdays be damned!!! :P I may as well challenge myself, no?)

    I'm going to do an exercise DVD this evening (Davina McCall's Super Body Workout. I don't know if she's known in America, but it's very good) but first I have to buckle down to some uni work. Everything's coming up so fast and I'm getting very scared. Thus far, I've held my panic attacks at bay, but nearly caved the other day. I'm torn between wanting time to fly by so it can all be over and wanting to just pause everything to have more time! I've got my dissertation, plus three other fairly big assignments, and an exam to prep for. And a driving test. All I have to do besides that is clear off my overdraft (it's interest free now, but won't be after I leave uni, so I want to get it done asap!) and find a job! Oh hell... :explode:

    *Breathes* Sorry for the little rant. Just needed it off my chest.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey ladies! Pray for my test manana! lol.... *I know I've been talking about it for a while so it probably seems like I should have taken it already! I wrote a post yesterday but never put it up here... so here it goes! It's long... :noway:

    Yesterday 2/17. I walked a mile. Not much. But I was super busy studying and I'm proud of staying active regardless.

    I stuck to my caloric goals today. Wed 2/18:-)

    I drunk ~80 oz today

    Taebo- 33 mins 400 calories according to heart rate monitor!
    Walked 2 miles
    Bike 60 mins
    Random exercises like jumping Jacks, push ups and crunches!
    AMAZING because I am studying HARD for my test Friday! But you can read on the bike!!! Maybe not as intense but definitely more calories than sitting in a chair!

    Be careful! My body is going to be smoking HOT! I am working out as much as I can to look good and feel confident on my cruise.
    edited to add @ midnight! I just did 60 mins on bike* Precounted bike earlier! lol... * + 35 mins on treadmill!!! YAY

    So I did a total of 2 hours 14 mins exercise today
    burned 1427 calories
    Ate 1550 calories.. .BEFORE my midnight snack of grapes and serving of light popcorn w. herbal tea. I broke my promise of not eating after 8 but I am happy it was a healthy choice

    add 20 oz of H20

    :heart: Have a wonderful day ladies! I miss reading and chatting with you all! I believe in positive thinking and I wanted to say... you get what you expect! So expect GREAT things and life will not dissapoint you. Oh and I greatly believe in the power of prayer! :-) Sidenote: MY neck is sore!!! :noway: :noway: too many crunches or slept the worng way! Oh well...
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Well done! And good luck for your test
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Oh and Robin, though we have never met, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I pray you find comfort and support in this storm. I'll be praying for you!
  • pdxmomof2
    Gosh, there sure is a lot going on here with you ladies. I cant even begin to try to catch up! I will try and make an attempt later tonday to catch up and do some personals.

    Today is "meet with the surgeon" day. My gall bladder will know its fate at the end of the day. Hopefully it is leaving me! I had another attack last night. I think I over did it yesterday. We went to the zoo and walked around for hours. It was 60 degrees out so I could not resist! I was super sore by the time I laid down and sure enough it all started in.

    Eating so far has been

    b=cherrio's and 1% milk
    s=hummus and pretzel sticks

    I will of course be drinking that water. No exercise for me. Just some short walks to get Owen to school and back.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    GOOD MORNIN' ALL:drinker: what a great day sun shinning, birds singing, workout done, DH leaving for a meeting for the WHOLE day :bigsmile: will clean house.......LOL.....since he works nights he gets up 10am/noon. so he is home with me all day, everyday. he doesn't leave for work until 9/10 at night. so once a month he has monthly meeting and they are over an hour from here, he's gone most of the day, home at dinner. i love my alone time. :bigsmile: :smokin: now that son is working also, it's just me and the dog. i can clean, mop (no one walks on my wet floors), blast my ipod, and just be. love it....
    he will be leaving here shortly. already started cleaning while he was still sleeping.

    everyone sounds like they are going to have a great day.....:flowerforyou: this ""you get what you expect! So expect GREAT things"" i will have to remember this.
    pedal....doing good. your here and that counts. one day at a time.
    rose....**breath** you will do great. scale was nice to you. :smile:
    shanell....where are you? how is boo doing today??
    everyone else....hold your chin up proud of how far you have come...if you can't workout, than at least eat well....and have a great day.

    off to begin my cleaning......
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    missed you pdx....good luck. i am sure you won't miss it at all will ya???:bigsmile: i never had any during the night. they would be before i went to bed. let us know. our gall bladders could meet up somewhere. :wink:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Tomorrow is my day off so I will catch up then. I am so happy to see everyone is making it along. And YAY to the new challenge.

    Rhiannon- Ask the dentist to pick the crown that looks closest to his tooths original appearance. Yes it does change the shape but we have a variety of shapes, so maybe one looks just like Leith's original tooth. I hope you like the results.

    Can't wait to catch up...... until then.

    Welcome New members..... I'm newly moved and still have some boxes but I will be chatting w/ you soon.

    Katy- Thanks for checking on me..... I'm doing good. ;)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i have finished my cleaning, candles lit, laundry going, just's real windy out so cloths are drying fast on the line. i hang out most of my cloths. i don't like the shrinkage from the dryer :grumble:
    hope everyone is having a great day.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just had to share. i just found a kate spade purse at goodwill for 10 bucks. i get a discount for military so it cost me 9. looked up her purses on ebay and they start at 100. good deal. just thought i would share.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Cathy - I am SOOO jealous. I love kate spade!!!!
  • pdxmomof2
    Just got home from meeting with the surgeon. Good news/bad news. Good first....the gall bladder needs to come out and I will feel 100% better once it does. Bad news is that my doc wants me to see my gastro doc first as he wants them to do a colonoscopy first to make sure I do not have any bleeding in my intestinal track, hince the severe anemia they have discovered. It makes sense to me as he said that if there is something in there that needs repairing then the best time to look at it and take care if it would be while they already have me on the surgery table. Also my surgeon is leaving town from Feb 28th to March 11th. This will give me time to have the other procedure done before then. So, now my challenge is to get plenty of rest, get in exercise and eat right so that in the mean time I can lose some of this weight. I am just not willing to wait another mth to start losing some of this stubborn weight. He wants me to eliminate almost all fat from my diet until I get through the surgery.