Cardio doesn't help you lose weight...



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Cardio burns fat. Lifting weights by itself will not burn the fat.

    I love cardio. I'll pick it over lifting weights any day.

    Cardio doesn't burn fat. Cardio improves cardiovascular health and conditioning as well as it creates more of a calorie deficit because it burns calories.

    Eating a calorie deficit = burns fat.


    Cardio creates the deficit = burns fat

    diet alone can create the deficit too. so can just weights, so can cardio. Cardio in and of itself does not burn fat, cardio in a caloric deficit will burn fat, but in that case so would weight training.

    The main benefits to exercise are not weight loss, that can be achieved from diet alone.

    Again, it kind of depends how you use the terms. Technically, yes, weight loss can be achieved from diet alone. However, since the long-term failure rate of "diet only" programs is around 95%, can it really be said that "weight loss" has actually been achieved?

    OTOH, about the only weight loss programs that DO achieve permanent changes are the ones that include regular, vigorous exercise.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Cardio burns fat. Lifting weights by itself will not burn the fat.

    Yes, lifting weights by itself does burn fat. You're completley wrong on that point and I don't know why you keep repeating it as if it's a fact.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Still can't believe a worker at the gym told me this. I have lost 34 lbs. recently and went looking for a second gym near work (I lose some motivation on the drive home). The person showing me around said the weight loss was due to diet changes and not all of the excercise since I don't do weights. I do cardio 5-6 days a week, crunches nearly every day I work out and pilates for about 20 min. nearly every day, go to the class twice weekly. How discouraging this would be to someone who was planning to walk/run only.
    so have I and I am living proof...I hate cardio. Stick to a few HIIT and thats it. I love lifting weights and I love eating lots of food! But hey this lady is always right...right!:huh:
    Cardio burns fat. A lot of people want people to believe that lifting weights or should I say, lifting heavy is the answer and it's not. A person can lift weights until they are blue in the face, but that will not make the fat go away. It will develop the muscles under fat.

    I don't think this is true.. do you have solid research to back this up? From my understanding, I've read otherwise.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    my dad went to an obesity conference last year. apparently the latest theory is that if you eat enough calories, cardio helps you lose weight. If you dont eat enough then weights and strength training helps you lose. Dont ask me why!?
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    I believe it. I hurt my knee and went 3 weeks without any exercise and I sit at a desk all day. I stayed under my 1200 calories a day and lost 1 to 1 1/2 pounds a week same as when I was exercising.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Personally, i agree with the guy at the gym. You didnt have to workout to lose that weight. I believe it is mostly on your diet, but this is also why i dont eat my exercise calories back. That doesnt make any sense to me and it doesnt work for me either.

    Exercises is excellent for health reasons, toning and will help your body as you age, but i dont think it is necessary for weight loss.
    Still can't believe a worker at the gym told me this. I have lost 34 lbs. recently and went looking for a second gym near work (I lose some motivation on the drive home). The person showing me around said the weight loss was due to diet changes and not all of the excercise since I don't do weights. I do cardio 5-6 days a week, crunches nearly every day I work out and pilates for about 20 min. nearly every day, go to the class twice weekly. How discouraging this would be to someone who was planning to walk/run only.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Cardio burns fat. A lot of people want people to believe that lifting weights or should I say, lifting heavy is the answer and it's not. A person can lift weights until they are blue in the face, but that will not make the fat go away. It will develop the muscles under fat.
    I don't think this is true.. do you have solid research to back this up? From my understanding, I've read otherwise.
    What did you read?
    Even though she has me "ignored", I feel I need to rebut her misconception, so that nobody else falls for it.

    Hell, even your beloved eHow says it burns fat! ( :laugh:

    Here is one article with credible sources:
    this!!!!! ffs this!!!!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I've seen many a heavy weights run their @sses off on treadmills and drip buckets of sweat without much progress. I admire their endurance. It sure is better than mine.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Why does everything have to turn into an argument? We are all entitled to our own opinions, but when knowledgeable posters who have had success at improving their fitness post irrefutable facts, that is probably the time to allow your opinion to be swayed.

    Let's not be silly, here. Learning something isn't backing down from an argument. It's education.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Yes, lifting weights by itself does burn fat. You're completley wrong on that point and I don't know why you keep repeating it as if it's a fact.

    It doesn't.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Also, why dont you test the theory yourself. Try eating your basic calories for two weeks...see what happens. I injured my foot, so ive been doing this for two weeks and no difference for me in weightloss
  • quigonnjae
    lost 44 lbs in 3 months doing EXCLUSIVELY cardio . Just now starting stregnth training now that the "biggest looser" contest is done ..
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Cardio doesn't burn fat. Cardio improves cardiovascular health and conditioning as well as it creates more of a calorie deficit because it burns calories.

    Eating a calorie deficit = burns fat.


    Cardio burns fat.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I just wanted a clear up a few misconceptions in this thread.

    1. Currently there is a "backlash" against cardio for weight loss. This is because for the past several decades cardio has been touted as the "end all be all" of weight loss. Recent research has actually demonstrated that interval training and resistance training are probably superior to cardio for weight loss, and as a result there has been a huge backlash. However, that doesn't mean that you can't use cardio for weight loss, OF COURSE YOU CAN!!! Anyone who says otherwise is a moron. It's just that cardio isn't the only or best way to lose weight.

    2. Part of the reason cardio often fails for weight loss is because people do it incorrectly. The "fat burning zone" is a big reason for people failing to work out in a way that will benefit them the most.

    3. While it's true that diet is important for weight loss, it's actually a very bad idea to diet without exercising. You'll lose BOTH fat and muscle if you diet w/o exercise. Then, when the weight comes back, it'll come back just as fat. This can lead to a viscious cycle, the end result being the dreaded "skinny fat" condition.

    4. The best exercise regimen is, Ta da, the one that you'll actually do! That said, you have to push yourself and continually make progress. If you hang back in the "fat burning zone," with endurance cardio, and never increase your speed, then you'll quickly plateau and fail to lose much weight.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    People say it's all diet, and while it does seem to be mostly diet for me, I swear I AM losing more weight on the days I do cardio (even when eating the exercise calories back). There has to be some individual variation if everyone has such strong opinions one way or another.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member

    I've been waiting to use that. *giggles*
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    People say it's all diet, and while it does seem to be mostly diet for me, I swear I AM losing more weight on the days I do cardio (even when eating the exercise calories back). There has to be some individual variation if everyone has such strong opinions one way or another.

    Keep in mind that exercise also increases your metabolism for 1-2 days after the exercise session. So if you burn 500 calories running, and then eat 500 calories back, you'll still be burning additional calories as your body rebuilds your muscles and strengthens them.
  • ShrinkingChelle
    Cardio burns fat. A lot of people want people to believe that lifting weights or should I say, lifting heavy is the answer and it's not. A person can lift weights until they are blue in the face, but that will not make the fat go away. It will develop the muscles under fat.

    I don't think this is true.. do you have solid research to back this up? From my understanding, I've read otherwise.
    What did you read?

    I cant tell you everything Ive read but I have read a lot online lately, and yes I know everything online isnt true. But from my understanding losing weight comes from calorie deficit, whether it be eating lose calories, burning calories by cardio or burning calories by strength training.
  • jmvane15
    I find that hard to believe... How can cardio exercises, that keep you moving, not help you lose weight?
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    When I say something, people think I'm arguing, but when other people say something, they think the person is giving knowledge. I don't have time to fight with people. If a person believes I'm wrong, then fine. Use the ignore button.
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