Weekend Warrior (booze)



  • amberdaniels
    I don't drink, but some weekends I just see that chocolate cake and I just don't care anymore. ugh!
  • sal22408
    epic fail on weekends for me too. I do soooo good all week, and then BOoOm~! The weekend hits and i hit the liquor.
  • klgwilliamson
    I feel the pain. I've given up Mich Ultra's and have switched to the Bud Select Premium Light. It's only 55 calories and it taste good too!
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member

    Thanks! I joined the group! I try to work out on the weekends to make up the calorie intake of drinking...but sometimes I get too lazy to get the work outs in! Bummer!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member

    Thanks! I joined the group! I try to work out on the weekends to make up the calorie intake of drinking...but sometimes I get too lazy to get the work outs in! Bummer!

    I joined, too!!! :D
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Whew! Glad I'm not alone. But after Thanksgiving excesses I decided to cut back SEVERELY on the alcohol. Treat it like a once in a while kinda thing. I live in NYC also and am a foodie so when the occasion comes for that special restaurant with the unique drinks, I'm-a have it. But it won't be a part of my regular weekend routine. We'll see how that goes. I made myself a little list of why it sucks when I drink. Maybe this will help you:

    - When I drink I don't do moderation well. Not with drinks and not with food, so yeah, self-sabotage with the weight loss.
    - I feel ultra poopy & my yoga practice is poopy (MFP censored the other word I wanted to use) when I do it. It's just not worth it sometimes.
    - I'm 36 and I've noticed it takes me 2-3 days to bounce back to full speed after drinking. (A big night is 3 drinks for me btw). This sucks.
    - I get into a cycle of drinking lotsa coffee to wake up after drinx, then I drink more booze later to soothe the jitters & back n' forth.
    - My skin looks parched and I feel like a lush. Drinking problems run in my family so there's a bit of a scare too.

    Anyone else want to share incentives to cut out or cut back?
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    The weekends are tough. Once 6:30pm on a friday rolls around I can hear my bottle of red calling me - drink me, drink me.
    What i've been doing is carving out calories throughout the week so that I can have a few glasses of wine during the weekend and not blow everything to hell.
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    Oh, I hear ya! I love red wine too!!
  • MrsDrake678
    MrsDrake678 Posts: 90 Member
    This is ME! I do such a great job during the week but then I get together with friends and drink drink drink...and of course it's beer. I do go for light mostly but light hardly helps if you are drinking 6 of them lol.
  • KimBambi
    I always do bad on weekends too. I just joined and I thought I'd automatically have self-control last weekend, but I let loose.

    I think you can slowly cut back on alcohol after a while and just ensure you keep motivated throughout the week. It's not such a big issue as you need to live a social, active and happy life regardless. It's probably a learn when to stop kind of thing. Good luck :)
  • Tcmorty
    I hear you sister, but I'm on one week, no booze and I feel fabulous! I don't know how long it wall last but I'm enjoying the ride for now!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member

    bump-lol I belong in this group:-)
  • bexyh11
    I am a 22 year old girl! I feel your pain - My friday/saturday binges make me feel so guilty..Although I tend to skip meals and try and drink vodka/water and crystal light..each shot of vodka is about 60 calories still..ay yi yi
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Cherry flavored rum and sugar free cherry drink....the packaged kind you add to water!! But I do love a few Molsons!!!! See we are HUMAN!!!! CRAP!!! HAHA
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Anyone here read this post?

    It really helped motivate me to STOP.
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    Yes, almost every weekend!
  • SeanIsMyHomeboy
    SeanIsMyHomeboy Posts: 107 Member
    As a musician, I'm constantly around the party scene. And smoking. And other substances.

    Also eating poorly because you're traveling.

    I felt that I had to change my other habits to start losing weight.

    So i quit drinking and smoking.

    And I noticed weight dropped much easier, much faster, and I feel a lot better.