Belly Fat!!!



  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    So I have been using MFP for almost a month now, and I am very motivated and have been loving keeping track of my calories (which I have NEVER been a calorie counter). I can feel my arms getting tighter and my legs for sure, but I am NOT losing inches around my waist. I hate doing crunches, and I run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 3 days a week ( + 3 days elliptical)..... any advice?? Should I be seeing results by now??

    If you want to lose inches off your waist, try incorporating Tae Bo Insane Abs into your routine. You will see a difference.

    This is false information.

    Losing inches off your waist is about diet, not the type of exercise you implement.

    My information is not false. I don't diet. I don't believe in diets. I eat anything that I want. I don't deprive myself of anything that I like and doing Tae Bo, I have lost inches. I've started a 30 Day Tae Bo program that I have created in October and finished in November. In 27 days, I've lost 5 inches and 2 of those inches came from my waist, so don't tell me that my information is false.

    You can only speak for your own body. I always speak from my own experience. Hatred is a bad boy.

    You have lost inches because you ended up eating a calorie deficit after doing your Tae Bo.

    If you were to eat a surplus (even after your Tae Bo), then you would not lose weight and/or lose inches. You would gain.

    The system works. It's not a matter of "what works for you doesn't work for me".

    Calorie deficit under your TDEE = Lose weight and inches
    Calorie surplus over your TDEE = Gain weight and inches
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    #1 rule of weight loss. You cannot spot reduce fat.

    #2 rule of weight loss.... We always lose last from the place we want it gone most. Mother Nature is cruel that way.

    Just think of it as a reward for long term commitment to being healthy. :wink:
    Tell me if you can eat like that and look like that when you are 60. No surgery. Well, you have no kids that mught help the belly fat.

    I'll let you know in 21 years. :flowerforyou:
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    What they have said, however, is that - based on medical/scientific studies and their own personal success - there is no magic formula to getting your dream body. You can't pop a pill and magically have a perfect body. You can't do one form of exercise and magically lose weight where you want and how you want.
    Rather than taking offense every time someone disagrees with you, why not just accept that they are every bit as free to express their opinion as you are yours?
    You suggested Tae Bo, others suggested other things. Not the end of the world.

    If you have really been paying attention to my posts, you would have noticed that I have never told anyone that there is a magic fix. I know there isn't one. My haters will always find something wrong with anything that I say.
    (Also, just for the record, I have never done Tae Bo and reduced my waistline by more than 18" although I am sure that if I had incorporated Tae Bo along with all of the Zumba, Yoga, Walking, Swimming, and miscellaneous strength and other cardio, it probably would have contributed to that loss)

    Good, you have never did Tae Bo. But, don't try to make it seems as if something is wrong with me suggesting Tae Bo to anyone.

    I will forever suggest Tae Bo to anyone that's looking for a workout to do. A person can always ignore me, so they don't have to see my suggestion.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Tell me if you can eat like that and look like that when you are 60. No surgery. Well, you have no kids that mught help the belly fat.

    That was actually quite rude.

    I have a child and I have a flat stomach even though I still have a way to go before reaching my goal. Genetics has blessed me with a tiny waist and thunder thighs.

    People "eat like that" because they work their muscles hard and their mucles need to be fed. More muscles = higher metabolism = more food. If you like to eat - grow your muscles.

    What she's doing is entirely sustainable. This woman is 74 and I guarantee she's not on the 1,200 calorie a day plan.


    I big puffy heart this picture so much!!

    It's been beaten with a dead horse but you can't spot reduce. Add strength training and eat a clean diet. Sadly most people don't want to hear that, but it's true! Planks are awesome too :)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Tell me if you can eat like that and look like that when you are 60. No surgery. Well, you have no kids that mught help the belly fat.

    That was actually quite rude.

    I have a child and I have a flat stomach even though I still have a way to go before reaching my goal. Genetics has blessed me with a tiny waist and thunder thighs.

    People "eat like that" because they work their muscles hard and their mucles need to be fed. More muscles = higher metabolism = more food. If you like to eat - grow your muscles.

    What she's doing is entirely sustainable. This woman is 74 and I guarantee she's not on the 1,200 calorie a day plan.


    I heart this
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You have lost inches because you ended up eating a calorie deficit after doing your Tae Bo.

    If you were to eat a surplus (even after your Tae Bo), then you would not lose weight and/or lose inches. You would gain.

    The system works. It's not a matter of "what works for you doesn't work for me".

    Calorie deficit under your TDEE = Lose weight and inches
    Calorie surplus over your TDEE = Gain weight and inches

    Please don't try to speak for my body. I know how I eat.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Through following The Biggest Loser, I have found that lots of cardio is what hits the fatty areas the best. i have found this to be personally true. I have lost over 21" over my whole body and only 30 pounds.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Locking this thread temporarily while I moderate it. Please check back in a bit if you have something constructive to add.

    MyFitnessPal Staff

    UPDATE: Even after moderation, I'm going to leave this thread locked.

    Folks, there's a place for debating the advice offered on the boards. Strenuous debate leads to better, clearer information, every time.

    But there is NO PLACE for making it personal, and I'm speaking to both sides. If you feel the need to refute a statement, do that. And please stop there. If you can't validate your side of an argument without taking shots at the individual whose post you're refuting, then leave the response to others who can.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.