Stop being so sensitive!



  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I guess I must be the only one who disagrees with OP. :indifferent:
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    for the record, I didn't call them sensitive, only the people who were reacting to what i said. This even actually ruined a friendship with a girl I went to HS with who was also an admin of the group

    go figure.

    I was called holier than thou, judgmental, stuck up

  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    for the record, I didn't call them sensitive, only the people who were reacting to what i said. This even actually ruined a friendship with a girl I went to HS with who was also an admin of the group

    go figure.

    I was called holier than thou, judgmental, stuck up


    Honestly if this person was truly your friend she would know you did not mean it in a rude way to begin with. You don't need enemies with friends like that .
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Oh man... I wish everyone could just love themselves and think of their body as a tool with which to do the work the real you needs to do!

    Love YOU.

    Some people hate models because they're scared to look at their own shortcomings...
    Some people hate fat people because they're scared to look at their own shortcomings...
    Some people hate other people period because they're scared to look at their own shortcomings...

    See a pattern? Fear drives all negative thinking patterns.. I legitimately want to bawl my eyes out when I read you guys struggling with self-confidence issues because you are ALL AMAZING!

    It is true that if you want to change your body it's gonna take some serious work.
    It is true that you will feel pangs of envy when you compare yourself to society's standard of beauty.

    Do this out of love for yourself!! Not hate!

    There is so much shame even among women. To compete and be the best and tell each other what's okay and what's not okay. Did you know lobsters do this? Male lobsters will form a ladder with their bodies and escape from a bucket. Females will step on each other. What sets us apart from lady lobsters? Ok.. not claws.. but the fact we have consciousness, love and empathy to be a FRIEND and supporter instead of keeping each other down!

    Don't be lobsters guys! Love yourself!!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Good for you! I agree with you. I think it's easier to hate everyone who's thin and in shape and tell ourselves that they probably don't even work for it than it is to realize that I don't look the way that I want because of what I chose to do. Not sure if you've heard of Jenna Marbles on youtube, but I saw one of her videos where she was answering how she stays in shape...and before the video I noticed that she was really thin and looked good but of course I thought "lucky her"...that is until I actually watched her video! She works for it! it's just one small example but it's what personally made me change my way of thinking.

    Will I ever look like a Victoria Secret model? Probably not. But, that doesn't mean that they aren't working hard to look how they do, and it certainly isn't an excuse for me to just give up on looking my personal best!

    thanks for sharing!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    well, i got deleted altogether from the GROUP because a lot of people had their feelings hurt. Go figure. The group is Incoherent Babbling A Mothers Tirade Expressed on fb. Screw them. Didn't need them anyway. It's a group specifically for ranting and complaining about stuff in their lives.
    I do believe you've outgrown this group.