Am I wrong?



  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    This is a little cynical. Why bash a day that most people really genuinely enjoy and love. Like Thanksgiving. Even if you don't like how corporate America destroys and abuses most things, (from personal experience) most families really do get meaning out of the holiday and take it to heart. I get tired of the anti Christmas attitude. It's about tradition. But if you are tired of the corporate part of it I so get it. There are people dying out there and because of the selfishness of the group for no religion. Children in Africa ( being supported by Operation Christmas Child) might not get presents this year. Really sad when politics get in the way of giving.:frown:
    I fail to see any bashing in the OP's post.
    This was in general.But also the opening statement allured to Christmass only beeing about the presents and money and basically greed. Allot of people including on here are anti this and anti that and allot of people just hate Christmass and it gets old. I happen to love it and if someone doesn't I'm not going to force it down their throught. In a sense all of this anti Christmass stuff is an attempt to controll people. You can't say this you can't do that. The opening statement wasn't exactly understood if they were not against christmas, but just the ideals of all the greedyness. If you don't like then that's fine but let me choose what I wan't to do VS forcing an agenda on me. And again in general not stated at you personally.
  • Midnightsun04
    I have struggled with this for several years and now I take my children on holiday for Christmas. They get a small gift each, but we always try to have an adventure on Christmas day- like going on a boat trip, or swimming in the sea (not possible in the UK at that time of year) . We are going to Morocco this year. We also sponsor a child at We are so fortunate, most of us on here because we have eaten too much food, while millions of people in the world struggle to get enough. I think Christmas is a good time to give something back.

    Fantastic! I'm going to keep this in mind for an idea to mention to my family for next year! Thank you :)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I was raised in a muslim home and my hubby a hindu home so we don't celebrate, or buy in to the hype of shopping for gifts. For birthdays we always got a piece of cake and some chocolates to pass to our friends and class mates. You shouldn't have to spend all that money to show others you love them.
    Treat them nicely every day and that shows that you love them.