work out then STARVING AFTER! Help?



  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member
    The "I'm hungry" feeling is often our body actually telling us we need water. Try drinking more when you work out. When I feel hungry, I often drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes. That gives me a chance to either satisfy the "hunger" with water, or realize that maybe I wasn't really hungry after all.

    ive never tried this.... but will for sure tonight after my work out! thanks so much!
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    If I haven't had heavy meal couple of hours before exercise and feel a little rising hunger coming, I take immediately a snack bar weather it's just before or during exercise and munch it down with loads of water. It will keep my hunger away or at least in control until i get a proper meal after training.

    And who says it has to be non-caloric drink during exercise? I use sometimes diluted Ribena which also keeps starving mode away. Half a liter of it takes 215 cals but it doesn't matter if you still have enough calories for that AND proper dinner after. I like to eat all my training calories too. :-)
  • Shredded2011
    Yeah I get it too!!! Ha LOL
  • Shredded2011
    maybe have a coffee and lots of water?/
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Some additional factors that can affect this.

    Do you go into the workouts with an insulin spike, meaning you just ate some heavy carbs.

    Since fat storage mode is on, carbs will be used first for your workout.

    Now, if intense and non-aerobic, it was going to be this anyway, but if aerobic workout, may be depleting those limited glucose stores because little fat was used in the energy supply.
    Empty stores, hungry.

    Now, do you eat heavy carbs after to replace those? Probably not, probably would just leave you hungry in another hour. And by turning on fat storage again, just killed any post workout fat burn because of increased metabolism that might occur for a bit.

    Better to enter the workout in better state, balanced snack as mentioned, not high carb. See if just as hungry afterwards.
    If still some hunger, then all the great suggestions of protein bar/shake following.