Weight loss/meal replacement shakes



  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I've tried a lot of different things to work out exactly what I need to lose weight

    I find that if I eat lots early in the day, I get hungrier later and end up eating more and more, so the classic 'big breakfast' doesnt work for me at all.

    So I have a slimfast shake for breakfast with 500mls of semi-skimmed milk (or whole fat if I'm out of semi-skimmed)

    I have the same for lunch

    then a dinner of LOTS of salad, some croutons and a grilled chicken breast or bit of salmon.

    in the evening I then have the option to have three small snacks, two cereal bar type-things and a bowl of fruit and yogurt (usually)

    followed by an options hot-chocolate before bed.

    This seems to work well for me so I am sticking to it. I might look for better shakes I can buy in bulk at the end of the month.

    Today I am having an impressive cheat day and drinking lots of cocktails and had a roast dinner, so WAY over calories today but will make a point of working them off in the early part of the week.
  • drdocument
    drdocument Posts: 9 Member
    Over a year, I have lost 15 pounds and gone from 24% body fat to 11% and am now at my target weight, with metabolic age 9 years less than actual.

    I have MFP goals set to 1200 calories per day (though I usually consume closer to 1800), with 5% from carbs, and 3 workouts per week, and try to get at least 180 grams of protein per day. This works out to 15g of carbs per day, but I usually go up to about 20g.

    I use Cytosport 100% Whey protein powder (from Costco) and Cytosport Whey Isolate RTD protein drinks (netrition.com or similar) as meal replacements, plus snacks of cheese, meat, fish or Atkins bars, trying to assure adequate protein intake throughout the day.

    Supper is usually a green salad (with shredded cheese and bacon bits but no croutons), low-carb vegetable and lean meat or fish protein source.

    I have found it's important to replenish protein often (hence the snacks), and that cutting back on carbs really helps. Many snack bars (even "protein bars") and some protein drinks have too many carbs. This is where tracking with MFP really helps!

    So far, so good. A bit more belly fat and another inch to lose in the waist.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    So the main body of experience seems to be saying that meal replacement shakes are great, when used in conjunction with MFP and other things. This is great news for me as it really seems to be working for me, despite having a really bad day today (But I knew I would, alcohol and dinner!)

    Great to hear the shakes people recommend too. I would love to hear some british recommendations and I am also thinking about switching to almond milk.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    I like Syntrax Matrix Milk Chocolate (or any of the chocolates). I make the shake at 6 am and drink it while getting ready for work. (One scoop Syntrax, one scoop Big Train Fit Frappe Mocha, a tablespoon of sugar free chocolate pudding, a teaspoon stevia, four ice cubes, 8 ounces light soy milk or skim milk, and 4 ounces water.) 43 grams of protein, 310 calories. This holds me over until noon. Some days I'm not even hungry at lunch time. On those days, I head over to the local shake shop and get a Herbalife shake, aloe, and tea. (I'm NOT a distributor, I just like the convenience of having one of these shops practically next door - and I love all the flavor choices.) I also have a tub of the Fit Frappe at work so I can make my own shake with water and ice cubes.. 22 grams of fiber and 130 calories. I have a Cuisinart smoothie blender that I brought to work.
  • stacyrenea06
    stacyrenea06 Posts: 9 Member
    I am new and started my weight loss journey last month. I started a new nutrition program and started taking a meal replacement shake for breakfast...I love this shake. It is loaded with nutrition and has 23 grams of whey protein per serving. I usually will mix it with unsweetened almond milk and it tastes great and for me is a true meal replacement. I am off to a great start in my journey and have lost 26 lbs so far.....granted I have a lot of weight to lose...I know I am moving in the right direction and am so glad I found something that works for me.