Help me make a decision please? :D



  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I would always choose family first. You are more likely to regret it later if you don't go and you never know when there will be no second chance at it!
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Without reading the rest of the posts......... I say, family first!!
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    big decision. i only have enough time and money for one. either go visit my Nan and Pop I have not seen in years and miss dearly... or go to the coast with my bestie. oh yes, did i mention going to the coast with my bestie would mean i would have to pay for everything for her..Which would you choose?
    Family... especially considering the other way you're paying for it all doesn't seem very fair..
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I would choose grandparents in this instance. The coast will still be there when you have more cash to spend. The bestie, if she is a true bestie, will still be there to hang out with. Grandparents will not. I lost my Gram November of last year and would give anything to spend one more vacay with her.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    If you were totally happy with paying for your friend's holiday, you wouldn't have mention it. What do YOU want to do?

    My advice?

    Go get yourself some assertiveness training, which will give you lifelong tools to make up your own mind about things like this and to tell people your decisions, without feeling guilty or embarrassed about it.

    It will also save you from having to ask strangers on the internet loaded questions in order to pluck up the courage to do what you know you want to do anyway.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Family-no doubt. I miss my Gram like crazy since she passed away and I cherish every minute I had with her.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    oh yes, did i mention going to the coast with my bestie would mean i would have to pay for everything for her.

    Um, is she an adult?

    Let's weigh this: visit family who loves you unconditionally, or pay for a moocher friend's vacation. I think you know the answer to this already, honey.